COD:MW2--XBOX360 Tournament. Registation Starts NOW

Feb 12, 2008

Xbox 360TOURNAMENT  #1


The rules are simple, It will consist of teams in 7 vs. 7 and the gaming modes will always be default settings. You will play 3 matches, with winner taking 2 goes on to the next round in the tournament. If you happen to win the first 2 matches, that game is over, the winning team moves on. The 1st match you play will be Team Death Match, and the winning team of the first match gets to choose the next Map and Game Mode for Match 2. If the other team happens to win the 2nd Match, than for the 3rd Match they will get to to pick the Map and Game Mode. After each round, somebody from the team needs to take a picture of the final match score. I'm serious about the picture, if your team wins and no picture is shown to clarifying it, I will not count your W and you will have to play again. If for some reason, you can't get your whole squad together, but you still want to start the match, for example 6 vs. 5 or 4 vs. 3 etc., that's fine. For the first match, I will randomly select you a map, so make sure if your not good on the chosen map you put in plenty of practice, I don't want to hear ANY excuses how your not good on [insert map here]. When it comes to subs, they may come off the bench anytime and play if one of your squad members does not show. If all 6 show up and you still want to let your sub play, that's fine but he can ONLY play 1 match out of the 3 (if it goes to 3). Remember, your starting 6 is the main players, your sub is a SUB.

Time Frame
The first round of matches start today and end TBD @ 11:59PM EST , but the sooner you get the first round over, the sooner we can move to round 2. Yall dudes should have no excuses for play time, make time for your team and the team you will be playing, you can catch about 90% of the people in this tournament on the weekends. Matches take no more than 10mins. The tournament length will depend on how soon you get matches together, so lets get this poppin early!

FFA Captains Draft Match
We did a FFA for captains to decided who picks first in the draft pool.

Modern Warfare 2 Draft Sign-Up
  • It will be a 7 vs. 7 match with 1 sub per team in this tournament. It is limited to the first 48 people that sign-up, no ifs, and or butts about it (don't even PM me asking for a slot). That last 8 people that sign-up will automatically be a sub on a team. I suggest you still show up to each match but can only play if a player no-shows or a captain decides to bench a player for a mtach. This will be done via NBA style draft, where captains pick from the pool of players based on stats. To sign-up, it's a very simple process, I need 3 things from you:

    Your 360 Gamertag
    Prestige Level
    Kill Ratio

    If you don't include these 3 things you will not qualify to sign-up. Do not sign-up if you can not play, period. I don't care how good you are, how many harriers you called in or if you nuke every other match, only sign-up if you are down to run with your squad at somewhat any given time, but usually on the weekends. From this point on you can now sign-up, so if you dropped stats earlier or told me to sign you up, I will not count it. You will have to sign-up for the tournament NOW.
Gamertag: Thastreetdream3
Level: 30 (as of 2/12/10)
I'm in, but captains should be based on a ffa match. Make this thread more organized and you got yourself a tourney.

Doosta45 = gamertag 1.13 kdr
GT: Young Sean 15

Plus, I think we need some more info on the tourney bro, such as when it's gonna start and how the big the teams are gonna be, etc.
I would be in depending on the time/days.

GT - nnarum
KD 1.11

We need the OGs, I'm calling you out all the OG heads from COD4. Epic battles within NT and against I$$. Make it happen!
It's the 1st time doing this. but dude's right about the captains. let be fair about this. As for the times, as long the teams does the games it's good. I'm trying to be organized but i still need help with this. Braggin Rights is on the line here. 4 players on a team.
to be honest, i would just copy and paste the rules, etc from the ps3 tournament to make this go smoother. expect ALOT of flakers or dudes saying they want to play then not showing up.
hate search and destroy. but the matches should be random. like hat pull type of thing between s&d, tdm, dem, dom. HC and regular.
I tried to make it offical. We have 10 gamers......8 teams of 7 players so we need 56 players so we need 46 players.
As for the Niketalk vs Iss how bout this? winner of this face the best of iss. or  the best players from each teams face the best of iss for bragging rights. I dont know just throwing it out there
count me in
make it team dm

just make it afternoon/evening tomorrow.... its the weekend im tryin to party
I want in

GT: Vicsi3luedevil

Do we HAVE to have a NT based team or can we roll up with our own crew?
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