
I'm like that with mines. I mean she's not "crazy" and she holds me down like hell but our interest are polar opposite. We've def outgrown each other but it's hard to move on since we have a child together. I owe it to my daughter to really try to make it work. We don't fight or anything but I'm just not happy and I'm not sure if it's cause of her (my lady) or because I'm so focused on achieving a few goals over the next two years. 

I can cut people off in an instant and act as if they've never existed in my life. I'm not big on 2nd chances and I've never expected for people to give them to me. I just understand that I don't really need anyone, too many people in the world and I'm the only one that sees and is a part of everything in my life. It's sorta like a zero tolerance thing.

I also hate the word "sorry". I don't really think it's real and I think folks have been conditioned to believe that it fixes everything without understanding the actual purpose of an apology so folks use it off impulse. I feel like folks only say it to clear their conscience as oppose to showing that person that they understand what they did wrong.
Sometime I get so tired of life.

Sometimes I feel like I dont know what to do.

Sometimes I feel like theres nothing I can do.

Sometimes I feel like I should just quit trying and just let whatever happens happen and just be glad to be alive.

But then I start back at the top.
My sisters very mentally ill, my parents live is consumed by her and her ********. Addicted to drugs, and also just a selfish maipluative person since born. Its hard to cut her off but its has to happen before my parents die a short stressed life. I feel bad for them both, i love my sister but they needa put them self first after 8 yrs of trying to help her. When they look at me im a golden son, get spoilt, i do minor things to help and they make it seem like i just saved the earth and i feel like i dont deserve the attention like that, i dont like it, i just wanna help, they dont need to pay me, buy me things, all that crap. Familys a ****** up thing at times
Its sad, she says she loves him, yet I ate her out in the back of her dads car. Military girlfriends, they make me laugh.
Its sad, she says she loves him, yet I ate her out in the back of her dads car. Military girlfriends, they make me laugh.
Just stop and move on from the situation because karma will bite you. To be honest that situation ain't funny it's pretty sad.
Awww ****, got a 2.75 GPA. Was hoping for a 3.0 
Its sad, she says she loves him, yet I ate her out in the back of her dads car. Military girlfriends, they make me laugh.
I fell down that rabbit hole and there's no way out for me. not military but same thing pretty much
Its sad, she says she loves him, yet I ate her out in the back of her dads car. Military girlfriends, they make me laugh.

If him = marine

Then leave her alone [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] them fools crazy

Try not to let other people's flaws, disgusting behaviour and actions take effect on who YOU are as a person, allowing them to change you and make you angry, bitter, depressed and full of hate etc

Ultimately this is just bringing you down whilst destroying, consuming you from within.
Warping you into something your not. bringing you down to their level, never give your enemy this satisfaction/victory.
This is very hard to take on and put into practice, especially when you have been hurt deeply by those you thought were closet to you.

Now I don't know what happened with your parents to make you feel this way, would you care to elaborate?

Remember you can't always fix the past, but you can change the future.

Fill your life with people who make you happy, who love you. people you can trust and rely on, who will help you, not hurt you.
Cut out the cancers, tumors in your life.

Emotions are a hard thing to keep in check, to be able to step outside of yourself and take a look back at how they are making you act, think and feel. analyse and make changes for a better quality of life.

I hope this helps you.

Thank you Brüdah.
This was much needed.
I keep forgetting small **** and it's driving me crazy because I shouldn't be forgetting stuff like this at my age.

For example, I brought my phone charger to work and forgot to grab it before I left. The next day, I forgot to take the coffee creamers out of the fridge to take home for the weekend. It's little things like that I'm forgetting, nothing important. I don't know what the hell it is, or if it's just normal. I wanna sharpen my memory.
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I walk this fine line every day of no one being good enough. There is a girl that likes me a lot and i like her. She is mad cool and i love being around her but I don't think she is good enough for me. I know that if i was like yeah sure lets be bf and gf that as soon as some one else came along or a girl threw the P my way id take it. My friends are like well that just means you aren't ready for a relationship. But i have felt this way for the last 4 girls that i have actually talked to. Like do you ever grow out of this stage do people just settle at some point.

I want kids and i think thats what weighs on me. I would be fine being solo forever if i didn't feel the need to have children. But the older i get the more this stuff crosses my mind, but i never want to just settle. And sadly it isn't practical in today's society to just be like hey female best friend lets have kids together raise them but never be together. Because i still want to find the perfect woman, which PS you are not that person but i know you will be a good mother to my children. If only that was cool :lol:
I walk this fine line every day of no one being good enough. There is a girl that likes me a lot and i like her. She is mad cool and i love being around her but I don't think she is good enough for me. I know that if i was like yeah sure lets be bf and gf that as soon as some one else came along or a girl threw the P my way id take it. My friends are like well that just means you aren't ready for a relationship. But i have felt this way for the last 4 girls that i have actually talked to. Like do you ever grow out of this stage do people just settle at some point.

I want kids and i think thats what weighs on me. I would be fine being solo forever if i didn't feel the need to have children. But the older i get the more this stuff crosses my mind, but i never want to just settle. And sadly it isn't practical in today's society to just be like hey female best friend lets have kids together raise them but never be together. Because i still want to find the perfect woman, which PS you are not that person but i know you will be a good mother to my children. If only that was cool :lol:

Too real :wow:
I walk this fine line every day of no one being good enough. There is a girl that likes me a lot and i like her. She is mad cool and i love being around her but I don't think she is good enough for me. I know that if i was like yeah sure lets be bf and gf that as soon as some one else came along or a girl threw the P my way id take it. My friends are like well that just means you aren't ready for a relationship. But i have felt this way for the last 4 girls that i have actually talked to. Like do you ever grow out of this stage do people just settle at some point.

