College students protesting "racist" Halloween costumes vol. C'mon man

This is ignorant as hell.

It's kind of sad that, in 2011, kids find racism hilarious because it's "forbidden fruit."  I'd like to think that those with even the most basic understanding of the historical - or even the present day - ramifications of such stereotypes would have the good sense/common decency to do better than this.

All of you calling people "soft" for objecting to this have no idea what "soft" means.  "Soft" is bending your back and allowing others to step on you.   "Soft" is looking the other way at wrongdoing rather than putting yourself on the line in defense of yourself and others.  "Soft" is demonstrating a lack of self-respect to be "liked."  "Soft" is rolling over.   "Soft" is going with the flow because you're too weak or too lazy to go against the current.

For anyone who would even dream about telling me to "grow a pair" for being indignant about blackface/racist Halloween costumes, I would suggest that you grow a spine first.,0,2673438.story
it is what it is. finding offense to these costumes is soft nonsense. it is all in good fun. a geisha is offensive? a geisha? seriously. a Hispanic on a donkey... the only racist costume was the terrorist.

blackface steps on toes due to historical context, and is definitely in bad taste but at the end of the day they were lil wayne

I also don't see how links posted with people at events intent on making stereotypes and being racist related at all to a halloween party where people are dressed up out of character and having fun.
The Arab one had me rolling. I was a terrorist last year for Halloween (I'm Middle-eastern, so it's a-o-k!)
I swear the backwards thinking on here sometimes.
I got the same j.h.s. reaction when I said using the word ******ed was potentially offensive.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

it is what it is. finding offense to these costumes is soft nonsense. it is all in good fun. a geisha is offensive? a geisha? seriously. a Hispanic on a donkey... the only racist costume was the terrorist.

blackface steps on toes due to historical context, and is definitely in bad taste but at the end of the day they were lil wayne

I also don't see how links posted with people at events intent on making stereotypes and being racist related at all to a halloween party where people are dressed up out of character and having fun.
Basically. The fact that you see a geisha or a hispanic on a donkey and assume that person is stereotyping your whole race is foolish. So if some one dresses as a cowboy he stereotyping white people? Kids can no longer dress as indians? Only real racist one was the terrorist, cause that's clearly racist intention. But the black face although due to it's history is offensive it's halloween. Big difference in being a gang banger for halloween and throwing on black face then legitimately disguising yourself as lil wayne or t pain or whoever. Like come on son yall dudes take $@!! to the extreme and yeah that goes for you meth
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Originally Posted by Method Man

For anyone who would even dream about telling me to "grow a pair"
Excuse me?  Do you have something to say or are you gonna sit there making funny faces?  

What's wrong?  You soft, fam?  
I also don't see how links posted with people at events intent on making stereotypes and being racist related at all to a halloween party where people are dressed up out of character and having fun.
"Dressing up out of character and having fun" was the premise of every one of the links I posted.  They just so happen to contain examples that most sensible human beings would consider outrageous.  (A "ghetto" party during Black History Month, a government immigration official winning a Halloween party costume contest for showing up in blackface and dressed as a prisoner, and a pair of guys in Canada rolling to a costume party in a Klansmen's robe and blackface.)
You're focusing too much on the examples used in the ads and not enough on the general concept.  

(Even so:  the cartoon character Slowpoke Gonzalez is an offensive, racist stereotype.  I don't know why you think the human equivalent is any better.  At BEST all of the costumes in the campaign are extremely stereotypical.)

Is it just me, or does the backlash against this campaign reek of teen rebellion?  "Stop hassling me, Mom, I'm a man, now!  I do what I want!  My friends and I think this is funny and YOU can't stop us!"  Really?    

It's pitiful that people can get away with openly disrespecting entire groups of people you supposedly identify with or care about and you'll just sit there and laugh and spout cliches like "it's not that serious."  

Thank goodness some people over the years have mustered the courage and self-respect to stand up to this sort of thing.  It's no wonder that our era has thus far been characterized by complacence and cowardice.  In January, everyone gives me props for the Dr. King banner.  You could at least honor what the man died for.  

Absolutely pathetic.  

How are you gonna be upset about racism in the criminal justice system, but LAUGH at the same stereotypes used to perpetuate racial profiling?  

I'm hoping this is a function of immaturity and not an accurate reflection of what some of you believe.  Few people have the guts or the effrontery to mock those wrongly imprisoned or executed due to racism, but you'll sit here and laugh at racist stereotypes because that's "just a joke."  Connect the dots.

