
You are cheating on her. If you feel like you need to hide it from her..your cheating, my guy. Erase her from your life man. Everything seems great when it's fresh. Y'all going to lunch, laughing it up and you think you feeling her? Come on. You and your girl are pretty much married. When you decided to be in a relationship with her, was the same moment when you chose to cut the other **** off.

Trust me, the grass ain't greener on the other side. It's all a mirage. It may seem green when you first step on it, but once you get deeper in the field, all you see is dry *** soil, tumble weed, some hay and the once green plot of land is a barren dirt road with wild cactus and ****.

Cut off all communications with the "friend" and go home to your girl and **** her brains out. You'll get over it. Don't go in too deep in the situation when you know you can't swim. You'll be in the middle of the ocean with no swimming gear, no oxygen, no tire to keep you afloat. You gon drown with the sharks, my guy. Don't put yourself through that, it's not worth it


This was an option as well. Cutting her off completely and never going back, but she's been there for me for a long time. Through a lot of ****. I value our friendship, and I can get over the feelings and everything but I'll always just want her in my life as someone to vent to or talk to.

I can pull back and let the feelings go, but I'm not sure I can not be her friend. Especially when I already offed her and let her back in. :/
This little stuck-up little snob absolutely ruined everything for me at this place! She doesn't understand that I was just complimenting her and she was just so quick to say sexual harassment. These "new generation" workers are so entitled and annoying.

I have now been searching for a new job already. I can't be myself here and I have to leave this place. I really like this place but this is not a safe work environment for me.

My guy, I say confront her about it. What do you have to lose? You already looking for a new job, so that shows that you me comfortable there.

I say confront her and come clean. Don't be a weirdo creepy guy, just be original and tell her that you got called in, and you feel like it was her because of the previous comments. Then tell her that you didn't mean it like that, it was a genuine compliment blah blah

As far as outcome. Either
1) she'll take the apology, y'all will be cool, and you can continue to like your job

2) she'll be creeped out by you, and she'll snitch again and you get fired.(but your looking for a new job anyways)

3) you keep looking for a new job and you leave.

Regardless what the outcome, you'll be happy..whether at a new job or your current
You need to figure out if you like your girl or your old friend.

The hard part is that were both in relationships, so I'm not gonna ruin what I have for something that MIGHT BE, and neither is she. I don't even know if she has feelings for me right now, and I'm not gonna fall for a girl that I'm uncertain about. Especially when I have a home to take care of.

No kids tho. Lol

But it's clear that you feel some type of way about your friend outside of her being your friend. Even if it's small you still have a feeling beyond friendship. I agree that you're already cheating also.

This was an option as well. Cutting her off completely and never going back, but she's been there for me for a long time. Through a lot of ****. I value our friendship, and I can get over the feelings and everything but I'll always just want her in my life as someone to vent to or talk to.

I can pull back and let the feelings go, but I'm not sure I can not be her friend. Especially when I already offed her and let her back in. :/

The behavior you're exhibiting is the same reason why I broke it off with an ex of mine. He couldn't or wouldn't let her go for the same reasons you're stating. Despite it making me feel uncomfortable. And who's to say you have to talk to HER about any and everything...isn't that what your girlfriend is there for? You let her in and I agree with the others, you are cheating. You're cheating emotionally. If you know that's not fair to your girl...why are you doing it?
You guys had feelings for each other and didn't act on it, why is it a good idea NOW to wreck one relationship for the possibility another? Run bro lol
She read a text of me complementing this girls mass after class with my boy. He told me to holla I said nah she's too far I'll do it later ( just guy talk didn't really mean much by it). She got my phone to text my homeboy back when we were together which lead to her reading that. I told her on the spot it's was disrespectful on my half and i apologized. she seemed bothered but I figured she'd let it go.
I know something so small like this can be catastrophic to someone with insecurities tho.

Okay, wait...did you text the girl DIRECTLY or was it just bro talk? If it's just bro talk, then it's bro talk. But what probably agitated her the MOST was that you said you'd follow up. (Your GF doesn't know what you meant or intended to convey) To her, you're plotting on the next. The seed is already planted, you're just waiting on an opportunity...and to be honest, are you? And what's worse? You go to class with this girl; you have access to her on a regular basis. I'd be a little worried, too.

