Chicago Bulls Season Thread 35-33 -- vs kings 3.21/3.23 vs knicks/3.24 knicks

Nah fam, they wanted someone who doesn't play any D, so Pau's cherry pickin' *** fits the bill perfectly
 Got me

Not necessarily Abe,

Remember that with trades you have to make them match salaries...well relatively.
Pau is making 7.4 this year
Taj is making 8.5 this year
Noah is making 13.4 this year
Niko is making 5.5 this year

Rudy is making 12.4 this is his first year in a 3 year 40M extension.
Trading an expiring contract like Noah/Pau is good for the Kings as it frees them up from the remainder f the contract.

The question that stand is, do the King believe they are contenders in the West and with Niko, they can play the type of system they want.. 

Unless they were looking to be players in the off season, then I see your side definitely!
:rofl: :rofl:

JO prob put hands on him after stealing his starting spot and playing like a {|}

Pau needed a couple of days to recover....first guy to be put on the injured list for -Hurt Feelings-
Jimmy gonna earn that "put the team on my back doe" award.

Mirotic, 0-8! Pathetic!

Yet Fred refuses to sit him. Hopefully Niko snaps out of it. Worst thing that happened to him was Fred putting him in as a starter...messed with his psyche.

We werent loyal to Thibs and this is the result of the disloyalty.

C'mon Tom, you're better than that.
I'm tired of this Thibs talk. I'm not a big fan of Fred at the moment but it was clearly Thibs time to go.
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C'mon Tom, you're better than that.
I'm tired of this Thibs talk. I'm not a big fan of Fred at the moment but it was clearly Thibs time to go.
Honestly, I was mad about Thibs when I found out abou thte Doug Collins sit down. However, he would've had this team winning more games. Cat's aren't playing any defense and Hoidberg is pissing me off. I also don't approve of what they are doing to Noah.
Yeah they doing Noah dirty. Some games he seems washed and other games it's the ol' DPOY.
I wouldn't put it past Gar/Pax to tell Fred to limit Noah just to keep his value down just to resign him on the low :lol:

I see some disturbing similarities between the Bulls/Bears.
Both franchises had long standing coaching tenures with Thibs and Lovie (who were both defense specialist).
Only to turn the keys over to a rookie coach (who both are acclaimed offensive gurus).
Only to watch the locker rooms become divided and the team literally fall apart.

I just hope it's the pessimist in me talking like this.
I knew by halftime that the only way Bulls were going to win is if Butler goes off in the 2nd half. Just glad they won at this point.
I can't believe we had to go in overtime with the f'ing sixers of all teams. Atleast Jimmy keeps showing out.
strong win tonight. I was sick when City told me about the 20+ deficit in the first half. I got to my parents' house just in time to see the sixers tie it up and send to OT. Everybody wants to talk about everyone as MVP, but no one seems to give Jimmy credit for keeping this team moving along. It's disrespectful that he isn't in the running to start in the ASG.

I hope they get a lot of rest and that Rose and Pau are ready to carry the team tomorrow. I'll be in the building. The gotta give DAL that L. and please no more losing streaks.
Honestly we need Jo for the playoffs (if we don't trade him), he needs to change his mindset and embrace the fact he's not playing 35+MPG anymore. We don't need him worn down and hobbling on one leg come April/May, we've seen that too many times.

Fred just has to do a better job with his substitutions and rotations.

Thank goodness Jimmy put the cape on last night, that would've been a terrible loss :smh:
Hate to say it but if we see the same Bulls after the All-Star break, we are a first round exit from the playoffs. Even though Thibs overplayed guys at times when he shouldn't have, he had this team one of the most feared D's in the league. I knew the change was going to be different once he was canned but I thought they would have at least held those values of tough defense and added values of a better offense, my mistake.
Niko is good, but I don't think how we play caters to his game. I feel like he needs more touches. He should come off the bench and lead the second unit in terms of scoring and touches. Doug also needs more touches and should come off the bench and play alongside Niko. I feel like he could put up numbers if given the chance instead of just leaving him as a spot up shooter.
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I think Niko needs to be in a stretch 4 position and we're really playing him like that. Give him that Dirk, Bosh, Ibaka roam let him get comfortable.

2nd unit hasn't been great in at least 2 seasons and it's been shown time and time again. Once the second unit is in, the guards don't facilitate and it's just a free for all w/ no structure. That can't happen in order to have a long, prosperous season.
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