I want kids and i think thats what weighs on me. I would be fine being solo forever if i didn't feel the need to have children. But the older i get the more this stuff crosses my mind, but i never want to just settle. And sadly it isn't practical in today's society to just be like hey female best friend lets have kids together raise them but never be together. Because i still want to find the perfect woman, which PS you are not that person but i know you will be a good mother to my children. If only that was cool :lol:

Nothing in this life is perfect brother, remember that, you need to find the right woman for YOU, one that knows you, builds you up and holds you down when things get tough, real love is when you care for someone else more than yourself, their feelings, needs etc..

A real relationship is not always going to be about you, what you want.

And if it is the relationship will soon start to strain and breakdown.

You have to stop thinking of yourself for a minute a consider someone else first.

As I said before no one or no thing in this world is perfect, and with that being so, no relationship is either, it's something that both parties involved have to work at to maintain, this is achieved through communication, change and last but not least compromise.

The trick is, you need to find someone who is worth this endeavour, someone you click with and you are both putting equal amounts of energy, commitment into this relationship, someone that you don't feel obligated to do these things for or feel a contempt in doing so, but your doing these things for this person because you want to make them happy, because you love them and it is acknowledged, appreciated and most importantly reciprocated back by your partner.

This is no easy task, but nothing worth doing in life is easy.

If your relationship is not this, in my opinion, what's the point |I

Reproduction and bringing a new life into this world, is not something to be taken lightly. also, a woman is not here for you to just knock up, and be like thanks mate, we are not the best for each other but your a good mother so that's alright, that's immature and ignorant thinking right there, do not be making babies with women you don't have intentions of being with as a family unit, that just the start of a broken cycle there which will only end in tears and the suffering of your children, its irresponsible and selfish.
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I'm like that with mines. I mean she's not "crazy" and she holds me down like hell but our interest are polar opposite. We've def outgrown each other but it's hard to move on since we have a child together. I owe it to my daughter to really try to make it work. We don't fight or anything but I'm just not happy and I'm not sure if it's cause of her (my lady) or because I'm so focused on achieving a few goals over the next two years. 

Know that feel. No child but when you've been with someone for awhile it makes it that much harder to move on. Especially, if there's no falling out too. Like just wake up sometimes like let's agree to end this srs. But the yambs pull you back into the trap.
I walk this fine line every day of no one being good enough. There is a girl that likes me a lot and i like her. She is mad cool and i love being around her but I don't think she is good enough for me. I know that if i was like yeah sure lets be bf and gf that as soon as some one else came along or a girl threw the P my way id take it. My friends are like well that just means you aren't ready for a relationship. But i have felt this way for the last 4 girls that i have actually talked to. Like do you ever grow out of this stage do people just settle at some point.

I want kids and i think thats what weighs on me. I would be fine being solo forever if i didn't feel the need to have children. But the older i get the more this stuff crosses my mind, but i never want to just settle. And sadly it isn't practical in today's society to just be like hey female best friend lets have kids together raise them but never be together. Because i still want to find the perfect woman, which PS you are not that person but i know you will be a good mother to my children. If only that was cool :lol:

Nothing in this life is perfect brother, remember that, you need to find the right woman for YOU, one that knows you, builds you up and holds you down when things get tough, real love is when you care for someone else more than yourself, their feelings, needs etc..

A real relationship is not always going to be about you, what you want.

And if it is the relationship will soon start to strain and breakdown.

You have to stop thinking of yourself for a minute a consider someone else first.

As I said before no one or no thing in this world is perfect, and with that being so, no relationship is either, it's something that both parties involved have to work at to maintain, this is achieved through communication, change and last but not least compromise.

The trick is, you need to find someone who is worth this endeavour, someone you click with and you are both putting equal amounts of energy, commitment into this relationship, someone that you don't feel obligated to do these things for or feel a contempt in doing so, but your doing these things for this person because you want to make them happy, because you love them and it is acknowledged, appreciated and most importantly reciprocated back by your partner.

This is no easy task, but nothing worth doing in life is easy.

If your relationship is not this, in my opinion, what's the point |I

Reproduction and bringing a new life into this world, is not something to be taken lightly. also, a woman is not here for you to just knock up, and be like thanks mate, we are not the best for each other but your a good mother so that's alright, that's immature and ignorant thinking right there, do not be making babies with women you don't have intentions of being with as a family unit, that just the start of a broken cycle there which will only end in tears and the suffering of your children, its irresponsible and selfish.

Appreciate it fam.

I have been in a long relationship, 5 years. I know what it takes. I just feel like i can't find it...or can't get out of this mind set. I love being free i love being selfish. But i want kids. I just find myself in a strange place some times thinking through this stuff.

And i am 27 years old with a pretty good career. I am prepared to be a single dad. I know that now. I know i want to raise a child and help him/her see the world and grow up being loved and taken care of and allowed to succeed. I have the means of making all of that happen and i want it. We all come from some sort of broken cycle. And trust me the one i would create wouldn't be half as bad as some others out there with two parents.
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