American culture is racist.  That's no laughing matter. 
Originally Posted by Method Man

This is ignorant as hell.

It's kind of sad that, in 2011, kids find racism hilarious because it's "forbidden fruit."  I'd like to think that those with even the most basic understanding of the historical - or even the present day - ramifications of such stereotypes would have the good sense/common decency to do better than this.

All of you calling people "soft" for objecting to this have no idea what "soft" means.  "Soft" is bending your back and allowing others to step on you.   "Soft" is looking the other way at wrongdoing rather than putting yourself on the line in defense of yourself and others.  "Soft" is demonstrating a lack of self-respect to be "liked."  "Soft" is rolling over.   "Soft" is going with the flow because you're too weak or too lazy to go against the current.

For anyone who would even dream about telling me to "grow a pair" for being indignant about blackface/racist Halloween costumes, I would suggest that you grow a spine first.,0,2673438.story
QFT. I honestly feel like a lot of you have been raised by minority hating wolves.
Damn some of yall are really stupid...

Are you really suprised that dressing up in black face might offend some people? 
Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Damn some of yall are really stupid...

Are you really suprised that dressing up in black face might offend some people? 

   It's like its ok to do that as long as its for fun.  Like someone could you a racial slur, as long as they're smiling and laugh with you while doing it. Good links from Meth, especially the NT one.
Originally Posted by Method Man

Originally Posted by Nktran001

Originally Posted by Method Man

For anyone who would even dream about telling me to "grow a pair"
Excuse me?  Do you have something to say or are you gonna sit there making funny faces?  

What's wrong?  You soft, fam?  
I also don't see how links posted with people at events intent on making stereotypes and being racist related at all to a halloween party where people are dressed up out of character and having fun.
"Dressing up out of character and having fun" was the premise of every one of the links I posted.  They just so happen to contain examples that most sensible human beings would consider outrageous.  (A "ghetto" party during Black History Month, a government immigration official winning a Halloween party costume contest for showing up in blackface and dressed as a prisoner, and a pair of guys in Canada rolling to a costume party in a Klansmen's robe and blackface.)
You're focusing too much on the examples used in the ads and not enough on the general concept.  

(Even so:  the cartoon character Slowpoke Gonzalez is an offensive, racist stereotype.  I don't know why you think the human equivalent is any better.  At BEST all of the costumes in the campaign are extremely stereotypical.)

Is it just me, or does the backlash against this campaign reek of teen rebellion?  "Stop hassling me, Mom, I'm a man, now!  I do what I want!  My friends and I think this is funny and YOU can't stop us!"  Really?    

It's pitiful that people can get away with openly disrespecting entire groups of people you supposedly identify with or care about and you'll just sit there and laugh and spout cliches like "it's not that serious."  

Thank goodness some people over the years have mustered the courage and self-respect to stand up to this sort of thing.  It's no wonder that our era has thus far been characterized by complacence and cowardice.  In January, everyone gives me props for the Dr. King banner.  You could at least honor what the man died for.  

Absolutely pathetic.  

How are you gonna be upset about racism in the criminal justice system, but LAUGH at the same stereotypes used to perpetuate racial profiling?  

I'm hoping this is a function of immaturity and not an accurate reflection of what some of you believe.  Few people have the guts or the effrontery to mock those wrongly imprisoned or executed due to racism, but you'll sit here and laugh at racist stereotypes because that's "just a joke."  Connect the dots.

American culture is racist.  That's no laughing matter. 

the difference is the context. the whole thing is stupid and overly sensitive. we're a culture and not a costume. Yeah so all these "stereotypical costumes" become representative of your culture. pure jokes. i don't get how people let others dictate your life because of stereotypes. They're offering fried chicken but I'm not gonna ask cause its stereotyped to my race. I like this car but I can't buy it cause its stereotypical of my race. Screw that live life enjoy it have fun. Yeah most of the time its hard to decipher between intent and action but no one is dressed as a geisha to sit at a party and make fun of asian folks all night.
I can see how some people would be offended .. but that isn't saying much. I laughed at the hispanic and arab costumes 
. Figured the black one was someone going as lil wayne. And I really dont even know why dressing up as a geisha is even a problem 
So, by this logic, we should get rid of cowboys, indians, and every other costume where you dress up like another PERSON?

Get over it
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