Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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serious question
wouldn't that invalidate
or like dissolve the players contracts
by it being an illegal act???
or am i reaching
Initially I’m thinking no. Doesn’t matter WHY a rule is made or enforced. The players essentially agree to it via the players unison not fighting it
Bombshell for anyone else, but for Trump it's just another thing that'll be shrugged off by @#$ kissing Republicans.
Absolute truth. People need to come to terms that Trump isn’t going to jail, and he’s not getting impreached. He has his side bought and paid for YEARS in advance. Not only that he has his hands in the pockets of their businesses. That will not give that up.

What this does show is how far the nfl owners are willing to go to caiter to their aimed demographic. Months ago Trump called the owners cowards for not standing up to their slav...ahhh employees. Now they’re willing to go along with whatever he says. Pathetic in every right
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I wonder whether Kaepernick feels that Trump won the "racism contest" him and Hillary had during the election, when he implied that they are both equally bad.
Absolute truth. People need to come to terms that Trump isn’t going to jail, and he’s not getting impreached. He has his side bought and paid for YEARS in advance. Not only that he has his hands in the pockets of their businesses. That will not give that up.

What those does show is how far the nfl owners are willing to go to caiter to their aimed demographic. Months ago Trump called the owners cowards for not standing up to their slav...ahhh employees. Now their willing to go along with whatever he says. Pathetic in every right

Agreed. The only hope is that Trump @#$@$@ around so much influences more people to go to the polls.

The most frustrating part though...let's say Democrats regain control of the government. Eventually they'll get complacent again and continue the cycle of serviceable/good presidents being followed by complete trash Republican presidents. Bush Jr was one of the worst presidents of all time and completely destroyed the US economy/reputation along with destroying the Middle East. I vividly recall both Democrats and Republicans talking about how terrible he was and how we needed to become a peaceful nation rather than the war-mongering one we've been throughout history.

Throw in one black president though, and all of that went to @#$@. Back to square one because white supremacy is more important than anything else :smh: I have no faith in this country
I wonder whether Kaepernick feels that Trump won the "racism contest" him and Hillary had during the election, when he implied that they are both equally bad.

An excellent point. That's why black people have to STOP being politically ignorant and unwilling to learn basic politics. I like Kap and I applaud his efforts to bring social awareness on and off the field, and he more than deserves a chance to compete again on an NFL team.

That being said when Kap said BOTH Trump and Hillary are the same he got exactly what he deserves so to speak the way Trump played him and changed the kneeling narrative. That's what he gets for being politically ignorant when it comes to candidates and voting, strictly from that perspective.
People need to come to terms that Trump isn’t going to jail, and he’s not getting impreached.
Only if people stay home. In addition to the NFL stuff, it is looking like there is a case for obstruction of justice (firing Comey and asking Sessions to unrecuse himself from the Russian investigation), gross negligence and endangerment of American citizens (aftermath of the Puerto Rico storms), and violation of the emoluments clause (Ivanka running from questions about her newly acquired Chinese trademarks).

The question is, will the people play the only card they have now (which is giving the legislative majority to Democrats in November so that they can start unwrapping all this administration BS)?
An excellent point. That's why black people have to STOP being politically ignorant and unwilling to learn basic politics. I like Kap and I applaud his efforts to bring social awareness on and off the field, and he more than deserves a chance to compete again on an NFL team.

That being said when Kap said BOTH Trump and Hillary are the same he got exactly what he deserves so to speak the way Trump played him and changed the kneeling narrative. That's what he gets for being politically ignorant when it comes to candidates and voting, strictly from that perspective.
If he voted
But voted for someone else
Besides trump
Or Hillary
Who he actually believed in
Would still feel the same way
The most frustrating part though...let's say Democrats regain control of the government. Eventually they'll get complacent again and continue the cycle of serviceable/good presidents being followed by complete trash Republican presidents
The Left in this country has to start being reactionary. There are real reforms that NEED to happen, and people can't afford to sit on their hands even after Democrats win back Congress because Trump and his ilk have seriously damaged US institutions.

A lot of things that were norms (like releasing tax returns) were exploited by Republicans (Romney started hiding his tax info) specifically because it wasn't illegal to not do it.

