College Sucks...yea I said it

But, college has nothing to do with poor job prospects/low salaries. You think it would be better with just your HS degree? lol.
Originally Posted by ridikuloz

good luck getting a job that pays above minimum wage with just a HS degree.
pardon me, i had to laugh at that....(another example of NT's close minded general stereotypical blanket comments)

Originally Posted by socluis90

TrappenAintDead wrote:
Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

Huge debt, minimal job prospects for terrible salaries, and factor in being perpetually broke. FFUUU. I now see why my peers resort to slangin drugs.

Sell drugs in school. Easy solution.
you would know

now this was funny....

College does suck. Too many people get caught up in the parties and the girls. Most of them are Sophomores and Juniors. Wait til your senior year when you realize that you actually have to graduate and yet you dont have enough credits

College is what you make of it. I took the small school route that will land me with less than 20k in loans once I graduate. I majored in a field with a floor earning potential of 50k a year and a max of over 150k, and I work in my schools IT department while also interning for a company during break. When I graduate I should be good.

Don't make a mistake and let females and parties define your college experience. If you do chances are you'll drop out before your senior year or you'll graduate but not have good grasp on the skills necessary for your field. I know too many people who didnt make it or aren't doing anything after graduation
I knew this Electrical Engineering degree was going to be hard, but I didn't know it was going to be this hard.


For the first time in my 26 years on this rock I want to try to have a social life and now I don't have time for it.  Average 30 hours of homework a week FTL.
I was just skimming through this topic and this statement caught my attention
^ Drexel is an excellent university for somethings. Engineering for example

Engineering program Rankings

[table][tr][/tr][tr][td]S.No[/td][td]University/College[/td][/tr][tr][td]1[/td][td] Massachusetts Inst of Technology [/td][/tr][tr][td]2[/td][td] Stanford University [/td][/tr][tr][td]3[/td][td]University of California-Berkeley [/td][/tr][tr][td]4[/td][td]California Institute Technology[/td][/tr][tr][td]5[/td][td]University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [/td][/tr][tr][td]6[/td][td] Georgia Institute of Technology [/td][/tr][tr][td]7[/td][td] University of Michigan[/td][/tr][tr][td]8[/td][td]Cornell University[/td][/tr][tr][td]9[/td][td]Carnegie Mellon University [/td][/tr][tr][td]10[/td][td]University of Texas at Austin[/td][/tr][tr][td]11[/td][td]Purdue University [/td][/tr][tr][td]12[/td][td] University of California- San Diego [/td][/tr][tr][td]13[/td][td]University of California- Los Angeles[/td][/tr][tr][td]14[/td][td]Texas A&M University [/td][/tr][tr][td]15[/td][td]Princeton University [/td][/tr][tr][td]16[/td][td]Pennsylvania State University [/td][/tr][tr][td]17[/td][td]University of Wisconsin-Madison[/td][/tr][tr][td]18[/td][td]University of Maryland College Park [/td][/tr][tr][td]19[/td][td]Harvard University[/td][/tr][tr][td]20[/td][td]University of California-Santa Barbara [/td][/tr][tr][td]21[/td][td] University of Southern California[/td][/tr][tr][td]22[/td][td]University of Minnesota [/td][/tr][tr][td]23[/td][td]Northwestern University[/td][/tr][tr][td]24[/td][td]Johns Hopkins University[/td][/tr][tr][td]25[/td][td]Virginia Polytech Inst & State University[/td][/tr][tr][td]26[/td][td]Ohio State University [/td][/tr][tr][td]27[/td][td] University of Virginia[/td][/tr][tr][td]28[/td][td]Columbia University (FU)[/td][/tr][tr][td]29[/td][td]University of Pennsylvania [/td][/tr][tr][td]30[/td][td] Duke University[/td][/tr][tr][td]31[/td][td]Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst[/td][/tr][tr][td]32[/td][td] North Carolina State University[/td][/tr][tr][td]33[/td][td]Rice University[/td][/tr][tr][td]34[/td][td]University of Washington[/td][/tr][tr][td]35[/td][td]University of Florida [/td][/tr][tr][td]36[/td][td]University of California-Davis [/td][/tr][tr][td]37[/td][td]Washington University -St. Louis[/td][/tr][tr][td]38[/td][td]Yale University [/td][/tr][tr][td]39[/td][td]University of Massachusetts at Amherst[/td][/tr][tr][td]40[/td][td]Michigan State University[/td][/tr][tr][td]41[/td][td]Iowa State University [/td][/tr][tr][td]42[/td][td]University of Arizona[/td][/tr][tr][td]43[/td][td] University of California-Irvine [/td][/tr][tr][td]44[/td][td] University of Colorado-Boulder[/td][/tr][tr][td]45[/td][td] Case Western Reserve University[/td][/tr][tr][td]46[/td][td]Rutgers State University-New Brunswick[/td][/tr][tr][td]47[/td][td]University of Notre Dame[/td][/tr][tr][td]48[/td][td]Lehigh university[/td][/tr][tr][td]49[/td][td] Northeastern University[/td][/tr][tr][td]50[/td][td]University of Rochester [/td][/tr][tr][td]51[/td][td]University of Delaware [/td][/tr][tr][td]52[/td][td] University of Iowa[/td][/tr][tr][td]53[/td][td]Brown University[/td][/tr][tr][td]54[/td][td]Arizona State University[/td][/tr][tr][td]55[/td][td] Drexel University

