China School Knife Attack - Over 20 injured, including children


formerly gotholesinmysocks
Apr 11, 2008
"A knife-wielding man injured 22 children and one adult outside a primary school in central China as students were arriving for classes Friday, police said, the latest in a series of periodic rampage attacks at Chinese schools and kindergartens.

The attack in the Henan province village of Chengping happened shortly before 8 a.m., said a police officer from Guangshan county, where the village is located."

The facts:

At around 7:40am, a man attacked a group of people outside of the Chenpeng Village’s Wanquan Elementary School with a knife.

Min Yingjun, 36, is in custody for the attack. He is said to be mentally ill.

22 children have been injured, a few are said to be in critical condition. No fatalities recorded.

1 adult was injured, said to be an elderly woman.

Didn't see it get posted, most likely because of the shooting in Connecticut.

WTH is going on man..... :smh:
 I'm not sure about humanity anymore, all we do is hurt each other.
I read this story on my phone earlier while at work and it hit hard. I have a nice amount of young family members in school and instantly thought of them. :smh:

Sad thing is, I would love to say I'm shock but look at the world in general. Look at history. People have been so vile and evil, acts of cowardliness like this is only a matter of time. I know the guy had mental issues but this is too much for me. Everything he did in a given day then takes his own life like some curtain call. :smh: :x

More gun laws wont stop people like this from doing evil. Its in them and they will find a way.
More gun laws wont stop people like this from doing evil. Its in them and they will find a way.

and I don't think this is a reflection of humanity, people need to stop with that nonsense.

what people do as groups might be, but this is a fraction of a percent.
It would have been 22 killed instead of injured if he had a gun

so spare me the gun laws won't stop evil manure
There goes the gun law argument


this just seems like too much too fast
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It's crazy to me yall need this stuff to be reported to realize what ppl are really capable of. All types of murders and heinous acts are happening this very moment. Be aware.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the families in China. No matter what, kids should not have to die. They deserve a long life.
It's crazy to me yall need this stuff to be reported to realize what ppl are really capable of. All types of murders and heinous acts are happening this very moment. Be aware.

Exactly this ain't new, people just can't turn their heads anymore and act like nothing happened.

This has been going on for decades, now it's hitting home all a sudden ?
Feels like more and more of this is happening all around the world, all at an alarming rate. From the U.S, to Norway, to China. May all who died RIP. 
Exactly this ain't new, people just can't turn their heads anymore and act like nothing happened.
This has been going on for decades, now it's hitting home all a sudden ?
i didnt want to mention or say that in the school shooting thread... but by the time the full story comes out... a city no pun etc.. like nyc will have the same amount of murders... innocent lives taken and it wont even be an after thought. Just a thought close to 400 murders/homicides of legal registered gun owners etc in nyc last year... and its so ok big deal... yet somewhere like a nebraska 20 ppl get killed all year but done in one day and all of a sudden we in panic mode, we have a serious problem and we enter into a state of emergency....

Its sad and pretty perplexing... we as a nation have innocent ppl stabbed in a subway in a robbery on a regular basis, folks getting shot killed in a robbery gone wrong daily, ppl dying to the hands of stabs/shots in domestic disputes etc... reported on news on a daily basis... yet ppl dont care and change the channel to watch the latest jersey shore episode or whats new with honey boo boo.. Then when something happens in a rural unknown non existng place... once in a blue moon ppl all of a sudden care... and think the world is a cruel place and we need to be more concerned....etc.

This is the reason why I constantly look over my shoulder and check my surroundings when I go out. Can't trust muhf***ers in this f***** up world. Used to be that if you minded your own business, you were good. Now? Doesn't matter... Crazy mf's messin this world all the way up. 
It would have been 22 killed instead of injured if he had a gun

so spare me the gun laws won't stop evil manure
Or, if someone in the vicinity had been carrying it would have been 1 person killed.

:rolleyes stop bruh just stop. The man did the wrong thing, he doesnt deserve to die. There are law enforcers with arms to handle the situation.
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"A knife-wielding man injured 22 children and one adult outside a primary school in central China as students were arriving for classes Friday, police said, the latest in a series of periodic rampage attacks at Chinese schools and kindergartens.
The attack in the Henan province village of Chengping happened shortly before 8 a.m., said a police officer from Guangshan county, where the village is located."
The facts:
At around 7:40am, a man attacked a group of people outside of the Chenpeng Village’s Wanquan Elementary School with a knife.
Min Yingjun, 36, is in custody for the attack. He is said to be mentally ill.
22 children have been injured, a few are said to be in critical condition. No fatalities recorded.
1 adult was injured, said to be an elderly woman.
Didn't see it get posted, most likely because of the shooting in Connecticut.
WTH is going on man..... :smh:

This is posted in the CT Thread but I believe this happened yesterday morning before the shooting. Just a bad coincidence both occurred in the same day

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