Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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That doesn't have absolutely $#@% to do with the injustices and racism that still continues to happen to this day.
I swear as a person of color, how you could let some $#@% like that fly out of your mouth :{
you know his was vilified & exiled for years for this though... context is key.
this is why racial tensions never heal...

if ur in a relationship & u keep blaming ur significant other for dirt they did years ago everytime something happens there is no moving forward.
:x :{ There's still plenty of dirt being done today

oh im sorry, are people in da US still being bought & sold like property? are lifeless bodies still blowing in da wind dangled up on Trees? :{

even Obama said there's no better place ever in da history of mankind to be born than in this generation in da United States.

go to a 3rd world country for a couple of months (like da 95% of da world still currently lives like) with not a inch of da freedoms we got in America and tell me how u like it..

SHUT THE HELL UP, you uninformed, ign.................lemme stop :{

I was born in St Lucia, most of my family still lives there, we have tons of freedoms, I went to good schools, drank clean water , we have many of the amenities that can be found in America too, most importantly my family is happy. The island is majority black. So don't pedal this nonsense to me that I America is some special haven of freedom and justice that can't be found anywhere else.

Secondly you completely cut out the other half of Obama's point. Obama says this is the best time, yes progress has been made, but that doesn't mean things are great and much more progress should be made.

He says that hopeful message to drive home the point to young people they should keep on pushing, not to be satisfied with what they have.

You will throw a tantrum if people say anything about the DR and your culture but you will spew the same ignorance time and time again about the black community.

So once again, Shut up
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Of course Ninja has to poison the thread with his racism is dead delusions :{
That doesn't have absolutely $#@% to do with the injustices and racism that still continues to happen to this day.

like i said, no country is perfect..but you'd be a fool thinking u can kick that knowledge elsewhere in da world and they gonna tolerate and make accommodations like they do here.

fact of da matter is? maybe some of ya really do need to travel and see how good of a deal folks here got it.
Remember guise the transatlantic slave trade was a cakewalk. Da US is da beacon for race relations for nations across da globe
Ninja just had to come in here with the same old bs :{

We get it slavery been over , black on black crime , it's 2016 everybody equal etc. etc.
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Remember guise the transatlantic slave trade was a cakewalk. Da US is da beacon for race relations for nations across da globe

Yeah remember da Arabs did worst.

And nowhere is better on earth for da black man, America da best thing poppin :rolleyes :{
Of course Ninja has to poison the thread with his racism is dead delusions :{

they chopping heads off around your way because of religious ideology differences, ON TOP of w/e un resolved racial strife they got...

im taking w/e quams ya got about da US VS any other country in da world.
What is this "ya really got to travel" crap coming from someone who's only been in NYC and the DR? I've been to 20 different countries throughout Europe and Asia, a lot of which are better than the U.S. in MANY ways. Saying that most countries outside of the US are 3rd world is extremely inaccurate and ignorant.
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like i said, no country is perfect..but you'd be a fool thinking u can kick that knowledge elsewhere in da world and they gonna tolerate and make accommodations like they do here.

fact of da matter is? maybe some of ya really do need to travel and see how good of a deal folks here got it.
You should follow your own advice cuz you clearly didn't travel enough.
Ninjahood back on his bull **** it ain't as bad as it use to be for black ppl compared to the past therefore things are great now.
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Remember guise the transatlantic slave trade was a cakewalk. Da US is da beacon for race relations for nations across da globe

Yeah remember da Arabs did worst.

And nowhere is better on earth for da black man, America da best thing poppin :rolleyes :{

im not wrong, so ya can take that to da bank.

i even had this convo with my mother...she said "i love da United States...even more then DR, cuz ita given me opportunity i would've never had elsewhere, not even my native home".
Nonjahood back on his bull **** it ain't as bad as it use to be for black p compared to the past thwreforenthings are great now.

and ya cant refute it. even ya man Obama said aa much.

thats why Colin getting crucified online...multi millionaire thats gotten da world on his platter because of da country he lives and raised on and he gonna figuratively honk a loogie at da national anthem & flag.

nobody trying to hear that from him of all people.
Remember guise the transatlantic slave trade was a cakewalk. Da US is da beacon for race relations for nations across da globe

Yeah remember da Arabs did worst.

And nowhere is better on earth for da black man, America da best thing poppin :rolleyes :{

im not wrong, so ya can take that to da bank.

i even had this convo with my mother...she said "i love da United States...even more then DR, cuz ita given me opportunity i would've never had elsewhere, not even my native home".

Funny I have had similar convos with my, my mother always said she had opportunities in St. Lucia, and had some in America.

She sees it as a trade off, neither one better, just different.

That why I'm so thankful that woman raised me that being thankful for your opportunities doesn't mean you owe people your obedience, even in the face of injustice.

Shout out to her, for not raising me to act like an ignorant drone :smokin
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I'm still baffled that dude claims that 95% of the world outside of the US is 3rd world. Speak for yourself man :lol There are many countries that are safer places to live in than the US, have better education systems, have better infrastructure, better healthcare, etc. :lol And why don't I go live there? Like I said, I have a great job right now with a perfect work-life balance ; find me a work permit and the same job environment in one of those countries and I'll move the @#$@ out. I was actually browsing accounting jobs in Hong Kong and Singapore today.
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Da convo you shoulda been having with ya Moms is that you finally decided to man up get off welfare &get ya own spot so the poor woman doesn't have to run an obstacle course day to day in that cubby hole
My whole family immigrants, not a single damn one of them would ever say they love America more. **** I was born here and I don't 
you know his was vilified & exiled for years for this though... context is key.
this is why racial tensions never heal...

if ur in a relationship & u keep blaming ur significant other for dirt they did years ago everytime something happens there is no moving forward.
 Come on man. I actually defend you at times and you pull a stunt like this

@LIONBLOOD   get his a** man
I'm still baffled that dude claims that 95% of the world outside of the US is 3rd world. Speak for yourself man :lol There are "Third world countries" that are safer places to live in than the US, have better education systems, and often have better infrastructure on top of that :lol

oh yeah?

At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day.Source 1

More than 80 percent of the world’s population lives in countries where income differentials are widening.Source 2

The poorest 40 percent of the world’s population accounts for 5 percent of global income. The richest 20 percent accounts for three-quarters of world income.Source 3

According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they “die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world. Being meek and weak in life makes these dying multitudes even more invisible in death.”Source 4

and there's more depressing ish on da link.

i hope they make a law "if u aint happy in da United States, da tax payer will pay for a one way trip anywhere else on Earth u think you'll be better at".

i got family & Friends in DR that would slice throats to trade places with anyone of ya here. :lol
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Poor black person criticizing the socioeconomic system............shut up, stop asking for handouts, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, use da free market

Rich black person criticizes the socioeconomic system.............shut up, why you complain you have money, where else would you be making this type of money, you owe your success to the system
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Poor black person criticizing the socioeconomic system............shut up, so asking for handouts, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, use da free market

Rich black person criticizes the socioeconomic system.............shut up, why you complain you have money, where else would you be making this type of money, you owe you success to the system

Sht crazy
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