
Mar 27, 2008
Ok so im gonna be a freshman this year and i was just wondering what is college gonna be like... i want to hear from the ones that have either went to college or are in college right now...  much love
ps staying in dorm 
Why the stone face at the dorms? The living experience is amazing
Don't ever buy all recommended textbooks. Especially at the bookstore. Just don't do it please.
^ adding to that, don't sell your books at the bookstore either, you get nothing back. The bookstore works just like gamestop. You can find better deals on the web.
Depends on what type of person you are, and what college you're going to. Everyone's experience isn't the same.
While we're on this subject, anyone got sites to buy books?
My calc book is 200 new and 150 used if i buy from the school and i know i can get it cheaper elsewhere
Originally Posted by Supremacy

While we're on this subject, anyone got sites to buy books?
My calc book is 200 new and 150 used if i buy from the school and i know i can get it cheaper elsewhere

Did you check amazon?
Originally Posted by Supremacy

While we're on this subject, anyone got sites to buy books?
My calc book is 200 new and 150 used if i buy from the school and i know i can get it cheaper elsewhere
Living in dorms > life

1. You're around girls all the time
2. You pre-game with girls before a party/club. If you don't get someone come back home to drunks girls wanting to smash.
3. Thanks to wiz khalifa now most girls wanna smoke. Which means high, horny chicks all the time
Mannnnn. You don't even know. Dorm life, assuming you aren't socially awkward or a recluse, is great. Like jm2000 said, you're surrounded with women a bunch. There's usually something always going on. You're close to all your classes (something you won't really appreciate until you move off campus,) a bunch of stuff. As long as your roommates are cool, and the women in your school aren't completely ugly, you're in for a great year.

Few tips:
School before partying. ALWAYS. After these next couple years, you won't believe how many people you know that will drop out or transfer because of bad grades. Make sure you're doing what you have to do before you're doing what you want to do.

Go to meetings for different groups. Sign up for a bunch, go to the first couple meetings for some of them, then stick with a few that you like. That free food might come in handy, and it's a great place to meet people.

If you're interested in greek life, make sure you study up on the org you're thinking about rushing/pledging to. A lot of people try to cross not knowing what they're getting into, then hold resentment. Don't be one of those cats.

WRAP IT UP. Enough said.

other than that, best of luck. Explore what you think you might want to study before declaring your major...don't just put all your eggs in one basket, so to speak. Take every class that interests you while still not jeopardizing your graduation goals.

Also...WRAP IT UP.
The stone face is really just a dumb expression... idk why i put it....but any way im going to a two year college to play golf on a full ride idk what to expect...i move in in two days kinda a mixed feeling cuz i have soo many friends that are just going to local schools
Originally Posted by Supremacy

While we're on this subject, anyone got sites to buy books?
My calc book is 200 new and 150 used if i buy from the school and i know i can get it cheaper elsewhere Trust me

Find a good girl to settle down with before midterms start
Don't be a slutty little *%%%*
Call mom and dad at least twice a week and update them on how your doing
Attend all office hours.
Only hangout with friends after ALL of your school work is complete and you have studied the material for the upcoming week.
Be respectful to everyone, including the girls with low self esteem and report to the proper authorities if you see one of them being taken advantage of.
Join clubs that interest you and commit to them. No one respects a quitter.
Say no to drugs and avoid failing for peer pressure. Don't want to loose that scholarship.
There's going to be naked girls everywhere!

Professors give you As just for talking to them.

You can sleep in.

Parties every hour of the day.

Naked girls!

Free Booze!

It's everything you can imagine.


sounds awesome so far.....will approaching girls in college be any different then highschool?
Originally Posted by jm2000

Living in dorms > life

1. You're around girls all the time
2. You pre-game with girls before a party/club. If you don't get someone come back home to drunks girls wanting to smash.
3. Thanks to wiz khalifa now most girls wanna smoke. Which means high, horny chicks all the time
this is dormitory life as a whole in three bullets.
Let me just put it like this...You are never going to be around that many pretty girls all your age and in the same setting again in your life..Enjoy it!!!
Don't  listen to all that BS about how amazing it's going to be and girls throwing themselves at you these dudes make it sound like heaven 

It all depends on the school you go to and you as a person basically its in your hands ,you determine what kind of experience you will have 
Originally Posted by Jaysolympic

Let me just put it like this...You are never going to be around that many pretty girls all your age and in the same setting again in your life..Enjoy it!!!

^This! OP run down the hall with your joint out
. You'll get a lot of girls. J/K. Seriously, after you do all your work, socializing is very easy, if you are in co-ed dorms, half your work is done.
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