Add me on live Hi Im Zhen ill give you lessons as well.

but the main classes i use are

UMP with Silencer
Spas with Grip
Stun Grenades
Sleight of hand PRO
Stopping power PRO
Ninja PRO

perks: harrier, chopper gunner, nuke

Intervention with fmj
Akimbo m9 handgun
frag grenades
Sleight of hand PRO
Stopping power PRO
Steady aim PRO

perks: predator missle, harrier, chopper gunner
some simple tips are just simply learning all the maps, constantly taking a glimpse at the radar, camp when necessary, start at a low sensitivity and move your way up. i started at 3 and now im at 7. Get to know how each weapon perform. The AK can be very strong but for beginning the recoil on that weapon can make it too complicated to control. Try using the ACR because of the zero recoil it makes it a lot easier to control especially with red dot attached. Your first prestige is pretty much all practicing and knowing your way around the maps, you'll eventually pick up a lot faster during your second or third prestige. 
Add me on live Hi Im Zhen ill give you lessons as well.

but the main classes i use are

UMP with Silencer
Spas with Grip
Stun Grenades
Sleight of hand PRO
Stopping power PRO
Ninja PRO

perks: harrier, chopper gunner, nuke

Intervention with fmj
Akimbo m9 handgun
frag grenades
Sleight of hand PRO
Stopping power PRO
Steady aim PRO

perks: predator missle, harrier, chopper gunner
some simple tips are just simply learning all the maps, constantly taking a glimpse at the radar, camp when necessary, start at a low sensitivity and move your way up. i started at 3 and now im at 7. Get to know how each weapon perform. The AK can be very strong but for beginning the recoil on that weapon can make it too complicated to control. Try using the ACR because of the zero recoil it makes it a lot easier to control especially with red dot attached. Your first prestige is pretty much all practicing and knowing your way around the maps, you'll eventually pick up a lot faster during your second or third prestige. 
Originally Posted by AlSnEaKs


Spas -12
marathon pro
stopping power pro
ninja pro
death streak.....doesn't really matter.

any noob that's played on my account has been able to wreck *@% with that class. OK I'm exaggerating, but they did fairly well given their skill level. 

i usually do this but put scavenger with  claymores or semtex.  but nothing beats planting a bunch of claymores all over the map
Originally Posted by AlSnEaKs


Spas -12
marathon pro
stopping power pro
ninja pro
death streak.....doesn't really matter.

any noob that's played on my account has been able to wreck *@% with that class. OK I'm exaggerating, but they did fairly well given their skill level. 

i usually do this but put scavenger with  claymores or semtex.  but nothing beats planting a bunch of claymores all over the map
Iv had the game since Christmas and im only a level 47. I don't really play that much but dam level 52 in 3 weeks. Have you had time to eat? or sleep?
Iv had the game since Christmas and im only a level 47. I don't really play that much but dam level 52 in 3 weeks. Have you had time to eat? or sleep?

Use the scar with silencer.(I always get better results with artic camo: tested) Secondary i use the PP2000 with extended mags

I ALWAYS use marathon, stoping power and ninja, All Pro. My equipment is claymores with smoke. Claymores is like having another person on your team, either garding a hightraffic area or watching your back

I get 30+ kills a game by attacking their spawn.

-KNOW THE MAPS know the maps know the maps!

-KNOW THE RESPAWN POINTS. Usually for example if your whole team is attacking the enemey spawn ie: highrise, once one of your teammates steps behind enemylines, the spawn will then swith to the other building. So I rush to the otherside to get bids on the first kills. An easy way to learn the respawn points are to take a mental note of yourown respawn when you die and where you got killed.

-KILL AND MOVE. Unless you are at long range, dont stay in the same spot after you get a kill. 90% of the time, the enemy will come looking for his 'payback'. Kill and move to a different but moving closer to his respawn, so you can intercept the kill before he comes looking for you

STAY AWAY FROM YOUR TEAM- Odd as this may sound, my team usually ends up getting me killed, unless im running with my NT crew. I like to go the opposite direction to FLANK. While my team is having a fire fight with the opposing squad in the high traffic area, I instead look for their respawn; Control the respawn; and therefore get all the kills before my team makes it to the new respawn...if that makes sence

PLAY FOR KILLSTREAKS- I have to admit, im one of the best to rack up killstreaks as soon as the match begins. My harrier is mostly the first one out. I use the 5-7-9 approach. After my pavelow is in the air, i dont mind dying, only because i can start my killstreak over again. AGAIN with friendly air support in the air, you can control their spawn points.

READ THE BATTLEFIELD- depending on the quailty and level of players your fighting against, recognize the other teams weapons. keep in mind, noob tubes, tac knifers, random grenade throwers, claymores, assult and smg users. Use this information to determine how deep you will rush into their spawn. Make it a point not to run through hightraffic areas but to flank their WEAK side.

STAY IN COVER- Mostly common sense really. Most of my kills are guys trying to shoot me in the wide open, while only my head is sticking out over a car, or wall.

