Circuit City to liquidate remaining US stores (Wiki and Informative Video on Pg 1)

They're closing because of debt, so they might have a sale or something but I doubt they'd be able to afford to give that much of a deal in their last days.

Nah, they'll take what they can get.

Place round here closed - 80% off the last day - and by 4:00 it was 90%. You could even buy the shelves and all the fittings. Dvds for $1 and stuff eventually.Most of the good stuff was gone but there were bargains to be had.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

^^^And thats all the reason why they won't have astronomical discounts.
word, I was too lazy to read the 2nd half of your sentence
Knowing the liquidators+advertisers from CT to PA ftw

I'll post in this thread if they allow me to go loose in a local one.
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

great.. even MORE folk w/ experience that i have to compete against.. im never gonna get a job

yea its real out here

its hard to get a bs job for the time being just so you can do other things. jawny didnt u work for edible arrangements before?
(KDWallace)^^^ yea, when it gets down to the last bit of product they have in the store (ala the stuff that they couldn't sell). They want/need to make themost they can from what they have so we'll see sales up until the last few days where the remaining stock will be slashed.

Edit: Sadly I have friends and family in other stores/industries closing down too so I'm seeing it a lot lately.
as a customer and former employee of circuit city ... glad to see them go. i hate to see people lose their jobs though
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

great.. even MORE folk w/ experience that i have to compete against.. im never gonna get a job

yea its real out here

its hard to get a bs job for the time being just so you can do other things. jawny didnt u work for edible arrangements before?

yea delivery.. too cold for me to be doing that right now tho.. maybe in the spring ill go back to that
2 of the stores near me got CSR pos. open.. but my voice doesnt fit that job they say
Originally Posted by RellNye

They did it to themselves when they got rid of commissioned workers.
they get so big its crazy... why not start all over to the point where they can maintain their growth?
I might have to check out my circuit city around my way..never shopped in buy is the way to go..i will b very angry if they ever go bankrupt..
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by Dam itz Lou

There horrible anyway. Whos gonna compete with BB now ?
hh gregg

Regional retailers aren't a threat to the yellow tag in the bigger picture, same goes for FRYs.
NikeHolic23 wrote:
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Damn, that sucks for all the emplyees. I thought they were gonna become that Canadian electronic company, I forgot the name

Future Shop. That place was
back in the day.
BBy owns future shop
im glad this came up... i gotten a c city credit card and i bought a couple things.. so i was slowly paying it off..

then i got a letter stating that i dont have 2 pay the money i owe...

is any1 else in da same shoes as me?...

and if so wat r u doing ?
Originally Posted by Fresh BOY DJ

im glad this came up... i gotten a c city credit card and i bought a couple things.. so i was slowly paying it off..

then i got a letter stating that i dont have 2 pay the money i owe...

is any1 else in da same shoes as me?...

and if so wat r u doing ?

I've never heard of anyone doing that but maybe cause they didn't find a buyer they can't afford to pay anyone to collect. you sir are lucky.

and I doubt we will see sales...CC is probably gonna liquidate to wholesalers
Originally Posted by bright nikes

i went to a CC that was closing down, the prices are still ehh to me
I think they'll drop even more as time passes
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