Chappelle's Show is 10 years old...

"Silky's ******* look like a bag of skittles!"

"I'd talk about your ******* but it looks like you ate them"

RIP Patrice Oneal
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This revelation just made me feel EXTREMELY old.  I was 17 on the boarder of 18 in freshman year of college when this show really started to heat up.  Hell, I remember the t.v. commercial hyping it up in late 2002, with Chappelle making fun of the girl break dancing in the Volkswagnn commercial parody.  Still some of the best laughs I've ever had were with this show.  An instant classic, and one of the all-time greats.
Dave ChappelIe will always be highly highly appreciated :smokin I feel like Dave is iconic as a comedian because he introduced jokes that aren't politically correct allowing the general public to not only be okay with it, but to find it hilarious. This is huge because I think it honestly brought people of different races together. I've always thought the idea of cussing and slurs were stupid. Like how can a noise you make be considered bad. Really though its only as bad as you make it out to be. What Chapelle did was make light of it all by turning our differences in race and stereotypes into something funny and that's how it should be. In order for this to happen it needed to be someone black and thankfully it was him cause he was that damn good. Only he could take away the negativity behind the N word allowing everyone to find it funny while letting us forget its tiring abuse by all races. The Black White Supremacist, The Racial Draft, Trading Spouses :lol: the list is endless.

Because of him we can finally laugh at the negativity and past mishaps in our society socially which was needed more than anything. The racism, sexism, stereotyping ect... He pretty much created the stepping stones for Daniel Tosh to be as succesful as he is with how much he focuses on racism, sexism, and stereotyping as well. I think he even takes it a step further than Dave, especially with homophobia. He's pretty much nailing that one on the head by having the whole world confused as to whether or not he's gay when he's more than likely not.
I forgot that I made this thread. 
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