Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Results are only viewable after voting.
There was low turnout across the board,not sure how it's somehow become exclusive to black voters...
Black turnout was 11.4 percent lower than in 2012. Overall turnout was 1.7 percent lower than in 2012 (includes that 11.4 percent reduction in black turnout).
But, in 2012, there were 16,938,006 Black voter ballots counted out of a total of 130.3 million ballots nationally. That translates into an alarming 11.4 percent reduction in Black votes between both presidential election cycles.
Still, national turnout was on 56.9 percent this year compared to 58.6 percent in 2012 and the record 62.2 percent in 2008.
Just half of those 11.4 percent could've made one HELL of a difference, especially if they were in Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
The numbers for the black vote in 2012 were also somewhat inflated and a bit more than the average expected turnout considering how people showed up for Obama.

Blacks voted pretty on par with an average election cycle in 2016.
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You sound ridiculous dog.

Kaepernick's stance on voting had nothing to do with who was elected.

Some how all the actual work he's out here doing doesn't count because he didn't vote for hillary clinton :rofl:

That millions dollars was fake bro

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I just realized that the only place I hear about anything good Kaep has done(which is a lot) for the community is from NT. Media is burying this deep.....unless I'm looking in the wrong places.
When all else fails, blame the black guy.
Or in Kaepernick's case the black part of him :rolleyes

One drop rule, baby. Issa negro.

I just realized that the only place I hear about anything good Kaep has done(which is a lot) for the community is from NT. Media is burying this deep.....unless I'm looking in the wrong places.

Social media and African descendant oriented news outlets are the only ones reporting on what he is doing as far as I can tell.

You don't see a lot of coverage of a black man doing uplifting things in his community if his record is clean. Gotta attach the "ex gang member" "ex drug dealer" "ex con" label to label to show how he became one of the "good ones".

Kaep aligns with leaders who stood against white supremacy though so they not bout to promote him on a national scale like that unless they're tearing him down.
You sound ridiculous dog.

Kaepernick's stance on voting had nothing to do with who was elected.

Some how all the actual work he's out here doing doesn't count because he didn't vote for hillary clinton
Exactly because they share the same feeble minded one sided way of thinking

There was a bigger message behind him not voting at all....

I swear people sound just as dumb as my mother with that vote for the lesser evil crap.
The black vote decreased for a number of reason:

-Some of the black vote was just voted up to show Obeezy support.

-Hillary Clinton, no matter how good her police proposal were, was not a compelling candidate so it was hard to get folk out of the "she is just the lesser of two evils" way of thinking. Folk of all backgrounds stayed home.

-Ever since 2010 the black vote has been under constant attack by voter ID laws. Even without Obama the black participation was trending upwards at was going to overtake the white vote. If that happened then you would she a ton more Democrats elected, especially black democrats. A well funded and organized attack has been underway against demographics that tend to vote Democrat. Black people being the center of this.

Still the black vote reached pre-election estimates. Also there are so many other things to blame for the Orange Bigot's election than black turnout and especially Kaep (who had lil to no effect at all anyway). Russian inference, James Comey, not campaigning in swing states and blocking Trump only path to 270, Clinton being unpopular, racism and xenophobia, voter ID laws and other voter forms of voter suppression, white women selling out other minorities, Jill Stein voters, low key misogyny that folk won't admit too.

I disagreed with Kaep, and I am big on voting, but his stance on voting doesn't negate his work in the community. I am still a big fan of his, I just disagree with him on an issue.
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I disagreed with Kaep, and I am big on voting, but his stance on voting doesn't negate his work in the community. I am still a big fan of his, I just disagree with him on an issue.


Too often we want to throw each other away cuz we disagree on one thing. Meanwhile Trump is a clown that grabs p**** and a lot of white men and women love him because he supports white supremacy. They don't let one thing stop them from the ultimate goal.
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RustyShackleford RustyShackleford

Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed your passion for politics and black liberation.

I ask this out of curiosity, in what way do you feel black liberation will be achieved through politics?

For all intended purposes were at war and have been for 400 years. I can't see someone designing a government that would allow their enemy to prosper. Just curious on your perspective.
Colin's work, time and money donated has been greatly appreciated to the community. Not only that but his public stance to SIT DOWN during the playing of the national anthem help start a conversation that needs to be on going that he helped bring to the forefront. That being said Colin's power to exercise the right to vote is more powerful and helpful than his ability to pass out Chopper suits in the hood.

