Clubbin Questions vol. Noob

This is what I do.

I just go into the club and if I see a girl giving me the look I just walk up and grab her and take her to the dancefloor.

I'll go in the dancefloor and just start dancing and usually a chick will start dancing with me.

I DON'T just randomly start dancing with a chick from behind. I just don't do that.

I'll ask a girl I find to be attractive if she wants to dance. If she says no, its all good and I keep it moving on to the next one.

As were dancing I kinda talk to them in their ear. You know, introduce myself and I slowly start the brainwashing.
You gotta try and get them to hangout after the club is over. But since you went to a 18+ club they probably have to be home right after. lol

Usually when Im dancing with the chick Im looking around to see if I can find a better girl. I give other girls the eye and if i'm not feeling it with theone im dancing (usually because they can't dance, their breath stinks, or if I feel that they're not into it) I tell her ill be back and I go with theother girl.

You need to stop being insecure tho. Be comfortable with yourself. Drink a little bit before you go into the club and maybe you'll feel a bit morecomfortable in there. The point of the club is to just have fun and don't be shy.

And I've been clubbin since I was 18 and im 23 now. There was a time I used to go every weekend, Friday and Saturday with my boy. Fun times, I met alot of people in my heavy clubbin days.
There is no set method. Just be laid back and be extra friendly to all the females.

You are bound to have one fall in your lap. Girls like to be around guys who have other girls around.
its a numbers game. just do you and dont let the L's effect you...there are plenty of girls around.
Stopped clubbing a few years back but I was doing my thing extra hard from about 2000 to 2004. I never asked a chick if they wanna dance (maybe once), Iusually just crept up from behind em. It always helps if they make eye contact with you first while you're peeping them out . This also allows you sometime to figure out if her man is with her. Just take a min or two to assess the situation before you jump on them. It also helps to have some liquid courage.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

U forgot strategy D... just get drunk and wing it
. but forreal dont grab em... most of em hate that... just tap her on the shoulder or ask her. but if its a song that gets every girl in there bouncin it like there's no tomorrow... u aint even gotta ask. just jump behind and enjoy the ride

thats my strategy!
I'm a girl and i can tell you most girls won't dance with an ugly guy (i've brushed them off myself) but you said you were not bad looking, itsounds like you just need to be confident in yourself, girls like that...
Originally Posted by Qpitfighter

Dude... don't even listen to the kids. Lemme share some wisdom.

1) You have to have tight gear. First impressions. Don't look sloppy.
2) Learn how to dance. Girls always look for guys who can dance. I can't even tell u how easy it is to grab a girl when they see you got skillz on the floor.
3) Smell good. Even if u can dance, B.O. is a no-no. Get some nice smelling colonge. Seriously, and if u need help on that, just ask.

It's not difficult to pull girls at a club to dance. Closing the deal takes more skill. Girls generally like taller guys at clubs. So ur height is an asset.
Also remember that there will be streaks and droughts. I've had nights where I was pulling dimes easy, then nights where I was getting played by ugly chics. It's all confidence. Keep swinging the bat. U will hit some homeruns.

As far as approaching them, it depends on the chics. If the girl looks kind of wild, then I'll grab her by her hip with one hand. Then she'll look back and make sure u don't look ugly. Then u're good.
If the girl looks shy, I'll tap her and start a convo or just ask her to dance. It really all depends, u just have to feel it out. It's like a running back on a running play. There's no scenario for every occasion.
Take the lane that opens up.
This man speaks the truth. Just have fun and make sure you feel comfortable. If you seem insecure the chics wont mess with you at all.
i seldom ever turn around to even see the guy i'm dancing with.
best bet just go up behind a girl thats already dancing but if u have no rhythm or can't hold yourself up just stand up straight or have one of your boyshelp hold u up. i hate when guys who can't dance try to move along with me. i'd prefer they just let me do the work so that we don't look offbeat.oh and don't be afraid of rejection. it happens...
Get wasted and start strolling. So even if you get od denied by every female in the building, you won't care and you still had a good time, and you can usebeing to wasted as an excuse for not getting any chicks
There's a couple things that I have learned that will increase your chances:

1. Have your gear correct, particularly your shoes. You don't want to dress in loose/sloppy attire and make sure your shirt
is pressed and your shoes are clean. Put on a nice cologne but nothing too overbearing.
2. Get a lil liquor in you if you can, it helps. I know your 20 so this may not be an option but if you can it is a decent option.
Again, you don't want to be sloppy with it, just enough to get a buzz.
3. If you see a chick you want to dance with and she's already dancing, pull up behind her and start dancing. Typically, she
will turn around to see how attractive you are. Smile at her, and you should be good to go. If she is not dancing already,
approach her by gently tapping/grabbing her wrist or elbow to get her attention. Again, smile and say "whats good", she
should take it from there.
4. If you don't necessarily want to dance and are more concerned with getting numbers, then don't dance at all. Get their
attention by gently tapping/grabbing them and initiate a convo by saying "how you doing tonite?", "what do you do?", where
are you from", so on and so on. While dudes is busy dancing for 3 or 4 songs, you done already bagged 5 chicks in that
15 or 20 minutes.

Most importantly, be prepared to be rejected and remember to not take it personal. Have confidence and believe what your
saying and most likely she will too.
Improving on things like your physique, clothing, skin and hair care don't hurt either. Highlight your strong suits and downplay
your problem areas and you should be cool.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

f all that.

get high/drunk then do you.

usually doesnt work for me. i get stuck and wont want to dance.

dont pop either, you have a good time but usually i dont wanna dance i just wanna chill and feel the music

which is why i dont do that anymore.

liquid courage ftw
dont trip off your boys laughin at you. at least you tried.
you'll take L's out there...can't worry about it, just keep it movin to the next girl.
for most part dude w/ the van damme avy is correct except the the tall guys at clubs part, if you short tall u can still pull, as long as your feet work andyou smell and look nice and actually don't put much thought into it have fun like basketball if you overthink an open shot or layup you'll generallymiss so take dudes advice but follow your own, they don't know you you don't know em
I go to those teen clubs

I ask the girl if she wants to dance, and if she says no, i move on, there' plenty of fish in the sea

i tell my friends to try it but, they just look awkward cause they arent confident, turn off for the girl

the whole just grabbin the girl isn't me, i've seen it work for my friends

u also wanna look for those place that's crackin, it ususally like in the corner
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