And no, she won't let it go until she can trust you. Seems like you caught her off guard and through all of the reassurances you gave her..and you kinda proved her right.
So, whatchu gon' do now papi?
Utter and complete transparency is the key. You guys can get past this.
I keep real with her. I Wouldn't And I Won't She can Go Through My phone All She Wants And Check My Call Statements. I wont.
I'll just have to work my way back and gain her trust again.
I keep real with her. I Wouldn't And I Won't She can Go Through My phone All She Wants And Check My Call Statements. I wont.
I'll just have to work my way back and gain her trust again.

well in that case, good luck man. I can tell you want to work it out and so if you keep this momentum you guys will.

This was an option as well. Cutting her off completely and never going back, but she's been there for me for a long time. Through a lot of ****. I value our friendship, and I can get over the feelings and everything but I'll always just want her in my life as someone to vent to or talk to.

I can pull back and let the feelings go, but I'm not sure I can not be her friend. Especially when I already offed her and let her back in. :/

Did y'all ever do anything sexual? From how it sounds, she means alot to you. But if anything, you just need to distance yourself from her. Y'all can be friends without seeing each other, or talking every day. Just hit her up once in a while to check up, if anything. Do the bare minimum to remain friends.

Now the whole venting thing, idk about that. All it takes is for your girl to piss you off about something minor, like laundry or dishes, and then your venting to her. Next thing you know your at her crib, venting some more, and of course she's gonna take your side in the situation. Then as the convo progress, you'll start thinking about all the stuff your girl does that pisses you off. Eventually (but that same night) you'll be saying FDB in your head and next thing you know you'll be knee deep in your "friends" box. Your "friend" is probably plotting on you right now. Girls are smart and have everything planned from the jump. And you did state that she has had past issues with your girl. What better way to get back at an enemy than to take her man?

Did y'all ever do anything sexual? From how it sounds, she means alot to you. But if anything, you just need to distance yourself from her. Y'all can be friends without seeing each other, or talking every day. Just hit her up once in a while to check up, if anything. Do the bare minimum to remain friends.

Now the whole venting thing, idk about that. All it takes is for your girl to piss you off about something minor, like laundry or dishes, and then your venting to her. Next thing you know your at her crib, venting some more, and of course she's gonna take your side in the situation. Then as the convo progress, you'll start thinking about all the stuff your girl does that pisses you off. Eventually (but that same night) you'll be saying FDB in your head and next thing you know you'll be knee deep in your "friends" box. Your "friend" is probably plotting on you right now. Girls are smart and have everything planned from the jump. And you did state that she has had past issues with your girl. What better way to get back at an enemy than to take her man?

Nah we haven't ever even kissed or held hands. Just hug goodbye.

I get what you mean about the whole plotting / revenge thing, and I think that's a huge reason why my mind was going "This ish don't seem right man.. Get away.." But at the same time, my heart almost wants to grow feelings for a girl who is coming off as someone that matches me great. I know what y'all are saying and I understand what it means. In my head I keep feeling like it's too good to be true.

I'm glad that YOU understand that a friendship can be held without absolutely having to erase everything. Most people on here would go "Nah b. Erase everything and never remember."

I'm probably gonna end up deading her, but I'm not one to flake. Imma go to lunch today, chill and cool and just be a friend. Go to work and start giving less ****s to this girl because I got a home to take care of.. I'm just not the type of guy to wanna wonder "what if" years from now ya know?
The behavior you're exhibiting is the same reason why I broke it off with an ex of mine. He couldn't or wouldn't let her go for the same reasons you're stating. Despite it making me feel uncomfortable. And who's to say you have to talk to HER about any and everything...isn't that what your girlfriend is there for? You let her in and I agree with the others, you are cheating. You're cheating emotionally. If you know that's not fair to your girl...why are you doing it?
You guys had feelings for each other and didn't act on it, why is it a good idea NOW to wreck one relationship for the possibility another? Run bro lol

There's some things that you can't talk to your girl about. Likeeee the writing you're working on, because my girl sometimes can't even spell simple words correctly. (Cute, but not good for a writer) :lol: Then the fact that I'm also a guitarist/vocalist and she doesn't really know much, where as my friend took 3 years of choir and whatnot. Just examples.

