
I used to preach "everyone is beautiful" but I just cant anymore. I'm simply not attracted and unfortunately she's gonna think she's ugly when really its just different cup of tea for everyone
lol at caring that much about other peoples feelings....I don't have the time.

Nut up and do you. 
confession - boyfriend doesn't like smashing me on my cycle anymore. not going to lie, i'm ******* pissed.
There's 4 options

1) he either is getting tired/accustomed of the box. (In the beginning of a relationship, a man will smash you even if u got doo doo hangin out your ***. That feeling is probably starting to simmer down)

2) he found someone to smash on the side while you on the period

3) he's just not in the mood AT THIS MOMENT . ( see how he acts next month)

4) The phonk from the period juice is unbearable

You should get on that depo shot. Birth control for that *** so you done even get periods
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Can't say I blame him, it can get messy. Maybe do it in the shower?

The shower doesn't enhance or make the process more efficient. So nah.

There's 4 options

1) he either is getting tired/accustomed of the box. (In the beginning of a relationship, a man will smash you even if u got doo doo hangin out your ***. That feeling is probably starting to simmer down)

2) he found someone to smash on the side while you on the period

3) he's just not in the mood AT THIS MOMENT . ( see how he acts next month)

4) The phonk from the period juice is unbearable

You should get on that depo shot. Birth control for that *** so you done even get periods

He was honest about his reasons, I'm thinking of getting on that exclusive birth control but those darn side effects....
lol @ period juice
and the only time there's an ungodly scent is if the woman's vagina hasn't purged ALL of the blood. there can be remnants if you're not scrupulous.
Not looking for sympathy, just need to vent...

My girl had an MRI yesterday, mostly for a car accident that she was involved in, but also to get answers to an odd but seemingly harmless problem she had. At work today I get a text from her that they found a brain tumor. :smh:

I instantly went into shock.

I wrapped up a deal that I was working on, talked to my boss and dipped. I've been with her all day making her laugh and keeping her spirits up. We're still waiting to talk to a Dr., but that probably won't happen until tomorrow.

I'm at a loss. This **** hardly seems like real life. We have been friends for years, long before anything else and... I don't wanna think about the "what ifs".

She's knocked out at the moment. We used to always joke about what we would say at each other's funeral. *tears bruhs...

The feels.

Cot damn. :smh:
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Not looking for sympathy, just need to vent...

My girl had an MRI yesterday, mostly for a car accident that she was involved in, but also to get answers to an odd but seemingly harmless problem she had. At work today I get a text from her that they found a brain tumor.

I instantly went into shock.

I wrapped up a deal that I was working on, talked to my boss and dipped. I've been with her all day making her laugh and keeping her spirits up. We're still waiting to talk to a Dr., but that probably won't happen until tomorrow.

I'm at a loss. This **** hardly seems like real life. We have been friends for years, long before anything else and... I don't wanna think about the "what ifs".

She's knocked out at the moment. We used to always joke about what we would say at each other's funeral. *tears bruhs...

The feels.

Cot damn.
Damn, that blows. But at least she knows now and can get the care she needs and you can be there to support her fam. 
I don't know how I feel about school.

My dad kinda forced me into going here even though its a school thats way far away from my home

Feel like I'm gonna end up resenting my dad for not getting my full college experience cuz I'll never quite feel right here
Sir San Diego Sir San Diego Wow, that's saddening and sobering to say the least..glad to hear that you've at least been able to keep her spirits up in what obviously is a difficult time. Can't even imagine, man...

Praying for a full && speedy recovery for her, && the best for both of y'all.
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My Popz is really bout to lose me NT, I don't kno how much more of his BS I can take..
Throughout my entire life my dad has been a alcoholic/drug addict. He's pawned my gaming systems, tv's, bikes, subwoofers, stolen money from me and he's done pretty much the same to my momz as well. He even took my car back when I was in high school and sold my radio and subs for drugs.
I remember being a kid and him telling me to answer the door for dealers he owed money to while he hide in the closet, smh..
Recently he got a credit card in my name that I had no idea about. I confronted him about it and of course he denied having anything to do with. Now 25% of my check is getting garnished because of his doing.
My momz bends over backwards for him and he doesn't appreciate it one bit. I kno she wants to leave him but if she did he would have literally no where to go. I moved out years ago but I hate to see my momz doing her damndest to reach someone that doesn't want to listen. I've tried for her sake to talk to him, and tell him that what he's doing hurts my mom. But all he can pick out of the convo is me worrying about my mom and not him.
I think I'm done NT but somewhere deep down I want him to change because he's my popz. I just don't kno what to do about the situation. Nor do I kno how to approach it without spazzing on him. I'm too much of a hot head..
I'd beat my dad's *** if he did all that. No joke. Family or not that's too much.

I cut my dad off 10 ago but he never did any of that.
Word. I guess that's not cutting him off. That's just throwing hands. But yeah I'd leave him in the dust if your mom could break ties. Only so much you guys can do.
I don't know how I feel about school.

My dad kinda forced me into going here even though its a school thats way far away from my home

Feel like I'm gonna end up resenting my dad for not getting my full college experience cuz I'll never quite feel right here
yo Wasup man I just wanted to say don't go to school just to impress your parents or just because they wanted you to do what makes you happy bro
yo Wasup man I just wanted to say don't go to school just to impress your parents or just because they wanted you to do what makes you happy bro

I always really wanted to go to school and go on from there but since I was forced into going to a school that I really wasn't into it just feels like a waste now as far as the 'college experience'

I feel like I'm just whining cuz academically I'm doing fine and all that but I'm just not getting that piece thats supposed to make college 'the best time of your life'

Thank for the support man
I don't know how I feel about school.

My dad kinda forced me into going here even though its a school thats way far away from my home

Feel like I'm gonna end up resenting my dad for not getting my full college experience cuz I'll never quite feel right here
I'm guessing you'll feel more comfortable going somewhere closer to home?

I would argue that you have a better chance of getting the full college experience at a school far away from home. Too close to home and you could go to a commuter school that's essentially a next level high school. If you don't feel right there that's a whole different story and very well can prevent you from getting the full college experience.

How long have you been there?
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I'm guessing you'll feel more comfortable going somewhere closer to home?

I would argue that you have a better chance of getting the full college experience at a school far away from home. Too close to home and you could go to a commuter school that's essentially a next level high school. If you don't feel right there that's a whole different story and very well can prevent you from getting the full college experience.

How long have you been there?

I'm at UF but from Massachusetts and was planning on going a place that's a few hours away and hopefully relatively small

Instead, as my first year finishes up, I still just don't feel right. Always feel like I'm getting by instead of flourishing
I don't want to get a real job when I graduate...I want to spend my time working in a shop at a beach somewhere & just party the whole summer....if I had my way thats what I would do for this summer then after I get my 150 credit hours in December Ill get serious about accounting
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