cheapest things uve seen others do

When I was growing up, my parents would take us to a public park/river/swimmin' hole type of thing. Adults were 7 dollars and any kid under 12 was 5 dollars so I was "12" up until I was 14 and a half. I'm pretty sure once he actually made us hide in the back of the SUV so just my brother got charged but I'm not too sure.

I also remember a story a coworker told me. She was taking her little nephew to the METRO station so he could ride back home. She thought that younger kids rode for cheaper so she told him to say he was under 13. Turns out in her town, the younger kids riding alone have to pay more (for whatever reason). Immediately, she started back tracking saying "no, no he's actually 14! Quick, tell him your birthday!". He says his birthday and she says to the bus driver "See, he is 14! He's not that smart to come up with it off the top of his head!". :rofl:
Damn yall talking bad about indians like crazy..
I would go n roast but... these discussions end badly
It was only a few years back but my best guess is that he came in wearing one of those North Face style puffy jackets. TBH the way drinking establishments go completely overboard overcharging for drinks I'm not sure I even regard it as "cheap". 
My co-worker is probably one of the cheapest mf'rs I've met. She never brings any lunch to work. She gives everyone the excuse that "oh you know I'm trying to lose weight blah blah" when in fact, she eats off other peoples plates like the vulture that she is. While everyone's eating, she sits there breathing heavy, salivating.. praying to god that someone doesn't finish so they can offer her leftovers. One time I lost my appetite for whatever reason and she saw that I was going to throw away my sandwich. She goes "Wait, are you going to finish that?" I slammed that joint in the trash.
Me and my boys would hit up the drive in theater and watch a couple movies while we smash a 30 pack...

Some of my boys didn't want to pay the $7 entrance fee so they would hide in the trunk :lol: :smh:

we would stuff like 3 of them back there and proceed to drive over every pothole and bumps :lol:
Me and my boys would hit up the drive in theater and watch a couple movies while we smash a 30 pack...

Some of my boys didn't want to pay the $7 entrance fee so they would hide in the trunk

we would stuff like 3 of them back there and proceed to drive over every pothole and bumps
If I was driving I'd make atleast them pay some money for gas.
Sneaking a steel reserve into a bar though... :lol:

One could only wish. The other day I spent $40 on 4 drinks at the bar. Luckily I drank a steel before hand so I was feeling right. I wish I could sneak in two steels($5.65) but I dont have the chutzpah.
I love my best friend dearly, but he's easily the cheapest person I know.  A few years back I visited him while he was up at college and stayed at his apartment for a few days.  He had a pitcher of Crystal Light pink lemonade that we were mixing with the handle of gin that I had brought up for the weekend.  The time came for me to pour another glass and I see that there's virtually nothing in the pitcher (about 1-2 fl oz, maybe less), so I dump it and make a new batch.  Dude looks at me like he just saw a ghost and just starts going off on me asking me why I would do such a thing.  I reached into my wallet, pulled out a penny, put it on the table and told him "this one's on the house."

A few months back we were about to go out to a bar (one with no cover charge, naturally) but I stopped off at 7-11 to get a Snickers bar just so I could have something in my stomach before I started drinking. I started eating it as I was being rung up and had finished most of it by the time we were out the door.  By the time we reached my car there was 1 tiny piece left.  I decided I was over it, so I threw it in the garbage can by the curb and once again his head was ready to spin.  He couldn't handle the fact that I threw out the very end of the Snickers bar and kept questioning me as to why I did it.  Dude was seriously upset that I let a 1/2 inch worth of a Snickers bar go to waste.

As for me, the cheapest thing I'll do is stuff my pockets with those $1 mini liquor bottles before going into a bar if I'm looking to get especially drunk that night, then I'll sneak off to the bathroom stall and intermittently take shots.
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My co-worker is probably one of the cheapest mf'rs I've met. She never brings any lunch to work. She gives everyone the excuse that "oh you know I'm trying to lose weight blah blah" when in fact, she eats off other peoples plates like the vulture that she is. While everyone's eating, she sits there breathing heavy, salivating.. praying to god that someone doesn't finish so they can offer her leftovers. One time I lost my appetite for whatever reason and she saw that I was going to throw away my sandwich. She goes "Wait, are you going to finish that?" I slammed that joint in the trash.

You hard now bruh? 

ive walked close enough behind someone before the automated gates on the metro close so i dint get charged. done it a few timies 
What the ****.
This is taking it WAYYY to far
I hate people like this with a passion.
Like its ok to save money but feeding your friends garbage food ? Die *****.
These muh's are shameless, to the point where it is unsanitary and shameless. I understand they are trying to be frugal, but it is possible to be gluttonous with with you savings too. I stopped watching after the asian lady said she hadn't bought draws in 15 years.
one of the cheapest things ive seen someone doing is buy a book at barnes and nobles, read it carefully and then return it once finished with the book.
This isn't the family I was talking about. But was still a pretty good episode about a lady in NYC, she feeds her friends food from the dumpster.

I almost threw up watching that. That .com crash has her messed up in the head smh
My co-worker is probably one of the cheapest mf'rs I've met. She never brings any lunch to work. She gives everyone the excuse that "oh you know I'm trying to lose weight blah blah" when in fact, she eats off other peoples plates like the vulture that she is.

While everyone's eating, she sits there breathing heavy, salivating.. praying to god that someone doesn't finish so they can offer her leftovers. One time I lost my appetite for whatever reason and she saw that I was going to throw away my sandwich.

She goes "Wait, are you going to finish that?" I slammed that joint in the trash.
:lol: :lol:
I ran to my car today and jumped a fence to keep the timer from going to the 30 minute I wouldn't have to pay 3 bucks.
So we have a Gym here at work, and inside the gym there is another room with glass walls all around and wood floor.

They hold exercise classes in this room that you normally have to pay for.

Well this dude that works here in the building decided he is not going to pay for the class and instead follow the instructors workout plan from the outside :smh:

He literally shows up to every class and does his workout from the outside .

Sounds exactly like this movie.

Not a super cheap story but it was a defining moment of a friendship when this happened.

4 of us went for a light lunch after golf during our college days, we ordered the exact same stuff and two of us decided to order an appetitiser to share in which I thought we all ate. The bill comes and naturally we'll naturally divide it by 4. One friend of ours, whom we already know is cheap, decides to put his share right away on the pile.

"Guys, I only ate my lunch, I didn't touch the appetitiser, here's 5 bucks"

So instead of everyone literally paying $5.25, the three of us had to scramble for more money and end up with a whole bunch of change in our pockets afterwards. It really isn't a huge deal, but it was just one of those moments. And we already picked a cheap place to eat with this guy in mind already.
You can't be mad about that unless he said he would eat the appetizer and didn't.  My friends tried to pull that ****, but when the waitress came I told her to split the check and told her what I'm paying for because I told them beforehand I wasn't that hungry and didn't want any appetizers...
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