We can no longer negate the tools and resources at our immediate disposal to help improve matters before us. Anyone not voting or advocating others not to vote are apart of the problem that we face. There is an entity (white supremacy) that is ACTIVELY trying to prevent us from voting. If voting wasn't so monumental they wouldn't try to hinder us from voting....same goes for having financial independence and wealth as well. I don't care if you liked Hillary or not, at the end of the day marginal gains are better than huge loses. That is what we have in place now with Donald Trump in office....huge losses.

For all the narrow-minded individuals that said "both candidates are the same" there's a big difference between an Attorney General like Eric Holder and Jeff Sessions. The two are not the same be it in policy or open rhetoric. We have individuals in this very thread....some as recent as within the last 5 posts that did this online community and the black fellowship a disservice by not voting, same goes for Colin Kapernick as well.
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Voting just makes stupid people feel important. Forced to pick between two old white folks that don't give a damn about u is not freedom. U wanna stand in line for that be my guest but there are folks like Colin who are actually about something and not just talking about it.

Tryna make people feel irresponsible for being able to think in their own isnt the move just cause you feel compelled to pick a side.
Voting just makes stupid people feel important. Forced to pick between two old white folks that don't give a damn about u is not freedom. U wanna stand in line for that be my guest but there are folks like Colin who are actually about something and not just talking about it.

Tryna make people feel irresponsible for being able to think in their own isnt the move just cause you feel compelled to pick a side.
You can have your opinion about not voting, which is fine. But, in the end, one of those two candidates still makes critical decisions that shape our nation. Plain and simple, casting your vote is vital.
You can have your opinion about not voting, which is fine. But, in the end, one of those two candidates still makes critical decisions that shape our nation. Plain and simple, casting your vote is vital.

If you don't want to vote for president fine. I don't agree with the concept, but if your moral compass is really that strained can't really argue. But there are far too many initiatives on local and state ballots to completely abstain from the process, let alone encourage others to do the same.
Colin's work, time and money donated has been greatly appreciated to the community. Not only that but his public stance to SIT DOWN during the playing of the national anthem help start a conversation that needs to be on going that he helped bring to the forefront. That being said Colin's power to exercise the right to vote is more powerful and helpful than his ability to pass out Chopper suits in the hood.

No it's not. At all. You telling me a c**n like Charles Barkely has helped more cuz he voted for Hilary than Colin going directly to people helping them?
Colin's work, time and money donated has been greatly appreciated to the community. Not only that but his public stance to SIT DOWN during the playing of the national anthem help start a conversation that needs to be on going that he helped bring to the forefront. That being said Colin's power to exercise the right to vote is more powerful and helpful than his ability to pass out Chopper suits in the hood.

No it's not. At all. You telling me a c**n like Charles Barkely has helped more cuz he voted for Hilary than Colin going directly to people helping them?

Your direct question has nothing to do with my statement nor it is one in the same. The word "powerful" and "helped more" are NOT one in the same. Try again champ. Gotta watch the words and redirect questions you dudes ask out here.
Colin's work, time and money donated has been greatly appreciated to the community. Not only that but his public stance to SIT DOWN during the playing of the national anthem help start a conversation that needs to be on going that he helped bring to the forefront. That being said Colin's power to exercise the right to vote is more powerful and helpful than his ability to pass out Chopper suits in the hood.

No it's not. At all. You telling me a c**n like Charles Barkely has helped more cuz he voted for Hilary than Colin going directly to people helping them?

Your direct question has nothing to do with my statement nor it is one in the same. The word "powerful" and "helped more" are NOT one in the same. Try again champ. Gotta watch the words and redirect questions you dudes ask out here.

Whatever word you wanna use you wrong. :lol:

Casting a silly *** vote is not more "POWERFUL" or "HELPS MORE" than directly helping people.
You can have your opinion about not voting, which is fine. But, in the end, one of those two candidates still makes critical decisions that shape our nation. Plain and simple, casting your vote is vital.
Not really. Both candidates are pimped by congress. The candidates are only fronts for the dumpster fire that is congress.
Colin's work, time and money donated has been greatly appreciated to the community. Not only that but his public stance to SIT DOWN during the playing of the national anthem help start a conversation that needs to be on going that he helped bring to the forefront. That being said Colin's power to exercise the right to vote is more powerful and helpful than his ability to pass out Chopper suits in the hood.

No it's not. At all. You telling me a c**n like Charles Barkely has helped more cuz he voted for Hilary than Colin going directly to people helping them?

Your direct question has nothing to do with my statement nor it is one in the same. The word "powerful" and "helped more" are NOT one in the same. Try again champ. Gotta watch the words and redirect questions you dudes ask out here.

