"Classism not racism"

da whole Bronx & uptown Manhattan, with Jackson heights/Corona in Queens, and anything east of Flatbush bk is where real NYC still resides.

problem is da difficulty in buying a house and lack of money to buying a car in da burbs is funneling everyone to big walkable cities.

Uptown manhattan finna get cooked too tho. I don't know if they'll ever reach the Bronx.

My old hood (Inwood) is not the same place I grew up knowing, It's only a matter of time.

da only difference is da Dominican locals are da ones doing da gentrifying i.e. see da dyckman strip.

say what you want about da Highline....it was brilliant repurposed railroad infrastructure into a park, and before it was built, da far west side was desolate.

my belief is once da generation benefits from da eventual boomin economy, combined with cheap energy prices, they'll return to wanting to buy houses and live in da burbs.

this wave of construction is a combo of rich foreign money being parked into real estate (it doesn't take much to create a LLC, and buy property anonymous)

and 421a tax credits that NY state gives developers to spur construction...

Bloomberg also started to rezone VAAAST parts of da City from industrial to mixed use which also made all of these waterfront properties skyrocket.

Originally Posted by illmatic34 View Post

Race is inherently tied to class. Not buying it.

it's more like race is a class issue, but class ain't just race issue.
One thing I got from this documentary is that those with money will continue to rule this world. All the kids from the public school wanted to be enetertainers, singers, actors, etc. , as opposed to the private kids who want to be doctors, architects, lawyers, etc.
Solicitation at its finest.i break my ******* Brain everyday trying to teach my kids about empowering their minds with accurate knowledge yet they wanna do the ******* quan.

another thing you gotta take into account is da private school kids were VERY aware that they have to perform, and that their parents are paying ALOT of Money for their kids to attend school there...

I kinda got da impression that da other kids were being told that real talk from a earlier age, I guess to shield them from reality...I think if u keep it funky young they'll respond alot more positive than people realize... instill a sense of urgency young.
Race is inherently tied to class. Not buying it.


The era of share prosperity ended in America when the white working class turn towards conservatism after the Civil Rights ACt was passed.

So many programs and policies that would help the class divide in this country are unpopular because they will disproportionately help minorities, especially African Americans.

---------NYC is all the ways ****** up, the market is distorted beyond belief. Housing economist don't even use in their models. And to fix the problem with take actions that will piss everyone off and are expensive: ending rent control, having decent public housing that is not segregated, having better (and cheaper) access to the city through public transportation.

New York has to damb near redesigned and reorganized from scratch.
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NYC is all the ways ****** up, the market is distorted beyond belief. Housing economist don't even use in their models. And to fix the problem with take actions that will piss everyone off and are expensive: ending rent control, having decent public housing that is no segregated, having better (and cheaper) access to the city through public transportation.

New York has to damb near redesigned and reorganized from scratch.

You have people abusing antiquated government subsidies on one hand and then you have predatory landlords and condo developers on the other. No one is playing fair in the NYC housing market. Not the leasees, leasors, or owners. Prices stopped being governed by the free market in that city a long time ago.
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I literally screen shot that same still :lol:

da juxtaposition was tooooooooooooo stark.

I sorta also blame NYC being so soft that yuppies feel completely unbothered occupying these spaces...this NEVER used to happen in da 90's...

da only comparison I can think off da top of da head was LaGuardia Highschool (a specialized highschool in NYC for performance art and illustration) being next door to Martin Luther King High School and then having to have different dismissal schedules cuz da MLK kids would beat up & rob da LaGuardia kids DAILY.
This reminds me of when they cleared off and rebuilt like a whole block in the middle of the hood in my city then tried to get outta towners and ppl from the burbs to move in...they would only last a couple months before they bounced, talkin bout they cant leave the house or go to any stores in the neighborhood...they called it being on an "island" in their own homes but it was really their fault for moving some place they were too scared to interact with
Also regarding the Avenues school for those who might know, do they at least have a few scholarships for poor kids or the ones that live in the PJ's across from them? I would hope so cuz most fancy rich schools do...also funny how they trying to be a global school when the country currently wants to do everything to isolate themselves from the world right now :lol: :smh:
Also regarding the Avenues school for those who might know, do they at least have a few scholarships for poor kids or the ones that live in the PJ's across from them? I would hope so cuz most fancy rich schools do...also funny how they trying to be a global school when the country currently wants to do everything to isolate themselves from the world right now :lol: :smh:
Yeah they said it in the video. Only 43 full scholarships and 107 partial ones. Numbers might be a little off but it's around that. Still ridiculous. Then they give out tours to these poor kids that will never be able to attend school there.

