
I really don't think I can stay another year at my parents house I was sticking around to finish another year at CC but it seems like they just start arguing with me for no damn reasons whatsoever deep down inside I wanna save more money before I leave but I can't put up with this anymore , it's really annoying .
Some drugs should still stay illegal because some people can't handle themselves. I've seen it happen first hand to many people. Why should you make it more easily accessible to them? If someone is smart enough to handle the consequences, then they probably have a means to acquire that substance somehow.

B Bruce Banner I feel you on that man. While my parents respect me enough to not argue with me, they still question me over trivial things. I feel like I take stuff for granted some times, but at this age I really need that transition too. My advice for you is just to finish CC while you can, it's hard to do that when funds are low due to living costs. Hit the library and stay on them books, shift your time away from home when you can and need to.
i attempted suicide on Tuesday. Didn't hurt myself but I came very close. Didn't get hospitalized but my parents took my gun.

I'm just tired of everything.

What happened bro?
I'd like to know. Anything and everything you want to share is welcome
I feel like i'm too deep into the rabbit hole

Psychological Scars: Although my parents might call it discipline, I was heavily beaten, even to the point one of my school's counselors had to send a social worker and a police officer to my house. And if any of you have African parent's, you know that that doesn't stop ****. I mean this continued up till my junior year in high school, I went to Nigeria for my 9th and 10th grade there and let's just say anything is legal. All growing up, everybody around with kept on sayin i was stupid, retarted, ****** up mentally etc, especially my parents, and that's stuck with me

It's to the point where i don't like people touching me cause i'll start flinching or it's like my body tells my mind to start getting upset.

I hate being around my parent's, picking up their phones, etc and it's wierd cause whenever i'm not with them, usually summmer programs or my 2 years away in Nigeria, I don't wake up with raging headaches, i actually wake up on time or even early, i want to study and do hw and not just be a lazy slob. I know some of that is me but somehow i've developed a mental block that's kinda annoying

I'm on track with completing one of my best semesters at school tho

Connections/Friendships/Relationships: I really don't know how to go about these anymore, like i have classroom friends but can never take it out of that stage. As the years went on, i started becoming less and less social and i rarely talk anymore and i don't know why. I try opening and it doesn't work at all. I prolly won't ever know how to spit game as the only way i can talk with aa girl and make them laugh is by ******* around with them and that **** pisses them off. I'll go in with the mindset that i won't do that but i always do that.

I'm just a generally a lonely person when i'm not at school or work

I try nofap, but it just builds up test and makes me edgy af which then leads me to break by watching some wierd as porn ****

Recently my wrist and shoulder started ******* up and i can't workout anymore, which i actually liked to do.

Looks: I've been ******* all my life about my looks, even here lol, and although it doesn't affect me like it used to, it's just hard to come away from it. I mean it's different when people say **** but when your own family ***** on you about **** i can't really change except through plastic surgery, It's ****** up and those are really the only people that i have and i don't really **** with them or trust them

This whole Adult Life thing is bugging me out. I budget, I pay bills, I have fun with my friends, and I try to be a little better at my job everyday. My confidence nowadays is pretty high but at the same time im so scared of messing it alll up. I get paniic attacks regularly, smoke mad cigarettes and weed, and generally live in these waves of extreme love of life and terrifying anxiety. I used to see shrinks all the time, and I know I need to start back again. Im on the subway as I type this, I find myself wanting to cry my eyes out, but im not even sad. Like, I just need to cry and let it out for some reason. I dunno.

I fell in love with a girl at first sight recently, and im making sure not to get too into her. Literally, I saw her and fell in love, then we hung out and connected in an insane way, mentally, physically, all that. Now im trying to make sure she doesnt know I think about her all the time. Its getting to me, because I could see myself being in a relationship with her, but we've only known eachother a short time. NT is the only place I could confess this, because im a grown *** man with a serious crush on a chick I barely know.
I like that song by Carrie Underwood - before he cheats. Even though my car has been damaged by a chick I did wrong...
I have an old neighbor who I try my best to avoid. He's a nice man but I see him and think, "He's gonna die pretty soon" and I don't want to be close enough to him that I would need to attend his funeral.
I have an old neighbor who I try my best to avoid. He's a nice man but I see him and think, "He's gonna die pretty soon" and I don't want to be close enough to him that I would need to attend his funeral.
You never know man. He could on the FBI's most wanted criminal. 

Read up on Josh Bond. Similar situation. Reluctantly befriended his old neighbor, ****** Bulger. 
I'm so lonely when I type the word lonely, suggested words suggests the name of the girl that makes me sad

Man you sure its not just fatigue and you don't feel like doing anything? Watch Eric Thomas videos man
Yeah I'm sure it's not just that. I think it's more so that my mind is wandering and I can't focus.

I transferred just this fall and aside from two good friends and some guys I play ball or get lunch with there's not really anyone to hang out with. I was counting on spending a lot of time with those two friends, but they're busy a lot and that hasn't been the case. I miss my girlfriend too.
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Some days I feel really confident 

Other days I'm feeling like I'm a piece of **** 
 for no reason I can come up with 

Currently dealing with a situation that involved a so called "good" friend who just stopped talking to me for no reason, that annoys the **** out of me because I feel like I did something wrong but I guess it's just life

Feel alone on some of these days as well.
I know that feel,we didn't speak until 5 years later.

