Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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Admirable considering he doesn't have income coming in. Or does he still have the beats sponsorship?
Woulda been dope if Jay hooded it out with Dipset reunion, state prop reunion, and have Dame come out dancing with Amandale. Most white ppl everywhere would be extremely confused.
honestly i dont think he turned the show down for fear of losing fans. Im sure there were other reasons in accordance with him standing with Kap in his stance.

Could've used it as a platform to blast the NFL tho
After white folks cried about Beyonce showing pride for her race I'm surprised the NFL ask Jay.


Trying to show that "they are on our side" or promote the idea that racist views are a thing of the past. Kinda like how racism doesn't exist for blacks because Obama was president. I already see Goodell like "Well Jay z just performed at the superbowl"

I'm hoping we stand strong and some acts that aren't as huge as Jay also say no. I'm weary of who they may ask, and who would sell out.

on another note I'm hoping someone like Green Day or even Santana gets the gig, I was pretty pissed when they had it at Levi Stadium and both those acts(with E40 added) weren't part of the show and they instead got cold play:stoneface:
Just a sure as Hov turned it down some c o on will come along & happily accept. Solidarity is severely lacking in our community.
It's dope if that is why Jay turned it down but we don't know that so I'm not all hype about it. It would be dope if he said straight up I'm not doing it since y'all don't support us.

Kid could be on drugs but his white side has always been more dominant than his black side. He's just aging like a white woman.
Not from boycotting. It's from illegal streams, poor product on the field, too violent and some people can't watch it, too many commercials, domestic violence and other things. The few people boycotting aren't making an impact.
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