To each his own though

I don't go to Drexel, but I am an engineering student and rankings are all we ever discuss especially during career fair time and grad school recruitment.
the thing of it is some of yall wanted to attend these overated universities. Where a smaller, more affordable school would had been better in the wallet. If you are in debt its b/c you chose to attend that overpriced university or didnt research enough for scholarships/grants. Not to mention some of yall like to stay in college 5-7 years so that adds MORE DEBT to your already high bill.

Most jobs REQUIRE a 4 year degree, some are beginning to require a Masters Degree, if you dont go to college, then you might as well apply at your local McDonalds, Walmart, or Bus Depot

*im just sayin*
College is a rip off and pretty whack. it's be much tighter if I was tryin to see how many times I could get alcohol poisoning per year, but I
at home and already got homies for life.
real talk, shox, I'm studying for the lsat now....

lol @ average being 40

I wish I could say I've seen 40k

I graduated dec 07

lol @ all this, "its what you make of it" talk

by the time they graduate, the tune will be different.

cam was right....

"how I'm supposed to be fly?"

check it

here's a nice example for you NTers ignorant to the world

my dude reese got an entry level job at nationwide his senior year of hs

by the time I graduated with a bachelors

he was making over 80k a year.

no college at all.

he has no college debt.

meanwhile, I can't even get a pt job cause retail stores figure I'm overqualified...


real talk, if you aren't considering education past a bachelors

pick up a tech degree.

I'm either gonna get a masters in education or get into law school at this point

the highest paying job I've held since I graduated was 27k

copy editor.
Slick comment MECKS

But seriously, college doesn't suck (while you're attending it). Take advantage of the fact you're not pressured into paying loans immediately and going on a ridiculous job search. Even those of us who have "knowledge" or have gone to "overrated/top ranked" universities still have a difficulty finding a job. It's not easy out there, period. I did my time and busted my butt in college, did only a fair share of partying. So yeah, take it for what's it worth. Hell I wish, I would stress over finals while seeing what's good on campus these days haha. Then to be in my current situation and I just picked up my pricey B.A. smh.
u live in Kentucky??

go to college in kentucky???

this is why LA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

im at a Cal State Univ, all my expenses were paid for by Uncle Sam
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

the thing of it is some of yall wanted to attend these overated universities. Where a smaller, more affordable school would had been better in the wallet. If you are in debt its b/c you chose to attend that overpriced university or didnt research enough for scholarships/grants. Not to mention some of yall like to stay in college 5-7 years so that adds MORE DEBT to your already high bill.

Most jobs REQUIRE a 4 year degree, some are beginning to require a Masters Degree, if you dont go to college, then you might as well apply at your local McDonalds, Walmart, or Bus Depot

*im just sayin*
You might be an idiot.

*im just sayin*
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

College does suck. Too many people get caught up in the parties and the girls. Most of them are Sophomores and Juniors. Wait til your senior year when you realize that you actually have to graduate and yet you dont have enough credits

College is what you make of it. I took the small school route that will land me with less than 20k in loans once I graduate. I majored in a field with a floor earning potential of 50k a year and a max of over 150k, and I work in my schools IT department while also interning for a company during break. When I graduate I should be good.

