Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Some of you dudes are doing the white supremacists job for them. You wanna make a white supremacists happy.....don't wanna make a white supremacists angry.....VOTE. It's just that simple.
Even that is true the people chose who they wanted. Waste of time getting mad at people for not participating in a racist, corrupt game with terrible choices.

They choose who the electorate picked. There was a time folk were running around saying voting is useless because Clinton is gonna win. People stayed home, bigots went to the polls, and looked what happened.

And one choice was way better than the other. People chose to stay home, fine. But that doesn't free them from criticism.

But they, since there is a lot of finger point, maybe it is time to move forward. I just hope I don't have to hear the same thing in 4 or 8 or 12 years.
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RustyShackleford RustyShackleford

Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed your passion for politics and black liberation.

I ask this out of curiosity, in what way do you feel black liberation will be achieved through politics?

For all intended purposes were at war and have been for 400 years. I can't see someone designing a government that would allow their enemy to prosper. Just curious on your perspective.

First off left me get this disclaimer out the way. While i am big on voting and politics, I also and big on community and charity work. Everything play a part, but as one on the left of the economic spectrum I see how policy and government can make change happen in the most efficient way.

Now to be honest, when it comes to obtaining equality I see politics as a tool. I have resigned myself to the fact I will not see a truly just America in my lifetime. This frees me from the thoughts of “if black people did this, everything will be solved”. I don’t try to reason with black people just need to fall in line, but if they want justice then they should pursue certain practices.

Second, we have to remember how many times black folk have been screwed over policy wise. It is important we not forget how vile slavery and Jim Crow was but many folk don’t know about how botched Reconstruction was. If you get Reconstruction right, then there is no need for a Civil rights movement. Also if black people where not screwed out of the New Deal, then the race gap would be much smaller. Hell even the Civil Right Acts, especially the 1964 ones was a compromise. Yes it outlawed Jim Crow, but did little to reverse other policies and trends that where leading to unequal outcomes.

So I just think people need to acknowledge that the reality we live in was created his way not just because of vile racist in people’s hearts, but policy compromises also. And the policy things can be undone, and even better, policy can be used to reverse trends.

Hillary Clinton, love her or hate her was dead right and dead honest when she told BLM that she can’t change people’s hearts, but she can try to pass policy. People got so mad at her for saying that, because they seem to value seeing she shamed or embarrassed but he said the right thing. Don’t look at Hillary Clinton, or Barrack Obama, or Bernie Sanders as a savior. No one person or one vote can change things. But being informed and voting constantly, in every election, so that a Obama, Clinton, or Sanders has progressive people in Congress so they can pass policy then you hold those people sympathetic to your cause and that need your support to get reelection accountable. You tell them, here, this is the exact policy we want. Better yet you can elect members of Congress and governors that will say it too.

And we won’t get everything, when you’re in a political coalition your rarely do. But there tons of policies that can gain wide support that will help the community, and there are specific programs that will be able to pass through a budget. Then that way the charitable work will be more about fixing the areas government misses and not about keeping people afloat.

Also we have to expand our political immigration when it comes to policy. It is not just about criminal justice reform (even though that to me should be up there with health care because it is a life and death situation). Maybe you don’t get sweeping reparations, but you can get an expansion of Civil Rights Departments to prosecute more cases. You can get better labor laws, better consumer laws, demand the FED be packed with people that will pursue full employment, outlaw certain zoning laws, push for a special prosecutors in states to put killer cops on trial, expand voting access, move towards schools being funded differently, push for a federal jobs program, a single payer system or a public option, and we have to look at reforming the 12th and 13th amendments to improve prison conditions and getting a better voting system.
And all this can be done while we work in your individual communities doing charitable work and practice “group economics”.

But none of this gets done until people start getting informed and voting. Constantly and consistently, even in primaries. If you want a more useful Democratic Party to social justice, vote. If you want to force the Republicans to address the needs of the community, vote. If you want to see more people from the community in office so that when a brother gets there they can’t jam him up so easily, vote. If you want a third party of pop up, they we need to force the Dems to just through something like alternative voting systems, so we gotta vote.

And if we want to see that Orange Piece of **** be powerless and be banished from office. Folk gotta vote.

I'm not waiting on a revolution. I'm just fighting for all the marginal gains I can get with the time I got left, if there is a breakthrough, then I get to be presently surprised.
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Some of you dudes are doing the white supremacists job for them. You wanna make a white supremacists happy.....don't wanna make a white supremacists angry.....VOTE. It's just that simple.