If Democrats do not codify transparency and implement fair representation, a better Trump will take over. If the people don't press Democrats, chances are the scenario above is going to happen.
The Left in this country has to start being reactionary. There are real reforms that NEED to happen, and people can't afford to sit on their hands even after Democrats win back Congress because Trump and his ilk have seriously damaged US institutions.

A lot of things that were norms (like releasing tax returns) were exploited by Republicans (Romney started hiding his tax info) specifically because it wasn't illegal to not do it.

If Democrats do not codify transparency and implement fair representation, a better Trump will take over. If the people don't press Democrats, chances are the scenario above is going to happen.

I agree, but like you said, my biggest worry is that people who are voting this year for midterms are going to be like "Job's done". Then even if there's another Democratic president, it'll go back to Republicans controlling the government because they ALWAYS vote, no matter what.
If he voted
But voted for someone else
Besides trump
Or Hillary
Who he actually believed in
Would still feel the same way

Stop it champ. There were only 2 real candidate options for POTUS and there was a clear DISTINCTION between those 2 candidates. Those who didn't understand that distinction were blind or wanted to be blind to the matter at hand.

A Supreme Court judge, maybe even Supreme Court judges, and countless other appointed judge selections were at stake given the results of the 2016 election and Kap and other politically ignorant people like him got scared and became weak in the process. They let black America down. Elections have consequences champ. Kap better learn how to get on code when it comes to voting. That goes for my boy Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius as well.
Stop it champ. There were only 2 real candidate options for POTUS and there was a clear DISTINCTION between those 2 candidates. Those who didn't understand that distinction were blind or wanted to be blind to the matter at hand.

A Supreme Court judge, maybe even Supreme Court judges, and countless other appointed judge selections were at stake given the results of the 2016 election and Kap and other politically ignorant people like him got scared and became weak in the process. They let black America down. Elections have consequences champ. Kap better learn how to get on code when it comes to voting. That goes for my boy Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius as well.
No I’m not arguing I’m jus asking
No I’m not arguing I’m jus asking

Yes I know. I'm just saying that the obvious choice to win was Hillary Clinton. When, conservatives/republicans/white supremacists vote they vote to WIN. They don't get caught up on that voting for someone just cause they like him or not. They vote to win and DOMINATE which is the mentality black people as a whole need to take when it comes to voting.

Just like when Kap was playing football, he personally might want to throw the ball for a touchdown for the winning play for personal satisfaction as a quarterback but the BEST play might be to run the ball or kick a game winning field goal. Gotta leave all that personal bs to the side and to what it takes to win the game.....and you CAN'T win the game if you sitting on the sidelines scared to vote or voting for some Green Party/Tea Party/Third Party clown that can't win. "You play to win the game......HELLO".

Kap didn't play to win when it came to the 2016 elections. That's why he played himself and why Trump took great pleasure in calling him "a son of a *****". That's what happens when you don't get called a son of a *****!!
Yes I know. I'm just saying that the obvious choice to win was Hillary Clinton. When, conservatives/republicans/white supremacists vote they vote to WIN. They don't get caught up on that voting for someone just cause they like him or not. They vote to win and DOMINATE which is the mentality black people as a whole need to take when it comes to voting.

Just like when Kap was playing football, he personally might want to throw the ball for a touchdown for the winning play for personal satisfaction as a quarterback but the BEST play might be to run the ball or kick a game winning field goal. Gotta leave all that personal bs to the side and to what it takes to win the game.....and you CAN'T win the game if you sitting on the sidelines scared to vote or voting for some Green Party/Tea Party/Third Party clown that can't win. "You play to win the game......HELLO".

Kap didn't play to win when it came to the 2016 elections. That's why he played himself and why Trump took great pleasure in calling him "a son of a *****". That's what happens when you don't get called a son of a *****!!
I get it
Don’t agree full heartedly
But get it
Ava DuVernay To make TV show about Colin Kaepernick high school years


Ava DuVer-bae said she’s working on a TV comedy series with Colin Kaepernick that focuses on his high school life.

In an interview with “A Wrinkle in Time” producer Jim Whitaker in Vanity Fair, the acclaimed director said the series will be like “‘Friday Night Lights’ meets ‘Everybody Hates Chris.’”

Next time Trump does a press conference, if he does one again. I’d pay to see the first question be to ask him to recite the words to the national anthem.

I’m sure he knows it by heart since he has the best brain and the best memory.
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