Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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So you glad you can drink water that white people drink?

What the **** does that have to do with the racism that's still going on today? Y'all just going in circles not going anywhere. All y'all basically saying is we hope a system that wasn't made for us, that has shown us over and over and over that they won't accept us will accept us one day.

This system was made for wealthy, white, Christian men yet other groups have come up in it.

**** their acceptance I just want success for my descendants.
So you glad you can drink water that white people drink?

What the **** does that have to do with the racism that's still going on today? Y'all just going in circles not going anywhere. All y'all basically saying is we hope a system that wasn't made for us, that has shown us over and over and over that they won't accept us will accept us one day.

That is not what we said. It may be what you want to read, but that's not it.

And you still haven't told us what would work better for Blacks in America than political awareness, political activism, and political influence.
Aint none of yall doing **** but typing. Dude said he'll watch kaep like its a individual sport. As long as brothers play football brothers gone watch football.
Are you drinking out of "blacks only" water fountains today?

Are you getting you meal orders from a "Blacks only" counter?

To be fair and give credit to the countless numbers of people who participated, being able to drink and eat in what was "white only" establishments was the result of many sit-in's and displays of civil disobedience where people got their heads bashed, dogs sicked on them, and humiliated by racist counter-protesters until public opinion turned in their favor because the whole situation looked evil and humiliating in the eyes of the rest of the world. When public opinion is overwhelming, politicians are forced to make concessions otherwise they will lose voters. No politician in the 60's waved a magic wand and granted civil rights out of the goodness of their heart, something that shouldn't have had be 'granted' in the first place. That ignores a lot of work people behind the scenes and on the ground put in while suffering through violence and death threats.
I don't pretend to know all the solutions but I know this voting BS ain't working when they built the system. Whether it's building a economic system, building a military, war, whatever eventually something else has to happen.
Hey guys he’s right. The whole slavery ending and the abolishment of “separate but equal” thing is way overrated. We need ALL minds to magically change instantaneously

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this dude really said you can't fight racism through voting? doggie have you seen the supreme court? some of you guys gotta know when to just shut the **** up man

voting for president isn't just about the president, and the fact i have to explain that to adults is some truly wild ****.

It's like I'm curious to see what Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius has and has not been taught when it comes to politics.......and more importantly who taught him. Somebody failed to do the job.
To be fair and give credit to the countless numbers of people who participated, being able to drink and eat in what was "white only" establishments was the result of many sit-in's and displays of civil disobedience where people got their heads bashed, dogs sicked on them, and humiliated by racist counter-protesters until public opinion turned in their favor because the whole situation looked evil and humiliating in the eyes of the rest of the world. When public opinion is overwhelming, politicians are forced to make concessions otherwise they will lose voters. No politician in the 60's waved a magic wand and granted civil rights out of the goodness of their heart, something that shouldn't have had be 'granted' in the first place. That ignores a lot of work people behind the scenes and on the ground put in while suffering through violence and death threats.

Hey guys he’s right. The whole slavery ending and the abolishment of “separate but equal” thing is way overrated. We need ALL minds to magically change instantaneously


and abraham lincoln didnt "free" the slaves out of any sense of altruism either

i hesitate to say "free" because they earned their freedom fighting, rebelling, and making slavery an untenable situation themselves
It's like I'm curious to see what Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius has and has not been taught when it comes to politics.......and more importantly who taught him. Somebody failed to do the job.

Go listen to Tariq. He pretty much uses his points.

Dude does not even respond to the points being made to him, just the strawman in his head. He does not seem to want to understand our socioeconomic system beyond "white people are racist". So anything short of a panacea that completely changes that is pointless in his eyes.
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and we as black people gotta do better for kaep in supporting him and at least spell his name right


i be seeing tshirts saying KAP like the extra E is gon hurt or something
Fact of the matter is that career politicians care about a combination of money in the form of lobbying and donations to PACs , and the overwhelming opinions of their constituents because they want to stay in power.

