Chris Brown Wearing Velcro AJ1's

@ dudes jockin' on chris brown.

ugly kicks are ugly kicks... no matter who's rocking them.
tried them on the other day
looked straight ******ed on my feet
thought it was a funny/cool concept
brings back the childhood
My youngest son just asked me for shoes that he doesn't need to tie...........looks like these might be a winner.
I absolutely love these damn things. I'm old (30 yrs), so it's ok for me to wear them.
However, the price is way too steep to purchase. Brings back memories to kindergarten
when my teacher requested that the students wear laced shoes one day so we can
learn how to tie them. I brought my velcro Thundercat Shoes on that particular day!
i'd cop a pair for old age...when i'm like 80 and my nurse isn't there to help me tie my shoes. i can still rock jays at my convenience lol
those are lame, anything velcro should be a gs release. haha his bodyguard with the 8s has better heat on than him...
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