Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama!!!

so why do yall automaticly think i ment that it was a shocker cuz a black man endorsed obama???? its always seems like its about race when it comes to thisstupid election. i cant wait until this shizz is over
Well put Gen. Powell
Originally Posted by mikykr20

so why do yall automaticly think i ment that it was a shocker cuz a black man endorsed obama???? its always seems like its about race when it comes to this stupid election. i cant wait until this shizz is over
well clarify what you meant by the statement and prove us wrong sir...
all i ment was that here was another politician jumpin on the band wagon. nothing more, nothing less. nothing racial intended. and why isnt my avatar notworking?
I used to have a lot of respect for Powell but not after the lead up to the Iraq war.
Just goes to show that even a former influential General can become a "yes man".

He knew it was all of a bunch of garbage but he still went out and advocated for the war because it was "his job".
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I used to have a lot of respect for Powell but not after the lead up to the Iraq war.
Just goes to show that even a former influential General can become a "yes man".

He knew it was all of a bunch of garbage but he still went out and advocated for the war because it was "his job".
i felt the same way.

but IMO, what he said here goes a long way in helping to restore his credibility. Powell is very wise/intelligent, and someone that definitely should berespected.
Originally Posted by NachoBroadway


Is that Pac Man on the left?

This is big because you have a well known and respected Republican voting for a Democrat. It's over McCain. Maybe Palin can do a Playboy spread cause shewill not be in the White House.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Dude should have done the interview on CNN. No republicans/right leaning independents watch msnbc.

Every news channel talked about this for a week straight so I'm sure Democrats AND Republicans watched to see who he will endorse..
That gave me chills. It was powerful seeing Colin Powell saying such great things about Obama, and going against what is wrong in his own party.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

mikykr20 wrote:

theres a shocker
yeah black person endorsing a black candidate. Now how about a conservative like Christopher Buckley endorsing Obama.... not shocking because he's white right

Got Em'

As expected...Fox news was slamming him last week, but thanks for ruining meet the press, it's one of the podcasts I watch at work on monday
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