Chris Hayes (MSNBC) Spoofs how the media covers black news stories

The fact is Ninja you knew exactly what you were/have been doing in threads dealing with black people.

You know you posted this to derail this thread.

MSNBC :lol:

Too bad prison statistics & single black mothers

Dont reflect this spoof...

What do single black mothers and prison stats have to do with the spoof about media coverage?
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The fact is Ninja you knew exactly what you were/have been doing in threads dealing with black people.

You know you posted this to derail this thread.

MSNBC :lol:

Too bad prison statistics & single black mothers

Dont reflect this spoof...

What do single black mothers and prison stats have to do with the spoof about media coverage?

Posting with a purpose to derail? :lol: i got more

Important things to do with my time..problem these

Days is when certain NTers encounter a point that

Doesnt align with there they automatically consider

It "trolling".

Real life doesnt work like that, you gotta be able to

Defend you point and be open to scrutiny.

And as far as da content, CLEARLY for you to

Understand a spoof, you have to reference da source

Material, where social stats are being grappled with.
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The fact is Ninja you knew exactly what you were/have been doing in threads dealing with black people.

You know you posted this to derail this thread.

MSNBC :lol:

Too bad prison statistics & single black mothers

Dont reflect this spoof...

What do single black mothers and prison stats have to do with the spoof about media coverage?

Posting with a purpose to derail? :lol: i got more

Important things to do with my time..problem these

Days is when certain NTers encounter a point that

Doesnt align with there they automatically consider

It "trolling".

Real life doesnt work like that, you gotta be able to

Defend you point and be open to scrutiny.

Andvas far as da content, CLEARLY for you to

Understand a spoof, you have to reference da source

Material, where social stats are being grappled with.

If you have more important things to do with your time, why do you continue to post in threads about people (African Americans) you don't care about?

Serious question.
Since we are discussing things not related to the topic. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRESIDENT OBAMA. :smokin :D

Back to the topic:
It's an Ad Hominem used to deter the conversation. Segregated buses , Gallup and pew research polls have nothing to do with the video. Random facts have nothing to do with the video. Nielsen Ratings have nothing to do with the video. An argument isnt strengthened by facts which are not germane to said argument. The topic relates to how the media handles news stories involving blacks. Agree with the video or disagree with it.
The fact is Ninja you knew exactly what you were/have been doing in threads dealing with black people.

You know you posted this to derail this thread.

MSNBC :lol:

Too bad prison statistics & single black mothers

Dont reflect this spoof...

What do single black mothers and prison stats have to do with the spoof about media coverage?

Posting with a purpose to derail? :lol: i got more

Important things to do with my time..problem these

Days is when certain NTers encounter a point that

Doesnt align with there they automatically consider

It "trolling".

Real life doesnt work like that, you gotta be able to

Defend you point and be open to scrutiny.

Andvas far as da content, CLEARLY for you to

Understand a spoof, you have to reference da source

Material, where social stats are being grappled with.

If you have more important things to do with your time, why do you continue to post in threads about people (African Americans) you don't care about?

Serious question.

Da thread has to do with statics involving american

Demographic comparison which last time i checked

Didnt need membership in a particular group to


CLEARLY MSNBC is pandering to da group that

Isnt worried about solutions, they are worried about

Wasting airtime on spoofs... :lol:

Don Lemon from CNN (a African America) decided

Bill O'Reilly's talking points that this spoof is drawing

Its inspiration from doesnt go far enough with its

Criticism, what did he get for his troubles? Called a

Uncle tom sellout :lol:
Seriously though why are you always in threads dealing with African Americans not just this particular thread but others as well?

From your past posts in other threads its pretty clear you don't particularly care for black people, yet you always find the time out of your busy schedule to state your opinion.
Seriously though why are you always in threads dealing with African Americans not just this particular thread but others as well?

From your past posts in other threads its pretty clear you don't particularly care for black people, yet you always find the time out of your busy schedule to state your opinion.

Oh so being adamant about being labeled latino

= no care for black it. :lol:

Some of problems with ya da refusal to acknowledge

Problems within ya own community, so when others

Do it for ya they're labled "racists" "uncle toms" etc.
That spoof is also a great example of how most of modern day America are not able to read between the lines and create a independent thought.

Ratings should not be relevant when their main(and only) job is to report the news.

Unfortunately a great example is the Paula Deen is amazing how so many are still caught up in the web of her language. When her fetish for the Antebellum/Pre Civil War South and wanting to recreate that era is the reason she is in trouble to begin with.
Black people don't need to be lectured or instructed on things going on in their community by social chameleons like ninjahood
MSNBC :lol:

Too bad prison statistics & single black mothers

Dont reflect this spoof...

you mean how a black person and a white person commit the same crime but the white people will statistically get a lesser sentence? cool.

you the only black person who swears they know everything about black people, yet are still confused about the fact you are black.
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you mean how a black person and a white person commit the same crime but the white people will statistically get a lesser sentence? cool.

you the only black person who swears they know everything about black people, yet are still confused about the fact you are black.

