Chernobyl (HBO miniseries) - EP5 finale 'Vichnaya Pamyat' out now

Even though I'd maybe like to go I think it's possibly a bad idea cause there's still radiation. Maybe not harmful levels but still, why risk it?
Even though I'd maybe like to go I think it's possibly a bad idea cause there's still radiation. Maybe not harmful levels but still, why risk it?
Image result for life's a risk gif
Ironically this now feels like how we handled the Covid crisis.

There are definitely parallels. it was a tragedy but everything we know about radiation safety come from data compiled from Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl. So some good came out of it.
salty I bought they blu-ray and now it's on UHD. It really pisses me off when studios do this, just release both versions on the same day.
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