College students, how is your semester going?

Meh.. Im doing enough in 3/4 classes... I gotta get my *%+# together for Logic though .. slipping
Midterm tomorrow on 15 chapters

A LOT of calc hw.
Essay due Friday that she pretty much told me on Tuesday that I have to change my thesis and rewrite it.

Then a final project proposal next wednesday for my anthro class.

Just had a philosophy test today. Hopefully I did well
A lot of procrastination this semester, time to settle down and focus . Time to bring it home
5 As
2 unknowns...

I hate those two classes because they are at night. Not trying very hard in them. Eh...
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by E3LAL

All As

I have an elective that is taking more time than my core classes
.  Now taking on pass/fail.
Whats the deal with pass/fail classes?  Do they not hurt or help you GPA at all?
Mine is going decent, had to drop a class because I had no idea what was going on and the teacher was one of those new grad students who are too cocky to help anyone.  Germans going pretty well so far, get lost in class because my teacher (who is fine as hell) talks so damn fast

I've had more trouble with 100 level electives than I have with my core classes
I'm required to take two electives (can't be related to my major
) to graduate.  Those are like the only classes I can pass/fail.  As long as I don't get a F, I get credit.
Does not go into GPA.  A lot of kids do pass/fail when they study abroad - they make it into a vacation.
Straight A's in everything except bus law right now. About to bust my but and get that A in there too!
Originally Posted by tizoni

Originally Posted by pacers31

terrible. taking 16 credits..borderline failing my required science elective and if i don't pass i'm getting kicked out of the engineering college.

Hang on there man, %@!@ is hard but keep working!
Originally Posted by vincecarterwut

Fell behind in all of my courses trying to find used textbooks for the first 2 weeks, been trying to catch up since 
same here man, we gotta keep going! try checking if your library has books on reserve!

thanks bro..needed that. !!$$ is just lingering on my mind 24/7 thinking about what will happen if i end up failing.
It's easy so far, a little too easy. Is it just because its freshman year or is St. John's really that bad of a school?
Originally Posted by pricankid9

16 credit hours and I'm cruising.


I'm also the only girl in my calc class so my study group is stacked with hand picked geniuses who I could tell never talk to girls and would def be too terrified to hit on one

Not Failing any classes, though not exactly doing as well as I had wanted. Should pull through and get all B's though.

I need to start putting in work in the beginning, so I can start getting A's instead of mid and high B's
multivar calc, calc based physics, zoology, and organic chemistry. tough semester. thought calc was going to be a breeze [ive never not aced a math exam] and im getting my %@* handed to me -__-
So far everything is alright, my Diplomacy class is awful to attend though. My professor can straight up cure insomnia.
Heads up, if you need test banks or solution manuals for your courses, hit me up. I can get them for most courses at colleges and universities in Canada and US. PM and I'll confirm.
Just talked to all three of my professors this week and all say Im at a B

Writing for the school paper is going okay. Last issue I had the front page cover story
Going real smooth

I've stopped procrastinating, and am now actually doing my homework and projects
well in advance and it honestly made school 100x easier and less stressful.
lemme cook booiiii! (On a real note, I'm doing o.k. I'm an engineering major so I can never do enough studying, just gotta pull through and learn the concepts then apply them)

Taking 4 classes this semester. Dont know what the %+$$ I was thinking when I made my schedule. I took 2 English course, both at 8 and 9 am

I HATE HATE HATE English with a PASSION. I have class everyday, and on Monday and Wednesday I have a night class

Intro to Narrative- no clue whats going on. P/NC that @@#% real quick

Comparative Literature- Hate that class, and the teach is a ****, but I wrote the most HORRIBLE paper I've ever wrote in my life on one assignment and got an 80 on it, so I feel a bit more confident in that class now going forward and I have a better grasp on whats going on and what I have to do.

History of NYC class- Expected something better. The teacher is old and IMPOSSIBLE to follow. I have a midterm on Thursday wit nothing  to study from (No required text and its hard as hell to take notes from this guy because hes all over the place

Psych of Motivation- Im a Pysch major and this class is a joke. Teacher teaches directly from the book and from her slides, so theres absolutely no point in going to that class (8pm class). The test was a joke as well. Guaranteed at a least a 90 on it.

All in all, I @%#$*@* hate school. I dont want to be in school right now. IDK maybe because I hate my school, but I'd just rather not do school right now and just take a little break.
Its like that sometimes. This semester is kicking my derriere but I still have time to turn it around. Its just a matter of doing it. Math though...
15 credit hours. Doing good in everything except Intro to Computer Science (C++). foreign proffessors ftl
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