Cavaliers V Magic GAME SIX Thread Vol: Do or die AGAIN

LOL last game was "Lebrons best game ever" and I can't remember ONE single highlight from that game.

Geezus he has the be the dullest basketball player of all time.
Originally Posted by tomislav

LOL last game was "Lebrons best game ever" and I can't remember ONE single highlight from that game.

Geezus he has the be the dullest basketball player of all time.

I think the Pistons Game 5 > Thursdays Game 5.
Originally Posted by tomislav

LOL last game was "Lebrons best game ever" and I can't remember ONE single highlight from that game.

Geezus he has the be the dullest basketball player of all time.

Huh, you didn't see all those hits. LeBron is a beast on the football field.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMs

I think the Pistons Game 5 > Thursdays Game 5.

There are 2 blatant traveling violations on NBA's own highlight reel of that game. In 30 fukkin seconds.

I always laugh at that.
Originally Posted by tomislav

LOL last game was "Lebrons best game ever" and I can't remember ONE single highlight from that game.

Geezus he has the be the dullest basketball player of all time.

D. Fish was good when he was young...not great...big difference...and u didn't object to my statement of him being outplayed so I guess u agree
Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

D. Fish was good when he was young...not great...big difference...and u didn't object to my statement of him being outplayed so I guess u agree

seriously your whole statement is null & voided, dfish has been feces this playoffs and mo williams hasnt been anything close to consistent. so theyve bothbeen bums during the playoffs this yr.
I hope Dwight had his orders of fries, quarter-pounders, and strawberry shake today
I hate that call.
The offensive player can bang his way into the paint
but once the defensive player touches him its a foul
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