College Sucks...yea I said it

You should have played sports and get good grades to get a scholarship. It's your fault. College is the #%*#!
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

I know people say don't go to lawschool if your in it for the money, but I might do just that. C.R.E.A.M
Good thinking. You hate college but you want to go to law school.
If it's free why not. I'm aiming for some scholarships. I don't necessarily hate the entire college experience per se, Mostly just the economic strain I have bared for the last 4 years which will continue to follow me for the next few years to come, feel me?
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Came to college. Graduating in May of this year (a year early). I already have a degree and I'm only 20. I have a job lined up with a top consulting firm (holla at me Bill Gates) and about to open my own business (Website service company and a Global CD distribution company is in the works).

Managed to escape without any loans (scholarships ftw?). Matter of fact, I still have scholarship checks I need to cash (no bragging) but on this whole college is what you make it is straight BS. You follow a script, you retell this script, and you act on that same script. It's what administration makes it for. At the end of the day, people are in college to make money when they graduate. Forget the BS about I came to college to learn and learn about the humanity of life, you can do that at the park or the YMCA on Sundays.

So once I realized that college is a quaint existence of humanity pleasings, then I realized what I was doing.

I never really party in school because that's a waste. I always run into people I don't want to see or have no interest in seeing, so I chill out with the partying. If one can recognize that eventually, life is a system that must all follow. It's a cycle. Who breaks that cycle?... we'll never know. If you follow the script, you'll do fine. Just do not try re-writing the script, or you'll end up with lifeless boundaries (read: 9th year senior).

With that being said, I love college.
damn, what a sad life, even bill gates knew how to have fun in his years in college, look it up mr. boastful
"life is short but sweet for certain" - DMB
Dude puts his happiness in his future rather than enjoy life today; like.. i just want to ask you, who promises you tomorrow???????
I'm all aware and awake people should do well in school and have a career path, what's life when u spend it alone though? There has to be a balance in life. Normality is a mixture of the good and the bad.
I go to school just like you, but I still call out the homies during weekdays to chill in the city for a dinner or two. U just sad dawg.
hold up, matter of fact, hunnies just not feeling you, that is the root of your problems.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

i know people who make 6 digit salaries with only a HS diploma. does that mean u dont have to go to college? hell no. these people just get lucky, have street smarts, and are at the right place at the right time. in our time you have to get some kind of college education if you wanna be making some good $$$. how you approach college is a whole different story. there is always time to party, but there is more time to study. dont worry about the loans now, you're there to get your education and your degree (MD, PhD, BA, w.e).

i think the hardest part for me in my first year of college is finding the motivation. i think just making my parents happy or what not is probably it. everyone's parents wants their kids to have a better life than they do. so yea....

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Came to college. Graduating in May of this year (a year early). I already have a degree and I'm only 20. I have a job lined up with a top consulting firm (holla at me Bill Gates) and about to open my own business (Website service company and a Global CD distribution company is in the works).

Managed to escape without any loans (scholarships ftw?). Matter of fact, I still have scholarship checks I need to cash (no bragging) but on this whole college is what you make it is straight BS. You follow a script, you retell this script, and you act on that same script. It's what administration makes it for. At the end of the day, people are in college to make money when they graduate. Forget the BS about I came to college to learn and learn about the humanity of life, you can do that at the park or the YMCA on Sundays.

So once I realized that college is a quaint existence of humanity pleasings, then I realized what I was doing.

I never really party in school because that's a waste. I always run into people I don't want to see or have no interest in seeing, so I chill out with the partying. If one can recognize that eventually, life is a system that must all follow. It's a cycle. Who breaks that cycle?... we'll never know. If you follow the script, you'll do fine. Just do not try re-writing the script, or you'll end up with lifeless boundaries (read: 9th year senior).

With that being said, I love college.
damn, what a sad life, even bill gates knew how to have fun in his years in college, look it up mr. boastful
"life is short but sweet for certain" - DMB
Dude puts his happiness in his future rather than enjoy life today
I go to school just like you, but I still call out the homies during weekdays to chill in the city for a dinner or two. U just sad dawg.
You sound salty. 
Why you mad I have a plan in life, though

While you trying to figure out which party to hit up this weekend, I'll be figuring out which properties are sound investments around the way. Step it up.
Who ever said pop bottles and copping a m3 is happiness? You're losing it.
I like you, also have super abilities to look forward and plan ahead. You just come off as that arrogant, look at me and my accomplishments while you all get drunk and come back to the room at 6am. Nah, life ain't about that. It's about enjoying moments, time, conversation with people around you. Human interaction. Not your fantasy world of m3's and bottle popping. You losing.
I like how you switching up your posts. If you want to talk about properties, I'm way ahead of you dawg, i'm where houses cost money. (thats for another day)
I am not mad at you having a plan in life. That's a good thing. But you have no balance and you are arrogant and want to brag that you graduated in 3 years. The best quote I can give you, (and you see i'm a charity right now), "nobody cares." --best told from bronx tale.
back to the topic. College is the best.
Both socially and economically and yaydaydaydyaydayda
talking about HLS,
Nobody cares
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Who ever said pop bottles and copping a m3 is happiness? You're losing it.
I like you, also have super abilities to look forward and plan ahead. You just come off as that arrogant, look at me and my accomplishments while you all get drunk and come back to the room at 6am. Nah, life ain't about that. It's about enjoying moments, time, conversation with people around you. Human interaction. Not your fantasy world of m3's and bottle popping. You losing.

