Classified U.S. Military video depicting slaying of Iraqis

That is really upsetting.

The whole time I sat there watching trying to justify it. I mean, the cameras certainly did not look like an AK or an RPG, however one of the men who was with them did appear to have something that looked like a weapon. It must be impossible to tell from a helicopter. Its obvious that the men on the ground did not fire at the chopper, and if in fact they did have weapons and were insurgents I would think they would be trying to take cover at all costs, not walking around casually.

The clincher was when the van pulled up though. That was disgusting. They were taking a wounded man away, no one picked up anything that even remotely looked like a weapon and they were all killed. Absolutely disgusting and unjustifiable.

They were obviously wrong initially as well when they said there were around 20 people on the ground. There were nowhere near 20 of them.

And the only reason this stuff got ANY attention is because those 2 reuters reporters were killed.

Other than that this was just how it was done on a daily friggin' basis.

"Their fault for bringing kids into a war zone."

Predictable. The mind has only a few ways to justify murder of innocent lives.
That is what is most upsetting about this to me.
the point is, these soldiers are occupying a country that still holds alarge population of folks that want them dead. naturally, when they arefaced with a "them or me" situation (which they obviously thought theywere in with the "armed foot mobiles" and "rpg team") ... they arealways going to err on the side of caution.

Don't you understand that this is an example of why people want our soldiers dead?? It's the shoot first mentality that breeds hatred in the Iraqi and Afghan populations because so many innocent people are killed just like this. If I'm sleeping in my bed and Special Forces kicks down my door and shoots my wife, you're damn right I'm going to want someones head for it. We are breeding terrorism, not Islamic extremism. They just pick up the pieces of broken men and boys, put them back together and give them the tools to fight us.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

its war man people get killed...
You are the kind of moronic sheep that the government fools everyday. This isn't war, this is taking out innocent civilians for no good reason. Disgusting.
And you're the kind of moronic sheep that will eat up any crap that feeds your view of the world.  Free thinking through feeding on and regurgitating whatever you're told to.  Disgusting.
Sure buddy. Keep watching fox news for the "real" scoop.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

its war man people get killed...
You are the kind of moronic sheep that the government fools everyday. This isn't war, this is taking out innocent civilians for no good reason. Disgusting.
And you're the kind of moronic sheep that will eat up any crap that feeds your view of the world.  Free thinking through feeding on and regurgitating whatever you're told to.  Disgusting.
Sure buddy. Keep watching fox news for the "real" scoop.

!%*+ Fox News, if it can be called news.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

A 'classified' tape is put on youtube and people like you fall for this type of propaganda.  Gullible %%+ NTers.


Do you even know what wikileaks is?

at your reading skills
videos like these need to be circulated more to show that the current wars we are in isn't so cut and dry
That video shows who the real terrorist are. "Protecting our freedom" my *++. This is disgusting. Is there a way we can pressure CNN and all the other news channels to report this?
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

A 'classified' tape is put on youtube and people like you fall for this type of propaganda.  Gullible %%+ NTers.

I first heard about the Army, admitting that this is indeed actual military footage, on a mainstream news webpage. So yea, roll another one up, Son.
Not saying it's right but military atrocities are committed on every side of the battlefield in every war.

This is not new nor is it uncommon.

I don't see the outrage when you put it into perspective that here in Los Angeles gang members shoot up random dudes after not responding correctly to "where are you from" or shooting up entire blocks to get at dudes that aren't even in their crib hitting multiple civilians and children.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Not saying it's right but military atrocities are committed on every side of the battlefield in every war.

This is not new nor is it uncommon.

I don't see the outrage when you put it into perspective that here in Los Angeles gang members shoot up random dudes after not responding correctly to "where are you from" or shooting up entire blocks to get at dudes that aren't even in their crib hitting multiple civilians and children.
how are you even gonna try to compare scum bag gang members to the people who are suppose to be "protecting and serving" this country

and although atrocities are committed on both sides the United States holds itself to a higher standard
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

A 'classified' tape is put on youtube and people like you fall for this type of propaganda.  Gullible %%+ NTers.

Propaganda. Let me guess, what we see in the mainstream news is exactly what's going on! How ever could we not know?

Well you fell for it. 

You're the one that wrote...

The military and these wars are a joke. "Protecting our freedoms".

