Coming back from Afghanistan...any ideas where i should go on leave?

Can't you get plane tickets for cheap if you fly from a base? Like $20 to Australia?

Go to New Zealand, I read that they have the most promiscuous women in the world 
Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

Originally Posted by 6demonbag

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

Originally Posted by DuBsTyLeDj

so my deployment is wrapping up....haven't gotten killed yet but i still have a few more months...were supposed to be back by memorial block leave is from june 18th to july18th....anybody have any good places to go during that time? i'm trying to just lay back and let other people cater to me ya dig?far from any mountains or sand or nasty smelling hajis..trying to get the ball rolling now so i can have it all set up and hassle free...appreciate it...

at you saying "nasty smelling hajis"...

Get over yourself and get off the pedastal, when youre putting your life on the line then you can comment...
Anyway, thanks for your service and sacrifice to our country my man. Id say get with your homies and do a roadtrip

so the Afghans have been fighting so that makes them smelly.
seriously this is why they smell?
dude most of them do not know what deodorant is. Most wear those robe things and the smell just comes right out into your face. These people have no form of cleansing themselves nor have any type of Identification, records or anything.

and to clear more up

haj·i or haj·ji also hadj·i (h
n. pl. haj·is or haj·jis also hadj·is Islam
1. One who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca.

2. Often used as a form of address for one who has made such a pilgrimage.

and I was in the military OP my question is don't you have family to see?
During my second tour in Iraq we were told we could no longer refer to the Iraqis as hadji, so we started calling them dirka dirka.
Originally Posted by DuBsTyLeDj

haven't gotten killed yet but i still have a few more months
Am I the only one to read that the wrong way?
It's funny how everyone is such a hard %!! on NT, talks about how people are so soft these days, and how everyone's from the hood, but someone throws out a term used as a generalization and notes a prominent odor and everyone wants to start a Hadji Pride Parade. Classic NT.

For those hating on his choice to see his Mom for 1-2 days, shut it. You get married to start your own family. His priority is to his wife now. That's how families work. If y'all plan on putting your Mom first for your entire life, good luck with the whole not-getting-divorced thing, and that's coming from a kid who calls his Mom everyday from college.

To OP: Thanks for having the balls that half of the BMW-driving, glock-toting, dime-smashing bros on NT don't have to do what you feel is right. It's appreciated.

That being said, go on a cruise with your wife. Just blue skies, the ocean, insanely good food, and lots of smash time. Make it count, buddy.
^I'd say a cruise would be pretty fun as well if you're of legal drinking age. I went with my family and it was just copious alcohols on the boat, off the boat....but I was a sophomore in high school. I had a miserable *!!%#!$ time, but I can only imagine how badly I would've tore the ship up if I was 21. By the way, it's more of a romantic type setting, so that should suit your needs as well. No lie though, weight packs on ridiculously fast on a boat...I was eating too damn much, but the whole atmosphere made it easy. Midnight buffets? It's NORMAL here, go right ahead and have some chocolate cake and fried goods, it's all gravy....1 week on that boat = 5 lbs for me.
I would think its a bit hard to take a shower when there's no source of running water. If my country was invaded and I felt I had to fight for my life, I sure as hell wouldn't care how I smelled until what I saw as an occupying force was long gone. Reading comments like this helps me get a grasp on why terrorists exist, its not because they hate us senselessly, its because the men and women we send over there aren't men and women, but uneducated girls and boys with M16s who know nothing of the culture, life, history and customs other than "They wear towels on their heads!" or "Aren't they Indian??" This is sad.

Liberal softies.

Sorry, I guess I qualify as that for caring about my fellow man, even if they're thousands of miles away and the news tells me I should hate them because they hate me.
LOL What he said wasn't racist, disrespectful or inappropriate I will agree, but its really not that serious that he said a group of people stinks.

Like people said go on a cruise or go to some exotic beach in a foreign country somewhere
only on NT would some idiots find a way to treat and american hero like garbage

thank you my fellow american people like you are the reason these kids cant type what they want on this forum .
Ignore 50% of the posts in this thread and visit your family first then go on a cruise. Your family will greatly appreciate it since you are in their thoughts probably more than you think. Then go on the cruise and have a ball.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I would think its a bit hard to take a shower when there's no source of running water. If my country was invaded and I felt I had to fight for my life, I sure as hell wouldn't care how I smelled until what I saw as an occupying force was long gone. Reading comments like this helps me get a grasp on why terrorists exist, its not because they hate us senselessly, its because the men and women we send over there aren't men and women, but uneducated girls and boys with M16s who know nothing of the culture, life, history and customs other than "They wear towels on their heads!" or "Aren't they Indian??" This is sad.

Liberal softies.

Sorry, I guess I qualify as that for caring about my fellow man, even if they're thousands of miles away and the news tells me I should hate them because they hate me.
My God. How stupid are you? Seriously. What exactly are you basing this on? Watching Full Metal Jacket and Platoon a few times? This is the most educated military in world history. Stop basing your opinions on hackneyed, hyperbolic stereotypes of soldiers that you've gleaned from Hollywood. You have a problem with people stereotyping hajis, who live in what is more or less a Medieval country, yet do the EXACT same thing to military men and women. KILL YOURSELF. 
Goddamn, you actually made me mad on this lovely snow day. 
Originally Posted by bright nikes

@ all the softies in here.

All my boys just recently came back and if people are offended about "nasty smellin hajis" that ain't %%#*. Its damn near the truth.

I always wanted to go to: Roatan, Honduras (sp) or go to Bali

My boys went to Jamacia though.