I'll take my rightfully acclaimed L

If you knew me, I'm far from arrogant.
I wouldn't have my job - which I like and pays decent - w/o my college degree, so I'm going to have to say college was worth it for me.

But the crappy job market is saturated with college-educated people, so its a battle...

And law school - I'm thinking about it, but only if I can do an evening degree JD program so I can still work during the day. The days of decent biglaw jobs and higher paying entry level salaries are coming to an end. Working for the gov and/or in public service for 10 years after law school is the way to go so the gov will forgive most of your loan debt.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

damn, what a sad life, even bill gates knew how to have fun in his years in college, look it up mr. boastful
"life is short but sweet for certain" - DMB
Dude puts his happiness in his future rather than enjoy life today; like.. i just want to ask you, who promises you tomorrow???????
I'm all aware and awake people should do well in school and have a career path, what's life when u spend it alone though? There has to be a balance in life. Normality is a mixture of the good and the bad.
I go to school just like you, but I still call out the homies during weekdays to chill in the city for a dinner or two. U just sad dawg.
hold up, matter of fact, hunnies just not feeling you, that is the root of your problems.

Let him live son.
As far as fun is concerned,  it is either you've fun now and work hard later OR you work hard now and have fun later.

also don't try to impose your lifestyle onto someone else. 
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Who ever said pop bottles and copping a m3 is happiness? You're losing it.
I like you, also have super abilities to look forward and plan ahead. You just come off as that arrogant, look at me and my accomplishments while you all get drunk and come back to the room at 6am. Nah, life ain't about that. It's about enjoying moments, time, conversation with people around you. Human interaction. Not your fantasy world of m3's and bottle popping. You losing.

I graduated from BU, and I honestly hated everything about the experience. My school kept screwing me over and played stupid when I had to get my parents involved.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

damn, what a sad life, even bill gates knew how to have fun in his years in college, look it up mr. boastful
"life is short but sweet for certain" - DMB
Dude puts his happiness in his future rather than enjoy life today; like.. i just want to ask you, who promises you tomorrow???????
I'm all aware and awake people should do well in school and have a career path, what's life when u spend it alone though? There has to be a balance in life. Normality is a mixture of the good and the bad.
I go to school just like you, but I still call out the homies during weekdays to chill in the city for a dinner or two. U just sad dawg.
hold up, matter of fact, hunnies just not feeling you, that is the root of your problems.
Let him live son.
As far as fun is concerned,  it is either you've fun now and work hard later OR you work hard now and have fun later.

Word to me booking a 30 day cruise around the Mediterranean for my 21st B-day. 

And who mentioned anything women? That's your problem, you thinking im out of balance because you've focused on trying to impress women... while in college... shame shame shame. You cop impress women, I cop shoes to hoop... you cop fits... to impress women, i cop fits because it's cold. you cut your hair, to impress women, I cut my hair, to get (got ) a job...

You really do sound salty because you've realized a brother can make it in this world...  So thank you kind sir...
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Who ever said pop bottles and copping a m3 is happiness? You're losing it.
I like you, also have super abilities to look forward and plan ahead. You just come off as that arrogant, look at me and my accomplishments while you all get drunk and come back to the room at 6am. Nah, life ain't about that. It's about enjoying moments, time, conversation with people around you. Human interaction. Not your fantasy world of m3's and bottle popping. You losing.
I'm all for balance

I'm all for having a plan in life (and actually executing it)

but what i'm not for is haters, and people who make up excuses


Let a dude breathe, he's getting his, go out and get yours...

you coming off like the joc in high school who was clowning Bill Gates for stayin in his garage and playin with his computers

You know the rest of the story
college can suck or college can be the best days of your lives all depends on you
I need to get myself some motivation.

So hard to stay motivated freshman year to get those good grades.
Go to a technical school regular college sucks especially when it comes to finding jobs. I'm going to school now to be Certified Computer Tech not get a degree. I plan on getting more certifications as well like Cisco Systems if you get certified in that then you'll be at a 6 figure job guaranteed.
i go to school and work.

everyday i get up at 6:30 am get off at 3 go to school 5 and get out at 10pm

ya some striaght p
Its an experience, and when you start to look at it as that... youll understand why it doesnt suck.

Your perspective is off.
I spent a total of 30$ on clothes last year. Yup 1 pair of slacks and 3 t-shirts. I have not bought a pair of sneakers in 3 years. Hey man do you. I hope you the best in life.
I didn't even know you was a brother, nor does that matter.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

You do realize that there are around 4000 colleges in the US 55 is in the top 2%. So i don't know what your chuckling at. I guess engineering students can't do easy math or easy googling

this is dumb. you're acting as if all 4000 colleges are trying to have the best engineering program in the U.S.
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