Mar 5, 2009
First of all , I know theres a big thread , but its mostly for tournaments..I'm sorry.IM STRAIGHT STANK GARBAGE!!I've had it for about 3 weeks and only at level 52.Any help, cheats ,and tips needed.I need that AK , BUT DAM its far away.Anyway to level up quicker?whats your 5 classes with perks and all that..if theres a link like youtube, pls post it .....thanks in advance...YES,IM LATE AS HELLLLLLL!!!!
First of all , I know theres a big thread , but its mostly for tournaments..I'm sorry.IM STRAIGHT STANK GARBAGE!!I've had it for about 3 weeks and only at level 52.Any help, cheats ,and tips needed.I need that AK , BUT DAM its far away.Anyway to level up quicker?whats your 5 classes with perks and all that..if theres a link like youtube, pls post it .....thanks in advance...YES,IM LATE AS HELLLLLLL!!!!
i only play team deathmatch. but basically you just need to know the maps. use the radar...glance at it every now and then. other than that i dont know what else to just need to develop better habits and learn from mistakes.
i only play team deathmatch. but basically you just need to know the maps. use the radar...glance at it every now and then. other than that i dont know what else to just need to develop better habits and learn from mistakes.

Spas -12
marathon pro
stopping power pro
ninja pro
death streak.....doesn't really matter.

any noob that's played on my account has been able to wreck *@% with that class. OK I'm exaggerating, but they did fairly well given their skill level. 

Spas -12
marathon pro
stopping power pro
ninja pro
death streak.....doesn't really matter.

any noob that's played on my account has been able to wreck *@% with that class. OK I'm exaggerating, but they did fairly well given their skill level. 
Make a Scar class with silencer, stopping power pro, scavenger pro, and ninja pro. Then your secondary should be a Spas with grip and have clay mores.
Make a Scar class with silencer, stopping power pro, scavenger pro, and ninja pro. Then your secondary should be a Spas with grip and have clay mores.
Best advice u'll get is to just chalk MW2 and wait for Black OPs and cop when it drops
Best advice u'll get is to just chalk MW2 and wait for Black OPs and cop when it drops
3 weeks level 52? that't not bad, especially if you're playing team deathmatch, i play mainly search, domination, and team deathmatch. Search is easy points, domination is a lot of kills and points, and team deathmatch is just good ol deathmatch. Try to slowly raise your sensitivity, i started on 3, now i am on 8, its frowned upon, but camp until you feel comfortable to go out and look for the action.
As for classes, my favorites are...

UMP45 Silenced
NINJA (Pro especially)
^This class is for basically running and gunning, but not showing up on the radar. The UMP is the best gun and being able to run infinitely and not be detected is straight cheating, but hey its in the game!

Scar-H Red Dot Sight or Silenced/TAR-21 Silenced
Akimbo G18 or Akimbo Rafficas
Sleight of Hand
Cold Blooded/Stopping Power
Steady Aim
^This is a basic loadout that will work for anyone, both guns don't need stopping power, but if you're still getting murked, stopping power helps, akimbo with steady aim with the G18/Raffica's are an automatic kill within 10 feet, and still reliable mid range.

These are the classes that would definitely help you get better.

So try to get a higher sensitivity, go for lower kill streaks...UAV/PREDATOR/HARRIER...UAV is VERY important, knowing where your enemy is everything

If you're playing on the PS3, add me Bunnies_R_Cute let me know you're from NIKETALK and we'll get some team deathmatch going on
3 weeks level 52? that't not bad, especially if you're playing team deathmatch, i play mainly search, domination, and team deathmatch. Search is easy points, domination is a lot of kills and points, and team deathmatch is just good ol deathmatch. Try to slowly raise your sensitivity, i started on 3, now i am on 8, its frowned upon, but camp until you feel comfortable to go out and look for the action.
As for classes, my favorites are...

UMP45 Silenced
NINJA (Pro especially)
^This class is for basically running and gunning, but not showing up on the radar. The UMP is the best gun and being able to run infinitely and not be detected is straight cheating, but hey its in the game!

Scar-H Red Dot Sight or Silenced/TAR-21 Silenced
Akimbo G18 or Akimbo Rafficas
Sleight of Hand
Cold Blooded/Stopping Power
Steady Aim
^This is a basic loadout that will work for anyone, both guns don't need stopping power, but if you're still getting murked, stopping power helps, akimbo with steady aim with the G18/Raffica's are an automatic kill within 10 feet, and still reliable mid range.

These are the classes that would definitely help you get better.

So try to get a higher sensitivity, go for lower kill streaks...UAV/PREDATOR/HARRIER...UAV is VERY important, knowing where your enemy is everything

If you're playing on the PS3, add me Bunnies_R_Cute let me know you're from NIKETALK and we'll get some team deathmatch going on
lol there are way better weapons than the AK, its just an accomplishment really. Just keep playing and practicing. Basically play smart, be patient and turn off vibration.
lol there are way better weapons than the AK, its just an accomplishment really. Just keep playing and practicing. Basically play smart, be patient and turn off vibration.
Real talk, my stats are straight GARBAGE cuz I only do Free-For-All.
But I mainly use the Scar-H or M4 with Dessert Eagle or USP .45
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