Your friend either grew apart or never really was that close to you in his eyes. Or you did something wrong
thanks to those that asked or checked in on me... i'm doing a lot better now. I saw a doctor this Monday and now I'm on sertraline and seeing a counselor every week. **** ton of pressure I felt I was under and I wanted a way out. School was getting really hard and thankfully I'm not at the point where I need to withdraw. I got a lot of issues to work out and I need to find a way to be confident in who I am regardless of failure. And I need to start living in the moment.
thanks to those that asked or checked in on me... i'm doing a lot better now. I saw a doctor this Monday and now I'm on sertraline and seeing a counselor every week. **** ton of pressure I felt I was under and I wanted a way out. School was getting really hard and thankfully I'm not at the point where I need to withdraw. I got a lot of issues to work out and I need to find a way to be confident in who I am regardless of failure. And I need to start living in the moment.
Glad to hear that you are doing better and taking the right steps. Everyone needs some kind of positive outlet from the daily stress and pressure they're under.
Is it not normal that I don't get lonely like most ppl?
I wouldn't say not normal in a bad way, that's actually a good thing.
I know that feel,we didn't speak until 5 years later.

Your friend either grew apart or never really was that close to you in his eyes. Or you did something wrong
I feel like I did something wrong, I brought up a situation about another woman to her and she followed back with "not feeling good, we'll talk later", I didn't think anything of till she didn't talk to me for the next week, yet alone answer me when I tried to talk to her. I saw her post down my timeline along the lines of "no one is ever there for me". We've always ranted off to each other and she would always appreciate the things I do for her. I'm clueless now, it just makes no sense to me

more confessions:

-After breaking up with my ex, I realized I am numb, I'm afraid of not being able to have those feelings like I did again, I worked three years to get into a relationship with her and it only lasted 11 months

-I dislike my generation, I feel like I view life so much more differently from them

-Stressful time picking out a college to attend

-I feel always underestimated
^ you're a guy? could be a lot of things. either she has feelings for you. or maybe she has beef with the girl you brought up. or maybe she had tried or planned to bring up a situation with a guy that she's dealing with and she felt like you didn't care.

or maybe she's just feeling emotional for no good reason. I never know what to do. ignoring is easiest..
Is it not normal that I don't get lonely like most ppl?

I'm the same way, embrace the not normalness. Find a chick who's also not normal who you can be open with. I got tired of putting on the show and pretending like i'm "normal", like i'm super outgoing and pull these vapid instagram **** with no substance. That ain't my type. I see enough "not normal" folks get trapped in that pretense and be miserable. Marry some broad you can never be truly honest with. I stopped volume shooting for a bit and these "normal" dudes that cheat on their wives and have multiple baby mothers stay in my business about building a roster again. Almost as if they look to me as their escape from their miserable lives. I don't feel like gathering **** while I rebuild with this one. If it doesn't work out, so be it, but i'm doing what I want to do.
Really unmotivated and lonely. Feeling so out of it right now |I


Been feeling like this for about 1 month solid. Nothing interests me enough to go out socially. Easier to be bored bat **** at home. Im going to my friends bucks party this weekend because I have to which will be good but they are the only social things I do now. That and go see a movie. I feel like no matter what I do its just the same **** and ive done it before blah blah blah. Most weekends I just go walk around the shopping centre and **** **** at home on the net or my phone and watching tv. I hate being at work as well, taken lots of leave latly just cos id rather just not be here. I dunno whats going on but I wish itd stop. Im not lonely though... is that weird
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Been feeling like this for about 1 month solid. Nothing interests me enough to go out socially. Easier to be bored bat **** at home. Im going to my friends bucks party this weekend because I have to which will be good but they are the only social things I do now. That and go see a movie. I feel like no matter what I do its just the same **** and ive done it before blah blah blah. Most weekends I just go walk around the shopping centre and **** **** at home on the net or my phone and watching tv. I hate being at work as well, taken lots of leave latly just cos id rather just not be here. I dunno whats going on but I wish itd stop. Im not lonely though... is that weird

dude this is me also

an like i said im not lonely though

an im actually going to a party nov 1 so next weekend myself because i was invited
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dude this is me also

an like i said im not lonely though

an im actually going to a party nov 1 so next weekend myself because i was invited

How you feel bout it?
I just wanna not be at work mainly atm. Just like doing nothing...
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How you feel bout it?
I just wanna not be at work mainly atm. Just like doing nothing...

is your IG name kicksaustralia?

um i dunno man, i feel the same, sorry i dont have an answer

i feel like nothing i guess. i dont even care about women like that, i think i prefer being single. im actually not smashing right now smh

i can but whatever......
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is your IG name kicksaustralia?

um i dunno man, i feel the same, sorry i dont have an answer

i feel like nothing i guess. i dont even care about women like that, i think i prefer being single. im actually not smashing right now smh

i can but whatever......
is your IG name kicksaustralia?

um i dunno man, i feel the same, sorry i dont have an answer

i feel like nothing i guess. i dont even care about women like that, i think i prefer being single. im actually not smashing right now smh

i can but whatever......


Man that's all me.......

Whatever, pretty much sums it up
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