Whatever word you wanna use you wrong. :lol:

Casting a silly *** vote is not more "POWERFUL" or "HELPS MORE" than directly helping people.

Famb let's take a step back for a moment, I think you're missing the point he is trying to make. Even though I think he could worded it different.

That while good, public policy would do more to help the community than charity. That it not meant to put down charitable work, that is the reality.

Colin gave a blanket "don't vote", for a silly reason. His work in the community doesn't shield him from criticism on that topic, just like his not voting negate the good things he has done.

Right this second the House of Representatives has voted to repeal the ACA and cut tons of funding to Medicaid. The Medicaid expansion disproportionately affected the poor and people of color. It was one of the biggest wealth transfer from rich (mostly white people) to the poor in like maybe since the New Deal

And this was done to give the rich more tax cuts. Nothing Colin can do will offset the damage a Medicaid rollback will do.

If Loretta Lynch was the Attorney General maybe she doesn't prosecute because it is hard to get a jury to convict a cop (who knows) but she would spell out the specific problems with how police treat black people in the agree, sued the cop to get reforms in place and if they found them gaming the municipal fine system their would have been a civil rights lawsuit. That helps the people in that area.

Grand Wizard Jeff Sessions did none of that, in fact he rushed to closed the case. Kaep doesn't have the funds to sue the city for reforms, or hire lawyers to file a civil rights case.

Maybe one silly *** vote doesn't count, but when they add up to thousands and millions not voting. That is an W for white supremacy. That is why Trump, the man we all ******* hate, thanked black people who didn't vote. No voters are behaving exactly like Trump, the GOP, and white supremacy want them to do. And that does for all elections: presidential, congressional, state, local, hell even your school board.

That is all folk are trying to point out in this situation.
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Colin's work, time and money donated has been greatly appreciated to the community. Not only that but his public stance to SIT DOWN during the playing of the national anthem help start a conversation that needs to be on going that he helped bring to the forefront. That being said Colin's power to exercise the right to vote is more powerful and helpful than his ability to pass out Chopper suits in the hood.

No it's not. At all. You telling me a c**n like Charles Barkely has helped more cuz he voted for Hilary than Colin going directly to people helping them?

Your direct question has nothing to do with my statement nor it is one in the same. The word "powerful" and "helped more" are NOT one in the same. Try again champ. Gotta watch the words and redirect questions you dudes ask out here.

Whatever word you wanna use you wrong. :lol:

Casting a silly *** vote is not more "POWERFUL" or "HELPS MORE" than directly helping people.

Famb elts take a step back for a moment, I think you're missing the point he is trying to make. Even though I think he could worded it different.

That while good, public policy would do more to help the community than charity. That it not meant to put down charitable work, that is the reality.

Colin gave a blanket "don't vote", for a silly reason. His work in the community doesn't shield him from criticism on that topic, just like his not voting negate the good things he has done.

Right this second the House of Representatives has voted to repeal the ACA and cut tons of funding to Medicaid. The Medicaid expansion disproportionately affected the poor and people of color. It was one of the biggest wealth transfer from rich (mostly white people) to the poor in like maybe since the New Deal

And this was done to give the rich more tax cuts. Nothing Colin can do will offset the damage a Medicaid rollback will do.

If Loretta Lynch was the Attorney General maybe she doesn't prosecute because it is hard to get a jury to convict a cop (who knows) but she would spell out the specific problems with how police treat black people in the agree, sued the cop to get reforms in place and if they found them gaming the municipal fine system their would have been a civil rights lawsuit. That helps the people in that area.

Grand Wizard Jeff Sessions did none of that, in fact he rushed to closed the case. Kaep doesn't have the funds to sue the city for reforms, or hire lawyers to file a civil rights case.

Maybe one silly *** vote doesn't count, but when they add up to thousands and millions not voting. That is an W for white supremacy. That is why Trump, the man we all ******* hate, thanked black people who didn't vote. No voters are behaving exactly like Trump, the GOP, and white supremacy want them to do. And that does for all elections: presidential, congressional, state, local, hell even your school board.

That is all folk are trying to point out in this situation.

Let me take that "silly *** vote" back, I don't wanna start that war again. :lol:

Trump and his people said that cuz they know dividing people is good for them. "Ima thank the black folks that ain't vote to piss off the ones that did and they can argue about that amongst each other" and people fell for it. If the choices are Hilary vs Trump you're not gonna get a lot of black people voting, you just not. Not even on some "They're the same", alot of black folks just don't trust the Clintons.
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Colin's work, time and money donated has been greatly appreciated to the community. Not only that but his public stance to SIT DOWN during the playing of the national anthem help start a conversation that needs to be on going that he helped bring to the forefront. That being said Colin's power to exercise the right to vote is more powerful and helpful than his ability to pass out Chopper suits in the hood.

