~~~~| Celebrities Rockin Heat (Fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. IV | ~~~~

Damn, what happened? Foxy went deaf and Kim went full on Vybz Karte/ Sammy Sossa. Hope Remy catches fire off the all the way up. She's always been nice on the mic. 

She makes herself look like that with all that makeup. This was from a few weeks ago on Twitter.

I'm still clapping.

When youre like 14 and the Internet doesn't exist you'll smack off to anything
     I'm from new orleans and i def remember this album cover........ couldnt name 1 song tho. No Limits run while i was in high school was dominant. new album ery week
:lol:      I'm from new orleans and i def remember this album cover........ couldnt name 1 song tho. No Limits run while i was in high school was dominant. new album ery week

:lol: man this the one NL cd I didn't have. Had the full page ad I ripped out the source tho :smokin
man this the one NL cd I didn't have. Had the full page ad I ripped out the source tho

Man this is funny as hell we really in this thread reminiscing on fapping material from childhood
Red Shoe Diaries with dude from the X files while the parentals where sleeping   > 
Come at me bros
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When did the Internet pop off? Like 98-99? I remember that Pam Anderson joint was like the first internet sex tape ever
I watched a little of that **** with my girl last night. Kim was forgetting lyrics too. She looks so ****** crazy, **** is legit sad how bad she looks now. Used to pound off to her all the time as a kid. SMH

I took it as her trying to edit her song on the fly

I really don't know, I told my girl she could have been doing that on purpose but either way, it looked awful

Use to be wild and try to see through the scrambled stations on the cable box.

Been there before. Rough times.

I used to beat myself numb to this album cover tho
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Yo, I swear to you. I downloaded this CD for the hell of it a few weeks ago and it has some joints. Her rapping/singing actually sounds good. Her bending over was dope but the big pic of her face in the back made her look like a big *****. Never understood why they did that to her. Then when I saw the video, I was obsessed with her album cover. P had a dope flow on this joint too.

I beat it to both of Kim's early CDs. Her 3rd CD was even better material but by then porn was more accessible so it wasn't necessary. Her second album, ****. Bought that album just to beat it to the booklet. Album was tough though. Think I pounded it to that Janet album when she's topless too.
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