Coming into class late UNAPPRECIATION!!!!

this happened to me last year for my calculus class cause i had a meeting with a counselor for my major that took a little longer than expected so i ended upgetting lunch and waited for class to end so i could borrow my friends notes
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

I've been going to all my classes pretty early..and you know when you go in and you can tell that roughly 70% of the class is there so you try to sit next to the best looking girl? The best looking girl sat next to me two classes in a row. Breasts bumped against my head "ohhh im sorrry" Me:"
, when you see her give her that damn I just fell in love look..." it's okay I didn't mind at all, thats a nice_____ you got on/wow your tattoo is ______"

w t f are you talking about?
ive always hated going to class late. if i was more than 15 minutes late i wouldnt go. especially with looking for parking and not finding any parking

I was half an hour late for an exam last Wednesday. Parking on campus FTL...
I had almost 50 tardies last year from being no more than 5 minutes late
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by SaltineWarrior

Originally Posted by r0yalty

Originally Posted by SaltineWarrior

Get to class earlier.
Like I give a @#*$. How hard is it to leave your room/apartment a few minutes earlier to get to class on time. You don't only disturb the class but you also piss off the professor. How late are you guys going to class? Anything after 15 minutes and I don't even go.
I follow that rule. I try to leave 15 mins before class starts but sometimes unexpected things happens on the way...
Yeah I hate being late. There was this one teacher at ccsf that made us apologize to the class for being late n say why we were late. Good thing he never madedo that..cause I would get there n sit so quick he couldn't me see.
it happens, i try to be as low key as possible when i go in late, if i know the professor teaches the class on another day or time that im free, i usually missthe class and tell him/her i didn't come because the class was full and i didn't want to be a distraction and i ask if i can sit in on the same classat a later time during the day or on the next day. most of the time they were cool about it and appreciated me being considerate towards not being adisruption.
All my classes that were in an auditorium had a seating chart. Luckily, in all cases, my seat was either the aisle seat or the seat next to the aisle seat.

I came late to class many times and all I had to do was walk down the aisle and my seat is right there

btw, how does your class not have a seating chart? I thought all auditorium type classes would have a seating chart so students wouldn't do anything shady.
Thursday night I have a stadium setting class that is usually packed, with the exception of a few seats. I got to class right on time, but all of theleft-handed seats were taken (by mostly right-handed students
). Anyway, I spot this nice seat in the middle with a missing desk next to it, and no onesitting on the other side. This room is hot as hell, so I'm glad I have a little area to myself. I put my bag on the seat next to me for insurance.

I'm sitting there, hot, with a small breeze keeping me awake. 40 minutes into class, this hefer strolls through, eyes rolling up and down the room forspace to plop her fat %*+. There's __, me, desk with my bag on it, and empty desk.
she asks if anyone is sitting where my bag is instead of going to theempty seat right next to it.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

it happens, i try to be as low key as possible when i go in late, if i know the professor teaches the class on another day or time that im free, i usually miss the class and tell him/her i didn't come because the class was full and i didn't want to be a distraction and i ask if i can sit in on the same class at a later time during the day or on the next day. most of the time they were cool about it and appreciated me being considerate towards not being a disruption.

wow, that is SMART, I never thought to do that I oveslept a little bit this past week and was late for me lecture class, ended up havin to climb over 3 ppl tofind a seat. Ive never had a prof. say anything about me being late tho
Originally Posted by Rell

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

it happens, i try to be as low key as possible when i go in late, if i know the professor teaches the class on another day or time that im free, i usually miss the class and tell him/her i didn't come because the class was full and i didn't want to be a distraction and i ask if i can sit in on the same class at a later time during the day or on the next day. most of the time they were cool about it and appreciated me being considerate towards not being a disruption.

wow, that is SMART, I never thought to do that I oveslept a little bit this past week and was late for me lecture class, ended up havin to climb over 3 ppl to find a seat. Ive never had a prof. say anything about me being late tho

wow professors being who*ed out at schools now? I don't know any prof at my school who teaches the SAME class on two different days...inflated admissionsFTL!
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