HEADSHOTS!- train yourself to always aim for the headshot. In a fight, while you two are shooting eachother, the shooter with hitmarks above the torso always wins.

Watch the Kill HISTORY- always keep a third eye to the kill history on the bottom left corner of the screen. pay attention to what weapon they got killed by. If ur teammate just got sniped, and his skull is in the area path of where your headed, be cautious.

PLAY SMART- its like real battle. play like you have one life to live. make each time you respawn count. If you see the enemy on the UAV, and they are comming towards you, wait for them to come to you, get the kill and keep moving to the next spot. HELP YOUR TEAM when you can. If a teammate runs past you into a traffic room, run behind him to back him up. ALSO ALSO ALSO, watch for noob tubers. REMEMBER once he shoots one tube, he will most likely shoot a second so wait till he shoots two, then attack...haha then see how powerful he is lol.

PSN: rank 1553 level 70 9th prestidege

Glad i could help

Use the scar with silencer.(I always get better results with artic camo: tested) Secondary i use the PP2000 with extended mags

I ALWAYS use marathon, stoping power and ninja, All Pro. My equipment is claymores with smoke. Claymores is like having another person on your team, either garding a hightraffic area or watching your back

I get 30+ kills a game by attacking their spawn.

-KNOW THE MAPS know the maps know the maps!

-KNOW THE RESPAWN POINTS. Usually for example if your whole team is attacking the enemey spawn ie: highrise, once one of your teammates steps behind enemylines, the spawn will then swith to the other building. So I rush to the otherside to get bids on the first kills. An easy way to learn the respawn points are to take a mental note of yourown respawn when you die and where you got killed.

-KILL AND MOVE. Unless you are at long range, dont stay in the same spot after you get a kill. 90% of the time, the enemy will come looking for his 'payback'. Kill and move to a different but moving closer to his respawn, so you can intercept the kill before he comes looking for you

STAY AWAY FROM YOUR TEAM- Odd as this may sound, my team usually ends up getting me killed, unless im running with my NT crew. I like to go the opposite direction to FLANK. While my team is having a fire fight with the opposing squad in the high traffic area, I instead look for their respawn; Control the respawn; and therefore get all the kills before my team makes it to the new respawn...if that makes sence

PLAY FOR KILLSTREAKS- I have to admit, im one of the best to rack up killstreaks as soon as the match begins. My harrier is mostly the first one out. I use the 5-7-9 approach. After my pavelow is in the air, i dont mind dying, only because i can start my killstreak over again. AGAIN with friendly air support in the air, you can control their spawn points.

READ THE BATTLEFIELD- depending on the quailty and level of players your fighting against, recognize the other teams weapons. keep in mind, noob tubes, tac knifers, random grenade throwers, claymores, assult and smg users. Use this information to determine how deep you will rush into their spawn. Make it a point not to run through hightraffic areas but to flank their WEAK side.

STAY IN COVER- Mostly common sense really. Most of my kills are guys trying to shoot me in the wide open, while only my head is sticking out over a car, or wall.

HEADSHOTS!- train yourself to always aim for the headshot. In a fight, while you two are shooting eachother, the shooter with hitmarks above the torso always wins.

Watch the Kill HISTORY- always keep a third eye to the kill history on the bottom left corner of the screen. pay attention to what weapon they got killed by. If ur teammate just got sniped, and his skull is in the area path of where your headed, be cautious.

PLAY SMART- its like real battle. play like you have one life to live. make each time you respawn count. If you see the enemy on the UAV, and they are comming towards you, wait for them to come to you, get the kill and keep moving to the next spot. HELP YOUR TEAM when you can. If a teammate runs past you into a traffic room, run behind him to back him up. ALSO ALSO ALSO, watch for noob tubers. REMEMBER once he shoots one tube, he will most likely shoot a second so wait till he shoots two, then attack...haha then see how powerful he is lol.

PSN: rank 1553 level 70 9th prestidege

Glad i could help
just try out the guns, and see which ones suits you. theres guns that have 3 round bursts, sprays, and one shot guns. its all personal reference.

as far as perks go, all i use is scavenger, cold blooded, and ninja pro. this way you get around the map unseen,ammo is not a problem, and they dont see you on baby monitors nor hear your footsteps. (nuke setup)
just try out the guns, and see which ones suits you. theres guns that have 3 round bursts, sprays, and one shot guns. its all personal reference.

as far as perks go, all i use is scavenger, cold blooded, and ninja pro. this way you get around the map unseen,ammo is not a problem, and they dont see you on baby monitors nor hear your footsteps. (nuke setup)
It's been a min but I usually rode out with the true and black ACR + FMJ + Acog with the G18(x2) + extended mags............. let the bodies fall
It's been a min but I usually rode out with the true and black ACR + FMJ + Acog with the G18(x2) + extended mags............. let the bodies fall
I'm reading some of the replies and you some of you guys are telling OP to especially pick the pro version of the perk??? What??? You have to choice to pick either regular or pro??
I'm reading some of the replies and you some of you guys are telling OP to especially pick the pro version of the perk??? What??? You have to choice to pick either regular or pro??
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