I say take the time off in Puerto Rico you will love it.
San Diego, Hotel Del Coronado.

They have a regular Hotels or theres houses that you can rent out and walk straight to the beach,
they also have a free breakfast till 10

@ this Hadji debate.

America has been giving derogatory names to their enemies all throughout history, like Lobsterback, Kraut, Commie, etc.
Not necessarily racist, it's used to show disdain for one's enemy. I mean, why be politically correct with your enemies?

Now back to topic, cruise sounds good or a ski resort. Somewhere without heat or sand.
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I would think its a bit hard to take a shower when there's no source of running water. If my country was invaded and I felt I had to fight for my life, I sure as hell wouldn't care how I smelled until what I saw as an occupying force was long gone. Reading comments like this helps me get a grasp on why terrorists exist, its not because they hate us senselessly, its because the men and women we send over there aren't men and women, but uneducated girls and boys with M16s who know nothing of the culture, life, history and customs other than "They wear towels on their heads!" or "Aren't they Indian??" This is sad.

Liberal softies.

Sorry, I guess I qualify as that for caring about my fellow man, even if they're thousands of miles away and the news tells me I should hate them because they hate me.
My God. How stupid are you? Seriously. What exactly are you basing this on? Watching Full Metal Jacket and Platoon a few times? This is the most educated military in world history. Stop basing your opinions on hackneyed, hyperbolic stereotypes of soldiers that you've gleaned from Hollywood. You have a problem with people stereotyping hajis, who live in what is more or less a Medieval country, yet do the EXACT same thing to military men and women. KILL YOURSELF. 
Goddamn, you actually made me mad on this lovely snow day. 

What is he basing it on? The OP just proves that notion by the ignorant statement he wrote.

Most educated military? Really?

I am not painting all the military with one brush, but I surely do believe, as with ANY military around the world, there is a whole lot of brainwashing and demeaning of the enemy.

The difference here is that military from Western countries that pride on democracy and human rights, as well as saving others is all just a crock of #%%*. It is called hypocrisy. They are supposed to be put on a pedestal that is higher for the sense they claim they are for democracy and human rights, but then again do just the exact same opposite.
Usage in the Iraq War (2003-Present )
Hajji has become a catch-all slang used by the U.S. military service members for any Arab person in Iraq. It can also be used as a descriptive word (such as "Hajji Shop" to describe the locals' stores) as well as a pejorative descriptive word (such as "Hajji Armor" to describe flak jacket-covered car bombers).
The use of Hajji in this way can be seen throughout the news series Black in America, Generation Kill, and The Hurt Locker.

Anyway, go HOME and spend time with your family. Go get a spa treatment with your wife.

Where did you go for r&r? I got back from Iraq in Dec 2008 (15-month deployment) and I've just recently got out of active duty, now doing the whole reserve thing. Thanks for serving!
good %%!$ man I was in OIF OCT 08-OCT 09 I recommend japan or Germany. you come to the states its nothing new.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I would think its a bit hard to take a shower when there's no source of running water. If my country was invaded and I felt I had to fight for my life, I sure as hell wouldn't care how I smelled until what I saw as an occupying force was long gone. Reading comments like this helps me get a grasp on why terrorists exist, its not because they hate us senselessly, its because the men and women we send over there aren't men and women, but uneducated girls and boys with M16s who know nothing of the culture, life, history and customs other than "They wear towels on their heads!" or "Aren't they Indian??" This is sad.

Liberal softies.

Sorry, I guess I qualify as that for caring about my fellow man, even if they're thousands of miles away and the news tells me I should hate them because they hate me.
My God. How stupid are you? Seriously. What exactly are you basing this on? Watching Full Metal Jacket and Platoon a few times? This is the most educated military in world history. Stop basing your opinions on hackneyed, hyperbolic stereotypes of soldiers that you've gleaned from Hollywood. You have a problem with people stereotyping hajis, who live in what is more or less a Medieval country, yet do the EXACT same thing to military men and women. KILL YOURSELF. 
Goddamn, you actually made me mad on this lovely snow day. 

What is he basing it on? The OP just proves that notion by the ignorant statement he wrote.

Most educated military? Really?

I am not painting all the military with one brush, but I surely do believe, as with ANY military around the world, there is a whole lot of brainwashing and demeaning of the enemy.

The difference here is that military from Western countries that pride on democracy and human rights, as well as saving others is all just a crock of #%%*. It is called hypocrisy. They are supposed to be put on a pedestal that is higher for the sense they claim they are for democracy and human rights, but then again do just the exact same opposite.
I ain't going to go into the most educated thing, there are a lot of dumb #%@$% in the military.  As far as the dehumanization of the enemy, for the most part that's a survival technique that is a constant struggle to keep it from going to far and losing your own humanity and not going far enough and losing your sanity due to all the death your surrounded by.  I hate it when I have to hear people that have never been to war, never been in a war-like situation give their two cents on what it's like to be a soldier.  There is no possible way you can possible know the physical, mental, and spiritual torment that it can be.  You %#!%%%# think I enjoyed see some of the %$#! I aw over there.  You think I was sitting in my %#!%%%# trailer jerking off to the image of dead children.  I will never be the %#!%%%# same.  @@$+!

The only thing that kept me sane sometimes was the thought that maybe I did some good over there, maybe just one little thing.

So go ahead, sit back and say what it's like to be a %#!%%%# soldier because your fat @%# has 30 hours of logged play time in COD4.  Not an assault on you Dima, you know your cool in my book.
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