
I often question the loyalty of my friends.


I'm so paranoid it isn't funny. I don't trust my family, friend or my girl. I always feel like they are doing something while I'm gone, or behind my back. I noticed it awhile ago, and I'm finally getting it out.

I don't ship things, or let things be shipped to me because I don't trust sellers. Local meet ups not for me.

It takes a long time to gain my trust, and it's probably not even worth it,

I'm so paranoid it isn't funny. I don't trust my family, friend or my girl. I always feel like they are doing something while I'm gone, or behind my back. I noticed it awhile ago, and I'm finally getting it out.

I don't ship things, or let things be shipped to me because I don't trust sellers. Local meet ups not for me.

It takes a long time to gain my trust, and it's probably not even worth it,
Same, but I have my reasons. They have all proven to be little ******* and snitches over the past.

My NT password was "password" until I changed it some time last year.
your avatar is awesome. Love that game
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Sometime around 2000 & 2001, I was a massive Trina fan. I used to save loads of her pics onto Wordpad. Then I would scroll down and fap to them.

That's not a personal confession, bruh. We all did that.

It's been seven years and I still think about her everyday and the what ifs
Haven't met a girl I can even tolerate having a convo with
Want to drop my " best" friend... Don't know how too... Just out grew him
Want to smash his sister tho... Think she wants to do the same even though I am cool with her lame ***, hustling backwards boyfriend
Want to smash his cousin too just to knock her off her prissy asian girl pedestal
Really hate rude,stupid people
Really angry for moving back to this ****hole called houston
Just want to runaway and have no communication with anybody I know and start somewhere I have no connections with
Stop talking to my homegirl because she grew up to be beautiful and thick but she's married( not about that life)
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It's been seven years and I still think about her everyday and the what ifs
Haven't met a girl I can even tolerate having a convo with
Want to drop my " best" friend... Don't know how too... Just out grew him
Want to smash his sister tho... Think she wants to do the same even though I am cool with her lame ***, hustling backwards boyfriend
Want to smash his cousin too just to knock her off her prissy asian girl pedestal
Really hate rude,stupid people
Really angry for moving back to this ****hole called houston
Just want to runaway and have no communication with anybody I know and start somewhere I have no connections with
Stop talking to my homegirl because she grew up to be beautiful and thick but she's married( not about that life)

Smash the girl, piss off your friend/her brother and her boyfriend. You win at life.
I drive around blastin Lil Wayne- Sure Thing but I really wanna play Miguel's og version...
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-In hs pe class we had to do a "fitness test"

One of the exercises was sit ups. You had to do 30 in a row.

When i was done i told my teacher to let me sit there for a minute because my stomach hurt.

But i really had an erection. :smh:

When I was back in middle school one of my cousins came onto me.....multiple times and now that were older in our 20s I wonder if she ever thinks or remembers about that :smh:
I witnessed a brutal crime against a defenseless woman. But you can't be a snitch round here, even though it was the only crime I approve of "snitching"

I ******g grew to hate Chicago. Nothing wrong with the city but it just reminds me of everyone I hate and everything that went wrong in my life. I really want to move to a different city in a different state and block everyone I ever knew on facebook and start over.

I hate my parents and aunt and uncle. I love them only because I have to, but if I had a choice of parents, it would not be them. They wouldnt even be in the running. Except my mom and my brothers and sisters everyone could disappear.

I am slowly developing racism against whites and asians for a laundry list of reasons. But not true racism where i hate them but the kind where they have to do a lot more to earn my respect than blacks and Latins
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I don't believe in myself and am worried what's going to happen to me after HS.
Many days I just don't care for anyone but myself.

You have a lot of hate in your heart sunshine.
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On a dry streak not to mention I'm feeling forever alone so I feel like the combo just makes things worse.

I'll either be uninterested in girls I know I have to work too hard to get them to... open up.

yet at the same time i don't really want a random jump either.
On a dry streak not to mention I'm feeling forever alone so I feel like the combo just makes things worse.

I'll either be uninterested in girls I know I have to work too hard to get them to... open up.

yet at the same time i don't really want a random jump either.

I know that feel
I don't believe in myself and am worried what's going to happen to me after HS.
Many days I just don't care for anyone but myself.

You have a lot of hate in your heart sunshine.
I know, I am trying to get rid of. I wont worry about any of those when I start my career. The only one that will stick forever is my hatred for females

On a dry streak not to mention I'm feeling forever alone so I feel like the combo just makes things worse.

I'll either be uninterested in girls I know I have to work too hard to get them to... open up.

yet at the same time i don't really want a random jump either.
Sometimes I feel this way too
ive always hated my grandmother.
the only time she ever brought me joy is when i was forced to attend her funeral, and even then out of respect for others i had to hide how happy i felt knowing that she would never breathe another breath again.
will never forgive my mother for making me miss my godmothers funeral but forcing me to attend that old hag's one.
Real talk: I never strap up to get dome. I can't even arrive  from getting head so wearing a rubber while getting that awesome jawsome is futile.

Realer talk: what are the risks/consequences of this ingenious behavior??
I'm still butt hurt about messing up with this last girl. :smh:

I mean, I didn't really mess up tho, I just called it what it is. A booty call is a booty call, sorry for calling it what it is. She wasn't too happy about that...
Real talk: I never strap up to get dome. I can't even arrive from getting head so wearing a rubber while getting that awesome jawsome is futile.

Realer talk: what are the risks/consequences of this ingenious behavior??

I don't remember the numbers or exact risks but in general it's more dangerous for the female.

There are STDs that are asymptomatic in men that can cause serious problems in the mouth and throat.

It's why hookers make johns wear rubbers for head - in addition to the HIV protection
Not saying you but in General that is the kind of misinformation that'll get ****** burned. I just found this out about a year ago so I can't judge. AIDS is a VIRUS not a bacteria. That means HIV/AIDS can pass through the pores of a condom. A condom is not very effective against aids. But there are no studies on how ineffective a condom is against aids because there is no way to study the phenomena.

My sister knows someone with AIDS and she takes a pill that suppresses her ability to pass the aids. She has sex with guys without telling them she has AIDS because she has a 99% chance that it wont spread. (I dont know much about that though)
^^^^see **** like that makes me not **** with these bishes like that anymore....
lol. ******* be scheming out here. Doesn't surprise me. I've always known chicks to be like that.

She talks 'bout how if she feels bad for not telling them the risk but if she says she has AIDS that is the end of the date. Guys get up and leave. No duh :x
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