Classified U.S. Military video depicting slaying of Iraqis

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

leftist propaganda.
mad about what simpleton?
why is this even surprising?  we live in a society that is obsessedwith fast foods, HDTV and over-consumption.

 these disturbing scenesare like watching a bunch of obese fatties charging your local "all youcan eat" restaurant.  the only difference is they're consuming humansinstead of fried foods.
I want everyone to know before they justify this to "editing" and "the fog of war", ask yourself:

Is it justifiable for pilots to shoot at any targets with such crappy cameras?

Well regardless of what you think, it isn't justifiable by American military standards, because EVERY SINGLE Apache helicopter has extremely high resolution cameras with powerful telephoto lenses. If the pilots had simply used these lenses to confirm their suspicions of insurgency (like they are supposed to), they would have seen what they were in fact shooting at.

This is an article showing how Reuters have been trying to get at the video for a minute.

The reason this is big news isn't because of the killings, even though that's shocking in itself. It's the fact that the American government performed an investigation and declared that the soldier acted in the right manner.
Originally Posted by VINTAGE SOLE 737

why is this even surprising?  we live in a society that is obsessedwith fast foods, HDTV and over-consumption.

 these disturbing scenesare like watching a bunch of obese fatties charging your local "all youcan eat" restaurant.  the only difference is they're consuming humansinstead of fried foods.
Your resignation to the actions of the American military does nothing but reinforce the American apathy that, as you aptly stated, is obsessed with fast foods, HDTV, and over-consumption.  It's the kind of defeatist attitude that we don't need now.  We are the internet generation.  We are the generation that has limitless information and access to that information at our hands.  We don't have an excuse to be apathetic anymore. A good news aggregator site with much better discussion than Digg.
Just because the pilot indicated that he saw weapons does not mean that the men on the ground actually had weapons. The people in the truck that came to take away the wounded certainly had no weapons. He may think that he saw weapons but it's pretty clear from the video that they did not in fact engage the chopper first which is the claim that has been made by the government.

How do we know that anyone isn't editing any video to serve their purpose? This argument basically goes nowhere.

Believe it or not there are probably people in government agencies that disagree with things that they see. This video being leaked is probably a testament to that.

About the CIA being Wikileaks, I really don't know what to say about that/how that would even make sense. Also, the Mossad isn't a "Muslim terrorist group" they're the Israeli Intelligence Agency, or you could say an Israeli terrorist group.

Also, the government DOES lie, as noted in this article released today by The New York Times.

Not trying to justify this in any way, but put yourself there and tell me you wouldn't have a hair trigger.

Shoot first and ask questions later is typical in war.

The fact that it is typical doesn't make it any less of a war crime.
I agree that the govt lies to the public.  I do not doubt that at all.  I am not naive to think our govt isn't corrupt.

I stand corrected on Mossad... thanks for correcting me. 

Wikileaks being a front for the CIA?  Read this and see if it makes sense.,8599,1581189,00.html

"Anyone who's beenin the business for any length of time knows leakers leak because they aretrying to advance an agenda of their own, or because they have somepersonality or psychological quirk that leads them to disclose informationout of official channels."
There isn't even any evidence in that article that the site is run by the CIA though. Could some people from the CIA be contributing to it? Of course. They may have an agenda as well, however this is just wild speculation and the article confirms it with this statement:
That is, of course, as long as you don't accept any of theconspiracy theories brewing that could be afront for the CIA or some other intelligence agency.
And that's all they are, conspiracy theories.
Savvy web users, of course, know that public wikis are never trusted fortheir authenticity for the simple reason that anyone can post or edit them.Instead they're viewed as a first step in the research process. And if Wikileaksis used with a healthy dose of skepticism, it could become as important a journalistic tool as the Freedom of InformationAct. "For journalists, I think [Wikileaks] is actually a good thing," saysKelly McBride, ethics group leader at the Poynter Institue. "This could be a placewhere they could go to seek documentation of something they already havesome other reporting on or to find further documentation."
A quote from the same article.

I don't know where you got the idea that that video may be doctored by them. While they may have an agenda, its more than likely that that agenda is to show people whats happening on the ground in countries we are currently occupying and the overuse of force on civilians by our military.
SunDoobie, I fell for hook, line, and sinker? Really? You think that after seeing this video, I just came to conclusions? Stop being naive "little man". I knew well before this that these wars are a fraud. Profits, resources, and control are and always have been the true reason for these wars. The war economy requires it. Instead of attempting (and failing) to belittle me, do some more research and critique the information. I am not the enemy here.
Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

leftist propaganda.

How can this be regarded as propaganda? Are you trying to say that the tape is doctored or something like that? Go watch some Glenn Beck.

SMH @ that dude. He was on some MW2 chopper gunner +$%%. They were laughing and acting impressed by the damage done to the people and the car, like some kids getting enjoyment by burning bugs with a magnifier.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

SMH @ that dude. He was on some MW2 chopper gunner +$%%. They were laughing and acting impressed by the damage done to the people and the car, like some kids getting enjoyment by burning bugs with a magnifier.
I was thinking , "Maaan... this looks way too much like the chopper gunner in MW2," while I was watching the whole video. Thought-provoking for sure...
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

A 'classified' tape is put on youtube and people like you fall for this type of propaganda.  Gullible %%+ NTers.


Do you even know what wikileaks is?

at your reading skills
i dont care if its $#!##*$ classified or not... this @#%$$ disgusting

I remember seeing a video posted here a while back of a chopper opening fire on their own men with out realizing it until after they destroyed everything on the ground. I believe they were Americans
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