This isn't war, this is taking out innocent civilians for no good reason.
Do you even know what the military's "rules of engagement" are?  Did you not hear the pilot indicating he saw "weapons"?  Do you know without a doubt that wikileaks didn't edit this video to serve their purpose?    Did you know the Freedom of Information act has various exemptions that the military/Pentagon can use so how did Wikileaks obtained this video?  Who did they pay of?  Do you even know who runs Wikileaks?  There are various reports that the CIA = Wikileaks or that Wikileaks have connections with the Mossad Muslim terrorist group.  So many question marks that I refuse to ever believe that the military would ever release a "classified" tape like this purposely.

Did you even bother to think subjectively or was one simple sentence like below enough to hook, line and sink you? 
WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad...
Think a little man.

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Not saying it's right but military atrocities are committed on every side of the battlefield in every war.

This is not new nor is it uncommon.

I don't see the outrage when you put it into perspective that here in Los Angeles gang members shoot up random dudes after not responding correctly to "where are you from" or shooting up entire blocks to get at dudes that aren't even in their crib hitting multiple civilians and children.
how are you even gonna try to compare scum bag gang members to the people who are suppose to be "protecting and serving" this country

and although atrocities are committed on both sides the United States holds itself to a higher standard
I think we'd all like to think that but in the end (most recently see: Guantanamo Bay) this is just a facade. We've got real dirty hands. But hey if the public buys that we're more merciful and just than the rest of the world then... I guess perception is reality.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by finnns2003

The American military is populated by some sick, sick people. Little more than brainwashed, murderous automatons. The blood-thirstiness and eagerness to kill people is deeply disturbing.
No it's not so !!!@ off.  People who think this are +$*$%$+ ******ed.  !!!@ I hate America and I +$*$%$+ hate Americans.  !!!@ you all.

Que? Take a seat buddy.

 What America is doing in Iraq and Afghanistan is terrible. We will never know what happens. There isnt any heroes in war, not any more at least. Theres no good or bad guys, what are we fighting for? Nothing, to show how tough America is? We need to end this war, and end all wars, the world is falling apart.
Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

leftist propaganda.
Explain how it's propaganda.  I'm dying to hear your explanation, and/or justification of what occurs in that video.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

A 'classified' tape is put on youtube and people like you fall for this type of propaganda.  Gullible %%+ NTers.

Propaganda. Let me guess, what we see in the mainstream news is exactly what's going on! How ever could we not know?

Well you fell for it. 

You're the one that wrote...

The military and these wars are a joke. "Protecting our freedoms".
This isn't war, this is taking out innocent civilians for no good reason.
Do you even know what the military's "rules of engagement" are?  Did you not hear the pilot indicating he saw "weapons"?  Do you know without a doubt that wikileaks didn't edit this video to serve their purpose?    Did you know the Freedom of Information act has various exemptions that the military/Pentagon can use so how did Wikileaks obtained this video?  Who did they pay of?  Do you even know who runs Wikileaks?  There are various reports that the CIA = Wikileaks or that Wikileaks have connections with the Mossad Muslim terrorist group.  So many question marks that I refuse to ever believe that the military would ever release a "classified" tape like this purposely.

Did you even bother to think subjectively or was one simple sentence like below enough to hook, line and sink you? 
WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad...
Think a little man.


Just because the pilot indicated that he saw weapons does not mean that the men on the ground actually had weapons. The people in the truck that came to take away the wounded certainly had no weapons. He may think that he saw weapons but it's pretty clear from the video that they did not in fact engage the chopper first which is the claim that has been made by the government.

How do we know that anyone isn't editing any video to serve their purpose? This argument basically goes nowhere.

Believe it or not there are probably people in government agencies that disagree with things that they see. This video being leaked is probably a testament to that.

About the CIA being Wikileaks, I really don't know what to say about that/how that would even make sense. Also, the Mossad isn't a "Muslim terrorist group" they're the Israeli Intelligence Agency, or you could say an Israeli terrorist group.

Also, the government DOES lie, as noted in this article released today by The New York Times.

Not trying to justify this in any way, but put yourself there and tell me you wouldn't have a hair trigger.

Shoot first and ask questions later is typical in war.

The fact that it is typical doesn't make it any less of a war crime.
Not trying to justify this in any way, but put yourself there and tell me you wouldn't have a hair trigger.

Shoot first and ask questions later is typical in war.
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