It's wild that everyone wants to be downtown and just try to live around the projects and not interact with them. This is why I'm staying in Harlem, if I ever move I'm not going past the Museum of Natural History. :lol: :smh:

I literally screen shot that same still :lol:

da juxtaposition was tooooooooooooo stark.

I sorta also blame NYC being so soft that yuppies feel completely unbothered occupying these spaces...this NEVER used to happen in da 90's...

da only comparison I can think off da top of da head was LaGuardia Highschool (a specialized highschool in NYC for performance art and illustration) being next door to Martin Luther King High School and then having to have different dismissal schedules cuz da MLK kids would beat up & rob da LaGuardia kids DAILY.
This reminds me of when they cleared off and rebuilt like a whole block in the middle of the hood in my city then tried to get outta towners and ppl from the burbs to move in...they would only last a couple months before they bounced, talkin bout they cant leave the house or go to any stores in the neighborhood...they called it being on an "island" in their own homes but it was really their fault for moving some place they were too scared to interact with

NYC is gonna be like this as long as immovable NYCHA houses are sharing da same blocks as "hot" real estate.

da neighborhood that's next to blow is Longisland city...it's literally a new skyscraper going up every block over there, but Queens bridge NYCHA ain't going ANYWHERE.
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It's wild that everyone wants to be downtown and just try to live around the projects and not interact with them. This is why I'm staying in Harlem, if I ever move I'm not going past the Museum of Natural History. :lol: :smh:

it's a Jedi mind trick... always brainwash da local residents "do good, move out da hood" meanwhile they're plotting on where you live, and yuppify it, using your urban gritty landscape as some ironic skewmorphic wallpaper.
Rosa is the highlight of the documentary. Just as bright and articulate as any of those Avenues kids but doesn't come from a silver spoon background. It's disheartening seeing these youngins struggle while looking out the window across the street at convoys of foreign whips pulling up to drop off and pick up their privileged kids. I do believe Rosa's gonna make it, but it's still a hard pill to swallow. As cool as highline park is the blue collar locals look like a fish out of water considering the amount pretentious folks that tend to hang out up there. It ain't hard to tell the area residents from those that hopped off the train from somewhere else.

I got a cousin from strang ave bx that won't go south of Harlem because he knows he has nothing common with the midtown/downtown folks.
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Manhattan ain't for New Yorkers no more. Manhattan is for the rich from all over the country and world. I give it 30 more years before there is no more public housing on that island. Every piece of land is a goldmine and housing authority will lose this fight over time.

Highline park made all of the trust fund babies flock along with Wall Street Madison Ave types with money to blow.
real talk i thought Manhattan was always for the rich

i guess its gettin crazy now?

if they wanna stop all that they need to start bein in they face and ****** on they daughters and sons
Manhattan always had its gritty parts, its only now even those spots aren't being inhabited. 
I literally screen shot that same still

da juxtaposition was tooooooooooooo stark.

I sorta also blame NYC being so soft that yuppies feel completely unbothered occupying these spaces...this NEVER used to happen in da 90's...

da only comparison I can think off da top of da head was LaGuardia Highschool (a specialized highschool in NYC for performance art and illustration) being next door to Martin Luther King High School and then having to have different dismissal schedules cuz da MLK kids would beat up & rob da LaGuardia kids DAILY.
new york Ls havents stopped since 09
What about Rosa's older brother Danny talking about he's republican now smh.  Dude didn't even get money yet and he's already flipped
What about Rosa's older brother Danny talking about he's republican now smh.  Dude didn't even get money yet and he's already flipped

cuz if you listen to his logic, he understands ambition, opportunity and determination is better than a hand out.

his Dollar comment basically brought it home for him.
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