No it's not. At all. You telling me a c**n like Charles Barkely has helped more cuz he voted for Hilary than Colin going directly to people helping them?

Your direct question has nothing to do with my statement nor it is one in the same. The word "powerful" and "helped more" are NOT one in the same. Try again champ. Gotta watch the words and redirect questions you dudes ask out here.

Whatever word you wanna use you wrong. :lol:

Casting a silly *** vote is not more "POWERFUL" or "HELPS MORE" than directly helping people.

Famb elts take a step back for a moment, I think you're missing the point he is trying to make. Even though I think he could worded it different.

That while good, public policy would do more to help the community than charity. That it not meant to put down charitable work, that is the reality.

Colin gave a blanket "don't vote", for a silly reason. His work in the community doesn't shield him from criticism on that topic, just like his not voting negate the good things he has done.

Right this second the House of Representatives has voted to repeal the ACA and cut tons of funding to Medicaid. The Medicaid expansion disproportionately affected the poor and people of color. It was one of the biggest wealth transfer from rich (mostly white people) to the poor in like maybe since the New Deal

And this was done to give the rich more tax cuts. Nothing Colin can do will offset the damage a Medicaid rollback will do.

If Loretta Lynch was the Attorney General maybe she doesn't prosecute because it is hard to get a jury to convict a cop (who knows) but she would spell out the specific problems with how police treat black people in the agree, sued the cop to get reforms in place and if they found them gaming the municipal fine system their would have been a civil rights lawsuit. That helps the people in that area.

Grand Wizard Jeff Sessions did none of that, in fact he rushed to closed the case. Kaep doesn't have the funds to sue the city for reforms, or hire lawyers to file a civil rights case.

Maybe one silly *** vote doesn't count, but when they add up to thousands and millions not voting. That is an W for white supremacy. That is why Trump, the man we all ******* hate, thanked black people who didn't vote. No voters are behaving exactly like Trump, the GOP, and white supremacy want them to do. And that does for all elections: presidential, congressional, state, local, hell even your school board.

That is all folk are trying to point out in this situation.

Let me take that "silly *** vote" back, I don't wanna start that war again. :lol:

Trump and his people said that cuz they know dividing people is good for them. "Ima thank the black folks that ain't vote to piss off the ones that did and they can argue about that amongst each other" and people fell for it. If the choices are Hilary vs Trump you're not gonna get a lot of black people voting, you just not. Not even on some "They're the same", alot of black folks just don't trust the Clintons.

Why is it that the notion that voting has consequences seems to be so lost on you guys?

Being passive will not shield you from the consequences of elections, and as long as we live with this system, not choosing won't change the fact that someone will be chosen.

And as I always say, spectators don't get to change the rules of the game; only participants do.
Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius I definitely feel where you are coming from. The public policy wonk in me liked her platform, I like that their was actual policy to confront issues, but I can definitely understand why people would ignore that because Hillary Clinton was the messenger. Like I said, I disagree. but I understand.

But the fact still remains that we are all in this together and now where have legit true to the name white supremacist running things now. Trump, Ryan, Sessions, Devos, and Carson will destroy the lives of people in our community, both literally and economically. The Supreme Court was big for social justice and is lost for a generation. :smh:

There are tons of things from policy to charity that can make a difference, but when it comes to politics, everyone gotta realize that we have to try our best to hand Trump and his boys as many Ls in the coming years as possible. We got special elections in weeks, local elections all the time, off year elections at the end of the year and midterms in like 18 months. It is not the magic bullet, but it plays and important role.
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Why is it that the notion that voting has consequences seems to be so lost on you guys?

Being passive will not shield you from the consequences of elections, and as long as we live with this system, not choosing won't change the fact that someone will be chosen.

And as I always say, spectators don't get to change the rules of the game; only participants do.

Well that's how you look at it.

The people participating don't dictate anything cuz the Electorial College chooses the president.
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Well that's how you look at it.

The people participating don't dictate anything cuz the Electorial College chooses the president.

Famb that is intellectually dishonest. The Electoral College votes according to their state's results. People decide who the electors vote for.

It is a horrible system that disenfranchises many and gives disproportional power to a few, but still, in practice the people decide who is present.
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