Christmas unappreciation post

wow I was gonna come in here and leave a nasty response but I read your replies Rilla
sorry to hear that about your mom. stay up bro.
I can say I feel you and really mean it. My pops passed away in October, the closest person to me is gone and im supposed to celebrate the damn holidays? Plusmy 1&only is long distance, so I feel you on the loneliness. All I have is to look ahead and hope next year will be brighter cause like Ye said these havebeen memories made in the coldest winter ever..
As far as the girl thing, hold ya head there's a big sea out there, relationships are crazy if yall don't end up back together it wasn't meant tobe, you only live once remember that.

As far as all the people cracking jokes, just ignore them. Allowing them to upset or frustrate you isn't worth it.

I think the main thing you have to realize--which I also often have trouble with--is that there are people out there going trough the same experiences as you.Although I haven't experienced the death of a parent, I've gone through a lot in the past three years. If you can get to the point where you don'tjust understand, but can feel that there are others out there who can relate, then you'll be in a better position to communicate your problems andeventually get through them. Also, as far as people like your brother not realizing your mental state, sometimes people are so wrapped up in their ownsituation that they can't see what the people around them are going through. If you want to have a closer relationship with your brother, you should justsit him down and communicate what you've been dealing with. If he cares about you, which he should since he's your brother, he'll sit and listen toyou.

I would also recommend trying something that will give you a way of relaxing and focusing your mind, whether it falls into the category of meditation ormedication (if your depression gets to that point). Otherwise, I know it's hard to do and it is cliche, but you just have to go through the motions and tryto do things that will be productive and theoretically make you happy. That could mean going to the gym to workout or writing songs (since you said you'rea musician).

Another piece of advice that I've been given is that writing is a great way of relieving the mind. I don't even mean poems, stories or songsnecessarily. I just mean putting your feelings and thoughts no matter how dark or personal down on paper for your eyes only as a way of physically pushingthose thoughts out of your head in the form of ink. As a musician this is particularly beneficial to you because these thoughts can turn into songs. Depressionoften breads creativity, so I would encourage you to write as much as possible. Even if you don't get any happier you might just end up creating somebrilliant art.
If you're close like that - tell your brother you wanna hang. Ok so it sounds stupid
but gotta remember people aren't mind readers. But I have nosiblings so I can't really speak about the relations between them and what not.

up past 1030 on a week day
5 day weekends ftw. Even tho I'm alone
I'm pretty blowed... a couple friends came through and we blew the basement out and played spades. Call it "coincidence" but I've neverplayed spades with my brother as my partner ever in my life -- he ain't the type and he never has been. This whole scenario just happened for nological reason. So he blew his first hand and renigged on the second so I damn near got mad. We smoked out, he tuned in, and we then proceeded to beat @!# forabout 10 consecutive hands (+1 Boston). We just retired and everybody is going home. Then...... I came upstairs and read your reply. I guess it's either A.You set the deck or B. chillin with my brother was already in the cards and you called it.
I'm not feelin' this winter because it's the second Christmas that my sister isn't here with us. Other than that I'm not tryin' to makemyself hate it, I'm likin' it.. just not feelin' the same.
Dear Christmas, you originated from pagan views
I'm ashamed of you, throw on your flaming suit
The daily news reads some shady dudes
Broke in a riot over a CDP, Where's this claim of truce?
Instead of Christmas carols heard on my property
I just turn on the news and see murder and robbery
Where was Santa Clause when that dude had the glock
Ran up to my man and PAUSED, then let his hammer off
Watched my friend get shot in the snow
And the red floor showed proof of how hot a gun blow
Anyway I'm getting off topic, this is not logic
Only people that like you don't have a right thought process
Or they're just extremely pissed, but beneath the mist
of trees and gift , and happy people's kids, all I see is this:
A reminder of what I don't have, I missed the snow...
I stay heated in the cold, this is my winter ode
And that breezy I wanted to kiss fa sho
But she denied me even underneath the mistletoe
Now NT is asking for pics, oh no
I guess I'll take the L, add to the list of those

Being depressed sucks, its only worse when the holidays are around. Yeah I have a roof over my head, food in front of me, and family and friends around meduring the holidays, I should be greatful for these things right? I can't enjoy any of it. So what's the point of having all these things if I stillfeel like crap? With the constant reminder of what used to be and what should still be! And I say goddamnit for there a whole bunch of Aholes out there livingthe good life. That is some bs. Im a good dude, I do the right things in life, yet I can't catch a Win. Why is this?

5 months depressed and still going, this is nonsense.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Honestly, I feel like life took a dump on me, and Christmas is always a reminder. This is a holiday for giving gifts to your mom and your lady. My mom is dead and my lady is....
.... and so every year I feel like the world is laughing at me.
That's why u do down. THAT is not the reason for the season brotha, u should know that. This is the time to celebrate the life of JesusChrist, not for the whole givin gifts aspect. The economy uses this as a time to make money before the end of the year so that they make their yearly quota andwhat not. If u notice 85% of the stuff advertised for Christmas has nothin to do whatsoever w/ Jesus. U gotta get outta that frame of mind. Be happy thatyou're blessed to see another Christmas.
YEAH YEAH YEAH.... well tell Jesus I don't feel like celebrating. He can give my cake and ice cream to somebody else.
I hate christmas. I've been that way since I was a child. I just hate all the songs, the colors. People being hella jolly for some stupid @@@ day. Reindeerantlers and crap. I just hate it. I'm with you Dear Winter.
Noel Noel? Miss me with that bull *%!@
It was round this time that Juan caught a full clip
50 from the AK ripped through his full zip
Dommo did a full flip when Black was driving (R.I.P.
Both got full, since Black was trying
To tell cops B.Smith was dying but they ain't listen though,
When they never made it home we thought they was missing bro
Smith's pops went out in that field, he was trippin yo
...Tripped over his son's dead body, ++#% Christmas bro!
Mom was on the ventilator, G was on them papers
We needed her so she told Michigan "See you later"
And she stayed through the pain, frustration, and the anger
Went back and ain't got straight with them haters... it's TWO years later...
....Hey but I feel like...
I should probably off this chick
She left me after I thought it was all legit
It's cool, I'm looking for a 5'7'', size 7
Awfully thick... To rock *%!@ I bought this +$@!*
I ain't just off my rocker, I'm off my bench
I got a whooooooooole lot of crazy I often vent
I'm giving "bull *%!@" up for Lent,
What difference it make if the President Black but his cabinet innit?
I hate the cold, man the only draft I'm feeling
Is a MGD, since half my village
Is either dead or on the ave to Prison
Like Ricky, them __s killed Ricky? Bastard __s
At least the Lakers won....
...I'm STILL pissed in general though. %+%+ just keeeeeeeeeps getting more and more #@*+%# up.
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