Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Colin Kaepernick wins NFLPA award for community outreach


Colin Kaepernick might not be employed by an NFL team, but that hasn't slowed his support from the players union.

The NFLPA this week awarded Kaepernick the Community MVP for his ninth $100,000 giveaway to various organizations while he continues his "Million Dollar Pledge" he began this time last year.

Kaepernick remains a polarizing figure for his role sparking a country-wide debate about the relationship between activism and sports. Many believe Kaepernick's addition to a team would create an unnecessary "distraction" from football, even though his camp said in the spring he planned on standing for the national anthem if he signs with a team in 2017.

Others would argue football is a distraction from problems we all face in the real world and Kaepernick is appropriately using his platform to address important issues like systemic racial inequality and police brutality. Those issues are far more important than who wins and loses on Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays.

The quarterback play throughout the NFL during Week 1 was far from spectacular, further proving Kaepernick is deserving of a job based on his ability, no matter how you feel about his social stances.

Texans defensive end J.J. Watt won the NFLPA's Community MVP award last week after helping secure more than $33 million in donations for relief from Hurrican Harvey. The list of past winners can be found here.

The NFL dug their own grave once they became the league and safe space for racist Trump supporting types. I haven't watched any games this year. I guess NBA is the only major sports league I'll be watching or supporting until further notice.

Out of curiosity, who is your team of choice??
Football, Nascar and MMA are the 3 sports that has that core demographic of rednecks beating their wives wearing wifebeaters drinking coors/bud lights or some other domestic beer while cheering on their white QBs/driver/fighter. Pro Wrestling whether if you look at it as a sport would be the 4th but that's more live entertainment for that demographic

you spelled Nascar wrong.
I'm happy to hear Jay said nah and the ratings are down. I used to turn the tv on Sunday and just have the game in the background. Haven't even turned on a college game this year.
Football, Nascar and MMA are the 3 sports that has that core demographic of rednecks beating their wives wearing wifebeaters drinking coors/bud lights or some other domestic beer while cheering on their white QBs/driver/fighter. Pro Wrestling whether if you look at it as a sport would be the 4th but that's more live entertainment for that demographic

Facts. For the most part the Nascar, baseball and the MMA and to a slightly less extent the NFL cater to uneducated, loud, fat, racist people and the women and children who love them. The NFL is the closest thing to the gladiator crowd of the Roman empire. The people in those crowds were savages and didn't give too damns about the slaves they were watching giving each other CTE.
I'd say MMA is the closest thing to the Roman Gladiators in the coliseum with NFL having a resemblance as well. Nascar was like the Roman Chariot Races they had with chariots crashing into each other and now they want to see these mutliple car crashes in Nascar

Facts. For the most part the Nascar, baseball and the MMA and to a slightly less extent the NFL cater to uneducated, loud, fat, racist people and the women and children who love them. The NFL is the closest thing to the gladiator crowd of the Roman empire. The people in those crowds were savages and didn't give too damns about the slaves they were watching giving each other CTE.
I'm happy to hear Jay said nah and the ratings are down. I used to turn the tv on Sunday and just have the game in the background. Haven't even turned on a college game this year.

I am right there with you. When I watch it I am just like meh and I can't help but see it as gladiator lowkey slavery to some level. I see the Alabama football team and then they show the crowd and I am just like - this don't look right to me :lol:

They just look like assets running around sacrificing their mental and physical health and the minute they have an opinion or act like actual humans everyone falls apart and next thing you know its a wrap for their career. Especially for black athletes.

But I dunno maybe I am crazy and am choosing to only see that
judging by most of da Yahoo comments, opposite ends of da spectrum are United in not watching for exact opposite reasons.

that's why u sports isn't politics.... :lol:

NFL has only each other to blame for polarizing themselves.
judging by most of da Yahoo comments, opposite ends of da spectrum are United in not watching for exact opposite reasons.

that's why u sports isn't politics.... :lol:

NFL has only each other to blame for polarizing themselves.

Yahoo comment people aint doing this. They're demographic is old, fat and racist. High chances they're probably not watching to begin with .
judging by most of da Yahoo comments, opposite ends of da spectrum are United in not watching for exact opposite reasons.

that's why u sports isn't politics.... :lol:

NFL has only each other to blame for polarizing themselves.

Yahoo comments asa judge huh :lol:. That's the YouTube of media in comments.
Yahoo comment people aint doing this. They're demographic is old, fat and racist

a comment or so about ya had these folks zeroed in as da tent pole NFL fans..

can't be both.

they're not having it wit da NFL for da whole "patriotic disrespectfulness" and "protests" so on and so on...

seems da NFL is on da proverbial rock & hard place.
a comment or so about ya had these folks zeroed in as da tent pole NFL fans..

can't be both.

they're not having it wit da NFL for da whole "patriotic disrespectfulness" and "protests" so on and so on...

seems da NFL is on da proverbial rock & hard place.

I didn't say that. I probably posted in here one other time. Weeks to a month ago.
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