You really think it is necessary to be this antagonizing with dudes that are fundamentally on the same side as your?
Even that is true the people chose who they wanted. Waste of time getting mad at people for not participating in a racist, corrupt game with terrible choices.
What is the point in not voting? Not trying to attack you or anything.
The political process is gonna continue either way so you might as well vote so you at least have some degree of input. Even if you don't like any of the politicians, you're bound to prefer one candidate over the other. The lesser of two evils if you feel that way.
So why not vote to try not ending up with the candidate you dislike the most?
Famb already said he views it as pointless.

And some people, especially black dudes, just straight up hate the Clintons.
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Some of you dudes are doing the white supremacists job for them. You wanna make a white supremacists happy.....don't wanna make a white supremacists angry.....VOTE. It's just that simple.

You really think it is necessary to be this antagonizing with dudes that are fundamentally on the same side as your?

My comments are directed towards Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius and not you. Not sure if you meant to be "different side as yours" or "same side as yours".
We have mandatory voting here so I find it hard to place myself in that position of not voting. I can see where they're coming from but personally I think the negatives of not voting are more important. Even if it was no longer mandatory I would always vote on all levels of government. And I dislike 99% of our politicians.
I dont know many black males who trust or like any politicians really. It's hard to get people to trust a system with the history this one has.

Default attitude is "these old rich white people don't give a **** about me or anybody that looks like me".
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Some of you dudes are doing the white supremacists job for them. You wanna make a white supremacists happy.....don't wanna make a white supremacists angry.....VOTE. It's just that simple.

You really think it is necessary to be this antagonizing with dudes that are fundamentally on the same side as your?

My comments are directed towards Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius and not you. Not sure if you meant to be "different side as yours" or "same side as yours".

I assumed he they were not directed at me, and I meant "same side". As in you guys both want what is best for the community. Y'all just disagree on this topic.

But proceed famb....

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Funny thing is he can safely feel that way from his liberal Oasis that people who cared about civil liberties and voting created. If he were to ever explore and experience more of America it would be a rude awakening. It's one thing to know overt racism exists and dismiss it from your safe space, it's another when you have to actually live in it and experience it. Or if you ever strive to see more than the bare minimum in your limited zone as success and have to deal with certain folks and roadblocks. Dudes want to think everything is there for everyone when simply put, no minority elites exist.
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The same way people ostarcize Kap now is the same way Ali was ostracized back then funny how now everyone loves Ali but back then it was not the case
I mess with Kaep and respect all those who have protested the anthem.

I just attended my college graduation ceremony from a fairly diverse school where 7/10 students are not white, and it was a different experience when so many people from different ethnicities and social classes stood for the anthem together, which was sung by a young POC. There was none of that rah-rah paid by the military type "patriotism" and it didn't reflect the type of crowd you generally get at sports events (white/upper-middle class.) Most of the faculty on stage was black, and all of the speakers were also unapologetically liberal, not holding much back in their criticisms of the right and corporations, and urged social activism.

This doesn't change the racist lyrics that were originally in it, but it felt nice for all of us from different creeds to stand together. I almost felt guilty knowing the issues at large that go beyond my campus, and the history of the lyrics, but it was a different and nice experience of having this feeling of what America could ideally be when I stood that day.
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I've sat before at sporting events, with the military being propped, which is just as "routine"

And my post wasn't just about standing to save face but what I felt with that group and in a diverse liberal setting.
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My point is that I don't see it much as unifying but as people in a room who are conditioned to acting a specific way for a moment based solely on the feeling of "what your supposed to do".
My post wasn't about unifying people it was about my personal experience and relationship with the American part of my identity, and our anthem
I mess with Kaep and respect all those who have protested the anthem.

I just attended my college graduation ceremony from a fairly diverse school where 7/10 students are not white, and it was a different experience when so many people from different ethnicities and social classes stood for the anthem together, which was sung by a young POC. There was none of that rah-rah paid by the military type "patriotism" and it didn't reflect the type of crowd you generally get at sports events (white/upper-middle class.) Most of the faculty on stage was black, and all of the speakers were also unapologetically liberal, not holding much back in their criticisms of the right and corporations, and urged social activism.

This doesn't change the racist lyrics that were originally in it, but it felt nice for all of us from different creeds to stand together. I almost felt guilty knowing the issues at large that go beyond my campus, and the history of the lyrics, but it was a different and nice experience of having this feeling of what America could ideally be when I stood that day.

Let's just call it what it is:

Black folks aren't as patriotic

Patriotism is often times just thinly veiled racism.
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