He'll ignore this.
Dude is 30 and still doesn't grasp the fact that he's black.
You can't be reasonable with this guy.
[quote name="D StaX1/chris-hayes-msnbc-spoofs-how-the-media-covers-black-news-stories/90#post_18468980"]
you mean how a black person and a white person commit the same crime but the white people will statistically get a lesser sentence? cool.

you the only black person who swears they know everything about black people, yet are still confused about the fact you are black.

He'll ignore this.
Dude is 30 and still doesn't grasp the fact that he's black.
You can't be reasonable with this guy.[/quote]

But i aint black, and da more you realize that im

identify as a %100 latino and everyone else does

Who aint from this site da more power my point

Resonates. Like ive said time & time before,

Black folks who are EXPOSED to some

multiculturalism that a great City such as

NYC provides can spot me as a latino fairly easily.

As a fellow minority i cant excuse da problem that

Plague da black community and we come from alot

Less overall (cubans escaping communism,

mexicans escpaing cartels, Dominican wave after

Da last dictator fell) and right now in 2013 we're da

Biggest demographic hitting college in da largest


At some point da attacking of critics has to stop

And da beginning of self improvement has to start.

My hood used to be da murder captial of NYC for

2 straight years, you know what changed? Not da

demographic, Washington Heights is Still as

dominican as da wild cowboy era. You know what

Did change? Our attitudes and how we value

ourselves & education, now instead of killing and

OD drug culture we're a community that prides itself

Off hard work, and entrepreneurship.
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I shouldn't have to, when black leaders do it their

Called uncle toms & sell outs.
And I repeat I don't need a social chameleon to comment on my community .Any black person who sits back and tries to lecture black people and ignore the actual work being done in my community is a joke just like you are .
I shouldn't have to, when black leaders do it their

Called uncle toms & sell outs.
And I repeat I don't need a social chameleon to comment on my community .Any black person who sits back and tries to lecture black people and ignore the actual work being done in my community is a joke just like you are .

And like i said before, all you're doing is fighting

Da messenger instead of message. I can careless

How u care bout me because it doesnt matter that

Who saying what what matters is what im saying,

and PLENTY of ya black leaders have said da same

Except instead of taking positive steps to get on da

Road or progress there's a smear campaign to

Discredit "uncle toms, & sellouts"

Instead of getting so defensive, where's this rise

To da occasion? All u doing is sounding salty.
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The fact is Ninja you knew exactly what you were/have been doing in threads dealing with black people.

You know you posted this to derail this thread.
What do single black mothers and prison stats have to do with the spoof about media coverage?
The way he works is he tries to make a defending post against something nobody was arguing against to begin with lol.

Then he states his facts for an arguement that nobody was even making except him. Then you bate him with talking about his status as a black man in America which he then replies is he is a latino(which doesn't change the fact that he is part African see as how there are more African Latinos in the world than African Americans) Thus another thread derail. Dude has mastered the art of trolling.
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One does not have to be a confirmed righty to reach for the antacid after seeing Chris Matthews or Rachel Maddow provide rants that pass for analysis. There just doesn't seem to be an audience for people who suggest that Obama's opponents are all racist or that the tea party had it coming to them when the IRS decided to be a political weapon. That speaks very well of Americans, regardless of political persuasion.

Numbers speak for themselves.. MSNBC sucks

Really bad.
Ninja you know you my dude right?

But while you may not be 100% black, you can have it in you.

Kinda off topic, It just reminds me how I had a Spanish teacher and she looked more Latina than anything else. So one day I asked her which country she was from...

And to my surprise she told me that she was from Haiti... and that she feels that she's black. Its not far-fetched bro.
I got a few cats on my block who you swear came from PR and their mom is as dark as the NT background.

But hey you know your family tree more than any of us.

One does not have to be a confirmed righty to reach for the antacid after seeing Chris Matthews or Rachel Maddow provide rants that pass for analysis. There just doesn't seem to be an audience for people who suggest that Obama's opponents are all racist or that the tea party had it coming to them when the IRS decided to be a political weapon. That speaks very well of Americans, regardless of political persuasion.

Numbers speak for themselves.. MSNBC sucks

Really bad.
Bro what does the ratings have to do with FOX being racist or stereotyping(which is what OP's video basically shows through satire)?

LAHH is one of the top rated shows, but that doesn't mean its a positive message. Your ratings argument does not change the fact of how racist FOX News can be.
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