
There’s something, that’s just so defeating knowing people like others more than you, like you feel like you’re as good as this person, but that no matter what they’re always favored instead of you
There’s something, that’s just so defeating knowing people like others more than you, like you feel like you’re as good as this person, but that no matter what they’re always favored instead of you
Sounds like jealousy or envy to me.

Just be yourself.
I've told my girl i do not want kids at all. in reality i don't want kids with her at all period. if anything I've fathered the idea of adopting more than having my own. maybe in a decade or so
Got in a relationship in September (week after I made my initial post in here) and got in another mid November while still in the other one. Broke things off with the first one 2 weeks ago and the second one broke up with me this past weekend. I guess karma is kicking my *** at this point.

I think I smashed more yambs since September compared to all of 2019 and I was deep in my ho phase back then. Not proud that I cheated but I don’t think I should’ve been in a relationship to begin with since it seems I didn’t care about no one but myself.
womens pants/jeans are tapered better. not even skinny, just a relaxed tapered look. if weren't for usually unpractical pockets pockets I'd mostly switch over.
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