College students: Do you read the textbook?

Dec 23, 2002
I know for a lot of my classes reading was required and it's probably the most popular "homework" assignment...for some, I would never get thetextbook and do decently in the class. For the most part I just can't sit through all of the reading without being bored and losing track of what I'msupposed to understand...(I am procrastinating reading right now)
I never use my books unless they'res a specific assignment to go along with it in most classes and I get mostly B's in my classes.
Calc book - yes
Eng 101(programming) - I read the teachers powerpoint slides after every lecture and occasionally the book.
History 247 - HELL NAW
Yessir...I don't play around with the money I'm throwing at my school...if I'm gonna do that, I might as well getgood grades.
i dont own any bc i re sell em... last semester i didnt buy a book and i got b+ b- b- c+ c-
to think what i would have gotten if i read....
Yes, but it really depends on what class. If I want to learn the information, I read it daily. If it's a non-major course then I won't put in as mucheffort, just enough to get the grades.
Depends on the class. Some of my professors can't teach to save their lives. All they are good for is publishing research.

Some engineering material, I'm basically forced to read the textbook even if my professor is good and has great lecture slides. *%*$ is just hard to graspsometimes.

my first semester i didnt and i ended up with 3.0 GPA. ive been reading ever since then and ive had 3.6 - 4.0 GPA's every semester since then

this semester really sucks though. 100 - 120 pages a week is killing me
at first I didn't and I was averaging a 3.3 and ever since i started reading and putting in the extra work i swear the last three semesters i got 4.0
In some cases, the textbook is the only teacher. Some of my classes were in large lecture halls with terrible acoustics and audio-setups.
It depended on the class. In some classes, it was not necessary because the lectures would overlap everything n the text. In other classes, you had read thetext because the tests were largely based items in the text, which were not covered in the lecture. In other classes, a large part of your grade would be basedon how well you did when the professor called on you or if the class time was mostly spent discussing a clarifying what was in the text.
When I was in college I had to read my books. I know it all depends on the reading load your chosen course of study requires.
I'm a fourth year and have only bought 1 text book my entire time at my University. That was purchased the first quarter of my freshman year. I neveropened it... after that, I never bought a book again.

my GPA? above a 3.0 and graduating on time...
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