Don't make a mistake and let females and parties define your college experience. If you do chances are you'll drop out before your senior year or you'll graduate but not have good grasp on the skills necessary for your field. I know too many people who didnt make it or aren't doing anything after graduation

One of the realest things i was told when i first got to school by an upperclassman ... "most of these people that will become your friends won't even be here next year"

i partied hard but i also knew what time it was w/ the grades ...and making sure i got out on time and had a job ... my senior year was brutal ... the pressure i felt from not having a job i wanted ... constantly going to job fairs, resume workshops, working to make ends meet, while trying to maintain a good GPA

point is enjoy college but know why you're there ...

i agree w/ all yall school loans are
 i feel like i'll be paying mine off forever
Originally Posted by awwsome

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

the thing of it is some of yall wanted to attend these overated universities. Where a smaller, more affordable school would had been better in the wallet. If you are in debt its b/c you chose to attend that overpriced university or didnt research enough for scholarships/grants. Not to mention some of yall like to stay in college 5-7 years so that adds MORE DEBT to your already high bill.

Most jobs REQUIRE a 4 year degree, some are beginning to require a Masters Degree, if you dont go to college, then you might as well apply at your local McDonalds, Walmart, or Bus Depot

*im just sayin*
You might be an idiot.

*im just sayin*

Im stating examples but at same time its truth
You do realize that there are around 4000 colleges in the US 55 is in the top 2%. So i don't know what your chuckling at. I guess engineering students can't do easy math or easy googling
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by awwsome

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

the thing of it is some of yall wanted to attend these overated universities. Where a smaller, more affordable school would had been better in the wallet. If you are in debt its b/c you chose to attend that overpriced university or didnt research enough for scholarships/grants. Not to mention some of yall like to stay in college 5-7 years so that adds MORE DEBT to your already high bill.

Most jobs REQUIRE a 4 year degree, some are beginning to require a Masters Degree, if you dont go to college, then you might as well apply at your local McDonalds, Walmart, or Bus Depot

*im just sayin*
You might be an idiot.

*im just sayin*

Im stating examples but at same time its truth
That's not the truth though my man.
There are a lot of people who work entry level jobs straight out of high school and end up making 6 figures.
I'm not saying a college degree won't make your resume look prettier, but it's really not the end all be all.
i know people who make 6 digit salaries with only a HS diploma. does that mean u dont have to go to college? hell no. these people just get lucky, have street smarts, and are at the right place at the right time. in our time you have to get some kind of college education if you wanna be making some good $$$. how you approach college is a whole different story. there is always time to party, but there is more time to study. dont worry about the loans now, you're there to get your education and your degree (MD, PhD, BA, w.e).

i think the hardest part for me in my first year of college is finding the motivation. i think just making my parents happy or what not is probably it. everyone's parents wants their kids to have a better life than they do. so yea....
Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

I know people say don't go to lawschool if your in it for the money, but I might do just that. C.R.E.A.M
Good thinking. You hate college but you want to go to law school.
Came to college. Graduating in May of this year (a year early). I already have a degree and I'm only 20. I have a job lined up with a top consulting firm (holla at me Bill Gates) and about to open my own business (Website service company and a Global CD distribution company is in the works).

Managed to escape without any loans (scholarships ftw?). Matter of fact, I still have scholarship checks I need to cash (no bragging) but on this whole college is what you make it is straight BS. You follow a script, you retell this script, and you act on that same script. It's what administration makes it for. At the end of the day, people are in college to make money when they graduate. Forget the BS about I came to college to learn and learn about the humanity of life, you can do that at the park or the YMCA on Sundays.

So once I realized that college is a quaint existence of humanity pleasings, then I realized what I was doing.

I never really party in school because that's a waste. I always run into people I don't want to see or have no interest in seeing, so I chill out with the partying. If one can recognize that eventually, life is a system that must all follow. It's a cycle. Who breaks that cycle?... we'll never know. If you follow the script, you'll do fine. Just do not try re-writing the script, or you'll end up with lifeless boundaries (read: 9th year senior).

With that being said, I love college.
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