^they got their love lockdown???

Originally Posted by BlackChiney06

To the dude asking about Drake's shirt. It's a white dress shirt from the Commes des Garcons Play line.
Someone mentioned it earlier but thanks again. I'm trying to find where they sell this stuff in NYC, is it pricey?
Originally Posted by Air Murphy 23

Originally Posted by JMKickz

smh.... why is kanye rocking a razr?
someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think they're one of the only phones that works world-wide.
there are plenty of worldwide phones.
a more popular choice is a gsm blackberry(data is almost international as well) but w/e... its his choice maybe he likes the phone?
you don't always need the latest thing out.
Originally Posted by VIIheaven

Originally Posted by BlackChiney06

To the dude asking about Drake's shirt. It's a white dress shirt from the Commes des Garcons Play line.
Someone mentioned it earlier but thanks again. I'm trying to find where they sell this stuff in NYC, is it pricey?

you can cop it at Barney's or a Barney's Co-op and yes it is muchoooooo pricey

Nom De Guerre in Noho carries the Commes Des Garcons Play line although I'm not sure what they have in stock right now. The shirt is EXTREMELY pricey andif you are going to venture to Nom De Guerre I would recommend just getting one of their shirts instead. You'll save $$$ and still get a great shirt.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by JMKickz

smh.... why is kanye rocking a razr?

Actually, RAZR's are still one of the most user-friendly phones around..

...probably for ease of mind.

i'm pretty sure that's an old picture of kanye already
Originally Posted by jepeh21

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by JMKickz

smh.... why is kanye rocking a razr?

Actually, RAZR's are still one of the most user-friendly phones around..

...probably for ease of mind.

i'm pretty sure that's an old picture of kanye already
it is.....that pic is from right around when the Aquas dropped. Not sure if before or after they dropped though.
Originally Posted by s dubl

Originally Posted by jepeh21

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by JMKickz

smh.... why is kanye rocking a razr?

Actually, RAZR's are still one of the most user-friendly phones around..

...probably for ease of mind.

i'm pretty sure that's an old picture of kanye already
it is.....that pic is from right around when the Aquas dropped. Not sure if before or after they dropped though.

youre right... you dont always need the latest thing that comes out, but this isnt me or you... its an international celebrity. And as for the date of thepic.... the aquas dropped last september... I know the majority of NT isnt flossing that phone, and we arent kanye. Just an observation
that love locked down comment was hilarious...LOL! and i think him and his homies got their special edition razor phones from Oprah...they were part of theinspi(red) series or something...i remember seeing it on ibn jasper's blog.....
Originally Posted by jvhoop22


Nom De Guerre in Noho carries the Commes Des Garcons Play line although I'm not sure what they have in stock right now. The shirt is EXTREMELY pricey and if you are going to venture to Nom De Guerre I would recommend just getting one of their shirts instead. You'll save $$$ and still get a great shirt.
Thanks for the info, I haven't been to NDG in years! I remember when they used to carry some nice sneakers
. Another question if you could help actually, their signature Play t-shirt withthe heart-face (that Kanye is wearing on another page actually) is that also expensive? I saw it on eBay for like $25 + shipping but according to Comme DeGarcons website, its WAY more. I take it that eBay is flooded with CDG fakes?
Wow we are getting so critical of celebs that since we cant find anything else to bash we talk about there phones.

Thats sad people. If the man likes his razor well, let him rock it. Didnt know you had to have your phone game up to be a celeb
Originally Posted by jwdanklefs

Originally Posted by Rafool

Originally Posted by jwdanklefs

Originally Posted by you big dummy


Are those 6 ring heals???? Hrrrmmm, they look better than the the actual 6 rings....
That was me just stating that 6 rings and all these other Jordans coming out lately are complete garbage!!!!!! lol So what year was this pic from???

MJ's last all-star game ever

I considered these heat when I first saw them, hell I'd still consider them heat

celebrity? heat? you call it
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