Chad Johnson gets 30 days in jail for slapping his lawyers butt

For those saying the Judge was petty, I read the article before seeing it on here, and she said that this isn't the first time he acted like this in front of her. He's a dumbass. You think any Judge is going to tolerate this from a 35 year old man. He needs to understand this was not a time for play. Is it so hard for a fully grown man to understand that?
Again, although it was harmless, it was not respectful of the court and it showed no class.

Chad got the reaction he was looking for even if he says he wasn't. He did it to be funny, period. He's a GD liar if he says anything otherwise.

I sure hope some of you never get into serious trouble. You're DOOMED.
Hate to play the gender card, but this seriously only happened because its a female at the throne of that courtroom, a male judge would have laughed it off or at the most reprehend him, but not throw dude in jail for a month, she used this incident to establish the length of her power, very typical of any female in power who's had a chip on their shoulder their whole lives, proving to everyone day by day that they can make it and be better at a job dominated by males, werd to female police officers.
Like someone said above this can not be the first time something like this happened, he had to have done other things in the past in her presence. But many think that what she did is petty and whatnot I agree. But, if she lets that slide you have to look at it from her end: she will be known as an easy judge who can not maintain a courtroom, and once something like that gets out all of her years of schooling and her career will go down the drain for letting a "star athlete" get away with that.....

-maybe if people in the crowd did not laugh he could have gotten away with it, but who knows...
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Hate to play the gender card, but this seriously only happened because its a female at the throne of that courtroom, a male judge would have laughed it off or at the most reprehend him, but not throw dude in jail for a month, she used this incident to establish the length of her power, very typical of any female in power who's had a chip on their shoulder their whole lives, proving to everyone day by day that they can make it and be better at a job dominated by males, werd to female police officers.

Previous factors that lead to her decision:

-Already on probation
-She already had him in her court room and he has already acted like this, she got tired of his

If a cop stops you and writes you a ticket, would you joke with him or do anything to give him further reason to arrest you? I think not. It has nothing to do with her gender, that time of the month, or any other immature remark. You have to respect the Judge and courtroom, like it or not for the time being.
Can this be overturned? Judges need to make judgements on the matters that got them there. Making things personal should not grant these higher ups to do as they please... It's crazy how much power they possess. She needs to lose her credentials
Hate to play the gender card, but this seriously only happened because its a female at the throne of that courtroom, a male judge would have laughed it off or at the most reprehend him, but not throw dude in jail for a month, she used this incident to establish the length of her power, very typical of any female in power who's had a chip on their shoulder their whole lives, proving to everyone day by day that they can make it and be better at a job dominated by males, werd to female police officers.
Previous factors that lead to her decision:

-Already on probation
-She already had him in her court room and he has already acted like this, she got tired of his

If a cop stops you and writes you a ticket, would you joke with him or do anything to give him further reason to arrest you? I think not. It has nothing to do with her gender, that time of the month, or any other immature remark. You have to respect the Judge and courtroom, like it or not for the time being.
in the video, the smack didn't even look playful, it was just an acknowledgement, he wasn't smirking or anything just a light tap

she got upset because the court started giggling like children.  I don't see how that was such an affront to her authority
So he did nothing wrong. It's all the judges fault for being mean and being a female. Also because he's an athlete and young. Lets blame everything but the real reasons and facts. Sounds legit.....
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^^ I'll take a look at the video when I get home, I haven't seen it as of yet.
Only in jail because of the gender of the judge makes me sick. She's letting everyone reaction decide his fate? Some of yall are blind. There was nothing excessive or out of the ordinary.

A good job, a thank you gesture. Jesus christ. It was the most subtle thing on the planet. People like her should not be in power
He received jail time for congratulating his lawyer by doing something he's used to doing that is common in professional sports. Coaches and players still do it without gloating. If this dude got up on a desk and started doing the cabbage patch, maybe, but it's a little ridiculous.

In hindsight, he should of never headbutt Evelyn. Or even get involved with Evelyn in the first place, but it seems like a ridiculous thing to hand out jail time for.
Just seen the video...

:stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: at the judge for that.

I was thinking homey was jumping up and down hype ....

Would it have been any different if he gave him a pound or a hug?
For those saying the Judge was petty, I read the article before seeing it on here, and she said that this isn't the first time he acted like this in front of her. He's a dumbass. You think any Judge is going to tolerate this from a 35 year old man. He needs to understand this was not a time for play. Is it so hard for a fully grown man to understand that?
I would agree with you, but she doesn't mention his previous antics in the video.  She clearly states that the reason she's rejecting his plea is because everyone laughed in the courtroom.  If she would've said that she's tired of the way he's been acting in the courtroom or she's warned him about being disrespectful then I wouldn't have a problem with her sentencing, but she didn't.

In my opinion, the judge shouldn't have even went on about how good of a lawyer he is and that Chad should thank him.  Why not just end the case and keep it professional?  The judge was obviously on a power-trip and I'm pulling the race and gender card.  I'm not even black, so don't try to say what if the judge was black and Chad was white.  I hope the judge loses her job, I doubt she will, but karma will get her *** anyway
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:stoneface: Wow.. that judge is embarassing. I'm glad there's video of that for everyone to see.

I bet you she already had a bias against him because he was there for a domestic violence charge and not something like drunk driving. Probably thinking in her head "Eff this woman-beating monkey n***er"

She treating him like he's her child or something. "Oh is something funny? You're grounded another 2 weeks young man!"

We got women PMSing on the stand now.. smh :smh:
hes in jail because of the headbutt to evelyn and the violation of his probation
repeatedly acting inappropriately in court and tapping his attorneys butt only had his plea deal rejected
dont know whats so hard to understand. if you are failing and the professor offers you extra credit and you didnt do it, then thats on you.
What else did he do that was "inappropriate" in the court. I keep hearing mention of this but no specific incidents from previous court appearances.
wow i was expecting it to be much more excessive.  she didnt even catch it at first she was just mad everyone was laughing,  his lawyer is probably pissed at him though lol
Man that judge did not like him from the jump simple as that. I mean if I beat a case I can't show no sign of happiness I've seen people kiss their lawyers whats the big deal
judge said you should thank your lawyer for what he has done for you chad......chad turns to thank his lawyer and a butt slap. I dont think chad knew he was going to get that reaction from the crowd. Some of yall are making it seem bigger then what it actually is.

Also in hindsight he could have been trying to be a smart *** but still dont believe he was looking to entertain the crowd.
hes in jail because of the headbutt to evelyn and the violation of his probation
repeatedly acting inappropriately in court and tapping his attorneys butt only had his plea deal rejected
dont know whats so hard to understand. if you are failing and the professor offers you extra credit and you didnt do it, then thats on you.
So if you were the judge you would have done the same thing she did?
Man that judge did not like him from the jump simple as that. I mean if I beat a case I can't show no sign of happiness I've seen people kiss their lawyers whats the big deal
You can't wait 5 mins? Really? You'd rather out on a show?
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