Republicans - money and the opinions of their reactionary, (some) racist, socially, politically and economically ignorant bible thumping voters. Unless you're a RINO like McCain and a few others who are a little more caught up with the times. Lets not leave out the war party and the round table groups dictating foreign policy.

Democrats - money and the opinions of their liberal, social justice seeking voters. Lets not leave out the war party. Again, lets not leave out the war party and the round table groups dictating foreign policy. Also lets not leave out the fake white liberals who are all about equal rights justice until they pull their kids out of public school as soon as the first black student is enrolled, or move further out in the burbs as soon as black neighbors start multiplying.

So yes, who gets greater money and highest public pressure put on them does make a difference.
It's like I'm curious to see what Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius has and has not been taught when it comes to politics.......and more importantly who taught him. Somebody failed to do the job.
He harps on the Clinton policies in the 90s, ignoring that there was also a lot of black support behind them as well because of the climate at the time. No one knew how badly the prison complex system would spiral out of control then. They should have, but **** it's already done, let's be active in fixing it.
Poll: NFL Fans Overwhelmingly Support League's National Anthem Policy

( ) :emoji_thinking:

By a significant margin, NFL fans are in favor of the league’s new policy regarding the national anthem, according to a Yahoo Sports/YouGov poll.

When asked if they support or oppose the new policy, which states teams will be fined if players “do not stand and show respect for the flag and the [national] anthem,” 53 percent of self-described NFL viewers said they support the policy, with 32 percent opposing and 15 percent saying neither or no opinion.


San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, middle, kneels during the national anthem before the team’s NFL preseason football game against the San Diego Chargers, in San Diego in 2016. (AP)

What Does This Tell Us?

That NFL owners enacted the policy to appease their audience. From a business standpoint, this of course makes perfect sense and belies the idea that it was done to placate President Donald Trump.

While Trump may approve of the policy, opinion on the anthem issue hasn’t varied too much since 2016, when Colin Kaepernick first knelt and Barack Obama was still president.

According to the Yahoo Sports/YouGov poll, NFL fans are more supportive of the new policy than the general public, which came in 48 percent for vs. 32 percent against." According to the Yahoo Sports/YouGov poll, NFL fans are more supportive of the new policy than the general public, which came in 48 percent for vs. 32 percent against." According to the Yahoo Sports/YouGov poll, NFL fans are more supportive of the new policy than the general public, which came in 48 percent for vs. 32 percent against.

Racial Breakdown

Not surprisingly, white Americans support the policy, while black Americans do not. Here’s a breakdown of support/opposition as it relates to ethnicity:

White: 52% support; 32% oppose
Black: 29% support; 48% oppose
Hispanic: 49% support; 19% oppose"

(NOTE: This is based on all respondents)

What are the Details of the Poll?

Number of adults surveyed: 1,184
Number of NFL viewers surveyed: 517

Questions asked:
1. As you may be aware, the NFL has announced that it will fine teams if their players “do not stand and show respect for the flag and the [national] anthem.” Players can choose to stay in the locker room during the anthem, without being fined."

To what extent do you support or oppose this policy?


2. Do you think that the NFL should or should not have a rule regarding players’ conduct during the playing of the national anthem?

More important, it’s time to stop taking what he has to say seriously.

I hear ya. Maybe it's the optimistic side of me that thinks he still can be salvaged somehow. As far as knowing someone on a message board goes, I've known him for quite some time and he shows promise in other threads he posts in. Just not when it comes to politics or self-awareness topics.
Basketball has always been my favorite sport, this past season just solidifies what I was planning anyway.

I'll never watch another game, click on another link, or buy a piece of merchandise supporting the NFL again.

They've made it clear where they stand, let's see how it works out long-term.
From a long term perspective the NFL is a sinking ship.

With more awareness on concussions and things of that nature, less kids are playing in favor of other sports.

Despite the NFL making it clear where they stand, the anthem protests pissed off a bunch of people where they stopped watching and also pissed off people who take exception to Kap not having a job and the whole shut up and play mindset so they’ve lost viewers on both ends.

Once the whole mindset of them relying on patriotism and the anthem goes away, the reality is that it’s a declining product in terms of the on field product as well.
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