Clippers wouldn't pay for assistant coach's cancer treatment; Maggette, Brand, Kaman & Jaric step up

They will probably throw a parade in Los Angeles when Sterling dies and it won't be celebrating his life either.
Originally Posted by Freeze

Originally Posted by Caerus

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Same thing I peeped while reading

Yeah, I must still be half asleep this morning, but I don't understand why the SMH? 
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Are the medical plans issued by the team or are they under the NBA's umbrella? Just playing Devil's Advocate, but he may have encountered the same problem if he was with another franchise.
I see what you're saying but at the end of the day, the team still has the ability to shell out the necessary funds to assist with the surgery.  It's not really a technical issue people really have a problem with but more of a moral issue.

Oh, I totally agree...I was just playing DA there.  What the Clippers did was really !%@*!# up, but not surprising considering how the team is run. 

*I'm trying to find coach(es) salaries for 2010/11...the best I could find was a chart for 2005, and Mike Dunleavy was making something like 4 mil per year. 
 Respect to the players.
to the organization. How can you have that mentality when it's a life or death situation?
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by outkast9984

sterling is a scumbag....there is a reason nobody wants to play there....

yup.. at least they are celebrating black history month
In march

Props to Maggette, Brand, Kaman, and Jaric, though.
I remember the Bulls also paying for Bill Cartwrights throat surgery a few years back when he wasn't a coach or player with them anymore.

The Bulls even paid Jay Williams after he destroyed himself on a motorcycle.

If the NBA had to get rid of teams that should be the first to go. Just get Sterling out of the league.
Hell if the Clippers didn't wanna pay they could' ve at least auctioned off some autographed balls, jerseys, win lunch w/ a Clipper type stuff to raise $$.
Great read, props to those four for helping out a man in need. As for the clippers and sterling, one of the worse owners and organizations ever. How are you going to deny a man when he is fighting for his life? It's moves like that that makes players want to leave. I'll be surprised if Blake stay after his contact is up.
FrenchBlue23 wrote:
Originally Posted by Freeze

Caerus wrote:
Same thing I peeped while reading


Yeah, I must still be half asleep this morning, but I don't understand why the SMH? 

Are yall insinuating that Dunleavy should've paid for it? I don't see anything wrong with telling the players––the highest earners on the team—that their assistant coach was in need.  
Great story....

The Clippers organization is petty as hell....his medical bill was only $70,000.....That's really not a ton of money... especially for an organization that generates 10's of millions of dollars...

How much do NBA assistant coaches make on average?....I'm surprised he wasn't able to cover the bill himself...
As long as stories keep coming out like this about the Clippers, you will never sniff an NBA championship. I understand wanting to support your team, but I would find a new one if I was a Clippers fan, because this franchise is a disgrace to the league and humanity.
Usually when you need to raise money you kind of mention it to people who you think are in the best position to help out. I don't think a carwash or the Ronald McDonald foundation were viable options.
Originally Posted by romedadude

FrenchBlue23 wrote:
Originally Posted by Freeze

Yeah, I must still be half asleep this morning, but I don't understand why the SMH? 

Are yall insinuating that Dunleavy should've paid for it? I don't see anything wrong with telling the players––the highest earners on the team—that their assistant coach was in need. 

Tells you what type of franchise they are. I didn't know that about the lakers/ turiaf, but its great to know that my favorite team has such class.
That's messed up. If I was a star player sought after by teams, this would make me not want to pick the Clippers.
that he couldn't cover that much of the expenses. 70k? But he could let everybody and their mama for one night into the arena.

Dude is a straight ******! "Oh let's put a white-light-skin dude for our advertisement of Black History Month... in MARCH!"
Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

Great gesture by the players...

They didn't even hesitate to help.  

I'm sure the players would have been upset if Dunleavy didn't say anything, because coach Hughes didn't want any of them to know, so he confided in Dunleavy. 
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