Sometimes girls need guy friends to ask them what they should do. Usually the guy friends will go "You messed up. Let him cool off then try fixing it." It goes both ways, but for different reasons IMO
I get what you mean about the whole plotting / revenge thing, and I think that's a huge reason why my mind was going "This ish don't seem right man.. Get away.." But at the same time, my heart almost wants to grow feelings for a girl who is coming off as someone that matches me great. I know what y'all are saying and I understand what it means. In my head I keep feeling like it's too good to be true.

I'm glad that YOU understand that a friendship can be held without absolutely having to erase everything. Most people on here would go "Nah b. Erase everything and never remember."

I'm probably gonna end up deading her, but I'm not one to flake. Imma go to lunch today, chill and cool and just be a friend. Go to work and start giving less ****s to this girl because I got a home to take care of.. I'm just not the type of guy to wanna wonder "what if" years from now ya know?

Yea if something is too good to be true, 9/10 it probably is.

But yea go to lunch today, keep it simple and keep your eyes open for any hint of a possible scheme that she may have.
Nah we haven't ever even kissed or held hands. Just hug goodbye.

I get what you mean about the whole plotting / revenge thing, and I think that's a huge reason why my mind was going "This ish don't seem right man.. Get away.." But at the same time, my heart almost wants to grow feelings for a girl who is coming off as someone that matches me great. I know what y'all are saying and I understand what it means. In my head I keep feeling like it's too good to be true.

I'm glad that YOU understand that a friendship can be held without absolutely having to erase everything. Most people on here would go "Nah b. Erase everything and never remember."

I'm probably gonna end up deading her, but I'm not one to flake. Imma go to lunch today, chill and cool and just be a friend. Go to work and start giving less ****s to this girl because I got a home to take care of.. I'm just not the type of guy to wanna wonder "what if" years from now ya know?

Okay, this is where I have to stop you. Let's be realistic. You WANT to examine and explore your feelings for a woman you think may be a BETTER match for you...You're hoping and re-assuring yourself the feelings will dissipate..but will they? Will you have enough self control?
But you're still confused as to why some people have suggested you guys Do Not remain friends.
It's alright to wonder "what if", but you're going about it the wrong way. You're in a relationship. She's in a relationship.

There's some things that you can't talk to your girl about. Likeeee the writing you're working on, because my girl sometimes can't even spell simple words correctly. (Cute, but not good for a writer) :lol: Then the fact that I'm also a guitarist/vocalist and she doesn't really know much, where as my friend took 3 years of choir and whatnot. Just examples.

Sometimes girls need guy friends to ask them what they should do. Usually the guy friends will go "You messed up. Let him cool off then try fixing it." It goes both ways, but for different reasons IMO

There are things that can be spoken about between a couple. I never understand everything that comes out of my partner's mouth but I can learn and engage in a discussion, right? I think you can be capable of the same.
We all need companions, sure. But it just so happens you're low-key creeping with this one. If you "plan" on deading it, I don't even see why you're going to lunch in the first place. For what, to say goodbye? lol
Okay, this is where I have to stop you. Let's be realistic. You WANT to examine and explore your feelings for a woman you think may be a BETTER match for you...You're hoping and re-assuring yourself the feelings will dissipate..but will they? Will you have enough self control?
But you're still confused as to why some people have suggested you guys Do Not remain friends.
It's alright to wonder "what if", but you're going about it the wrong way. You're in a relationship. She's in a relationship.
There are things that can be spoken about between a couple. I never understand everything that comes out of my partner's mouth but I can learn and engage in a discussion, right? I think you can be capable of the same.
We all need companions, sure. But it just so happens you're low-key creeping with this one. If you "plan" on deading it, I don't even see why you're going to lunch in the first place. For what, to say goodbye? lol

Nah. Because if I plan on being friends with no emotional attachment, then going to lunch isn't a big deal IMO. Which, it wasn't. I went, we ate and conversed and I went to work. All done. Easy.

Through lunch I realized that I wouldn't even wanna be with her like that.. She was lightweight complaining about her relationship about things that happen in every relationship talmbout "I'm almost done with him." I don't wanna be with that. The lunch was good and helped me realize I don't want her.

Also free food. :wink:
Yea if something is too good to be true, 9/10 it probably is.

But yea go to lunch today, keep it simple and keep your eyes open for any hint of a possible scheme that she may have.

I did but we mainly talked about how her BF is selfish and all this ish. I told her to try and work it out and if he doesn't pick up on it, then dip. It's a lost cause. He'll never NOT be selfish ya know? People can't change being selfish, they can only sacrifice and learn.

Anyways, lunch was good. Free chicken strips and fries. Haha
Im not a fan of who i am. I never reallyy asked to be different , it just happened. I feel cursed because I wake up feeling like Im not happy about anything. I keep it to myself.

I just hide the pain and keep moving on. Maybe if I were born the same like everybody else.  OH well.
Im not a fan of who i am. I never reallyy asked to be different , it just happened. I feel cursed because I wake up feeling like Im not happy about anything. I keep it to myself.

I just hide the pain and keep moving on. Maybe if I were born the same like everybody else.  OH well.

How so?
I hate how unemotional i am. Like to everyone. I think cause my pops wasnt around like he should have been when i was a kid. Then my granddad moving back to Jamaica

Like i could go on and not talk to any family for the rest od my life and ill be fine. Wont lose a second of sleep

There was a time even with the females too. For years i didn't care one bit. Stay lying and ****

Idk brahs
Had a break up some time last year. Miss her a bunch no lie. I made one final attempt 2 weeks ago

Texted her saying we should go out and hit the club in the city. Said she cant do it. I said cool

2 days later she asks if im talking to anyone :nerd: I said no and she told me she does wanna go out. Cool

We been talking ever since then until yesterday. I asked if this Saturday is good for her. She hits me with the no. I dont think its a good idea

I think its messed up how i kept getting mixed signals all the time and im not fond of it honestly

A while back she said she wants to be friends but we cant talk everyday. But we been doing that for the past 2 weeks

Saying we cant chill but then telling me she wants to

Even yesterday she sent me a pic of her wearing the necklace i got her for xmas

All the problems we had can most def be fixed but its just on her at this point

Idk what the problem is. She wants to move on yet her actions dont dictate that most of the time
Troy, please call her out on this ridiculous behavior.

You cannot continue to let her get away with that behavior.

Call her out on that ******** .
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an what was her excuse?

Shes not sure what she wants to do. Like her head says one thing but her heart says the other

I had told her she can't keep giving me the run around. Its not fair at all. My offer of chilling in the city is still in the air for tomorrow but if she doesnt want to then hey what else can i do

If its meant to be it will. If not then it's not
There's this unattractive girlie at work that eyes me all the time. She's boo'd up now and for some reason it bothers me :smh:
In a relationship with a girl and we live together..

I'm meeting up with an old friend for lunch again. We did it last Friday too. We used to like each other a lot, but now we're both in relationships. The only problem is that both of our "others" would be pissed if they found out we were talking or seeing each other even though we were never together / never did anything. It's an innocent lunch, despite what we talk about during the text convos we have all day. Literally. We talk about everything.

My girl has a personal problem with her ( they have a friendship history) and for the last year I had offed my friend from my life in order to keep peace in my relationship. It wasn't until a couple months ago that I finally hit her up to be friends again.. She said fine. We cleared some stuff up, admitted how we both almost fell for each other when we used to talk all the time.

I'm not sure why, but I can't get this chick off my mind. I'm also not sure if I should feel like I'm cheating on my girl by going to lunch / texting her even though she's just a friend ATM. I feel like I'm cheating, I feel like my girl and her guy would kill both of us if they found out.. But there's nothing OFFICIALLY there right now. We haven't said anything like "I like you again." To eachother.

I went thru this exact situation. Ill just say this dead it before she finds out, because she will find out. Thank god mines stayed with me but the girls relationship was ruined
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