
Aren't you stile? You seem to think money is going to make you happy (or hoping it's going to make you happy) - when that's pretty far from the truth. Sure, $400 bar tabs are fun - but if you don't enjoy yourself at bars before you have big time money, you're not going to enjoy balling out at a bar either. Not sure what's so fun about $100 steak and shrimp or taking girls out on expensive dates. Idk man, you do start having more fun after college but to say the fun starts after college is ridiculous.

El Catfisho - I'm not knocking HdBkNIKE at all. Worrying about school and focusing on grades is a good move but you shouldn't hate your life because of it. You shouldn't be looking forward to finishing college after your first year because of it. You shouldn't turn anti-social to focus on school. That's all I'm saying. There's a balance between partying 5 times a week and getting Cs and making no friends and getting As. I'm not sure what the benefit of getting straight As but making no connections in college is anyway. Networking is important.

My point is that they can afford to have the time of their life. Taking girls out is not what i am going to do with my money. Im going to be at the RSVP Gallery, paying resale for kicks i missed out on, traveling to cities I always wanted to visit, etc.

My friend just really enjoys high quality food. I used to go with him but not as often as he liked because i couldn't drop $130 on a meal. He does it as passionately as we cop kicks which makes no sense tp him. My point is whatever you like to do can be done at ease when you can pay for it and its a hell of a lot better than school.
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yea get your grades and all..but unless your building a business right now or some type of product why be by yourself..what experience are you having with that..imo your just making yourself miserable especially when majority of the people around you on campus are enjoying their time guys can't honestly say you would rather surf NT,reddit, etc than being out with some friends/yambs on a Friday night

bra you have a girl what you complainin for lol.
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And the reason i believe money buys happiness is because it does. I learned this as a kid when my dad used to make that tax free diplomat money then he got fired and our world turned upside down. Living in a big city with a lot of money is a dream. Cartoon birds help you get dressed in the morning.
...i just made myself feel really stupid for a guy. i feel like i was led on. i guess in the long run, i just waited like an idiot for nothing to happen. i don't even know what he's thinking, and that's kinda what hurts me right now. i wish he would just straight up tell me what's up. i'm not even hard to talk to :frown: i guess he lost interest, and i'm just gonna back away stop waiting, and not even mention things about us anymore. i'm so frustrated, but it is what it is. i give up :smh: i hate being a girl equipped with unnecessary feelings. :frown: :frown: :frown: :smh: :x
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...i just made myself feel really stupid for a guy. i feel like i was led on. i guess in the long run, i just waited like an idiot for nothing to happen. i don't even know what he's thinking, and that's kinda what hurts me right now. i wish he would just straight up tell me what's up. i'm not even hard to talk to :frown: i guess he lost interest, and i'm just gonna back away stop waiting, and not even mention things about us anymore. i'm so frustrated, but it is what it is. i give up :smh: i hate being a girl equipped with unnecessary feelings. :frown: :frown: :frown: :smh: :x

Maybe that was the problem, you waited instead of expressing. You're guarded right now too, that could come off as disinterest, then he goes into auto-reject, then there's that guarded auto-reject circle that both get into because they're afraid of being vulnerable and getting hurt, averting something that could be amazing. Love/relationships some weird ****. That's why I need to check out for a bit, only a bit.
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...i just made myself feel really stupid for a guy. i feel like i was led on. i guess in the long run, i just waited like an idiot for nothing to happen. i don't even know what he's thinking, and that's kinda what hurts me right now. i wish he would just straight up tell me what's up. i'm not even hard to talk to :frown: i guess he lost interest, and i'm just gonna back away stop waiting, and not even mention things about us anymore. i'm so frustrated, but it is what it is. i give up :smh: i hate being a girl equipped with unnecessary feelings. :frown: :frown: :frown: :smh: :x

"If you're wondering where you stand with someone, maybe it's time to start walking."

I might be paraphrasing that quote a little here but it's still applicable, and at the very least you'll have clarity. You may not get the answer or be in the position you wanted, but at least you'll have gotten rid of the ambiguity in the process... and that's important.
I got offered a managerial position in a new job last week. It would require me to move from Los Angeles to Boston. It's considerable money and responsibility. However it's not in the industry I'd like to be in. I can stay with my current position in Los Angles no problem.

I'm having an extremely hard time deciding what to do. If I leave the video game industry I don't know if I will be able to break back in. I'm more of a technical person than a manager. Not to say I'd be a bad manager because i feel like i would be able to do the job without issue.

I'd like to do project management or be a producer but the position title is US manager of information technology.

I'm only 28 and not married, no kids. I don't have a significant other But I love Southern California and don't really dig Boston. My relatives do not concern me so the move wouldn't be a problem from a family perspective. It's just I wouldn't be doing what I want to do. I would be selling out for corporate life for at least the next 3-5 years.

I feel like I should stay but I'm enticed by the money and title at my age.

I need to make a decision by Friday and I have no idea what I'm going to do...
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I got offered a managerial position in a new job last week. It would require me to move from Los Angeles to Boston. It's considerable money and responsibility. However it's not in the industry I'd like to be in. I can stay with my current position in Los Angles no problem.

I'm having an extremely hard time deciding what to do. If I leave the video game industry I don't know if I will be able to break back in. I'm more of a technical person than a manager. Not to say I'd be a bad manager because i feel like i would be able to do the job without issue.

I'd like to do project management or be a producer but the position title is US manager of information technology.

I'm only 28 and not married, no kids. I don't have a significant other But I love Southern California and don't really dig Boston. My relatives do not concern me so the move wouldn't be a problem from a family perspective. It's just I wouldn't be doing what I want to do. I would be selling out for corporate life for at least the next 3-5 years.

I feel like I should stay but I'm enticed by the money and title at my age.

I need to make a decision by Friday and I have no idea what I'm going to do...
do it.

ive always wanted to start over in a new city, you have no ties and your getting paid to do it.

you said you dont dig boston? have you been?

if you dont go your gonna always have that "what if"
I got offered a managerial position in a new job last week. It would require me to move from Los Angeles to Boston. It's considerable money and responsibility. However it's not in the industry I'd like to be in. I can stay with my current position in Los Angles no problem.

I'm having an extremely hard time deciding what to do. If I leave the video game industry I don't know if I will be able to break back in. I'm more of a technical person than a manager. Not to say I'd be a bad manager because i feel like i would be able to do the job without issue.

I'd like to do project management or be a producer but the position title is US manager of information technology.

I'm only 28 and not married, no kids. I don't have a significant other But I love Southern California and don't really dig Boston. My relatives do not concern me so the move wouldn't be a problem from a family perspective. It's just I wouldn't be doing what I want to do. I would be selling out for corporate life for at least the next 3-5 years.

I feel like I should stay but I'm enticed by the money and title at my age.

I need to make a decision by Friday and I have no idea what I'm going to do...
if your cool with cali stay and if the video game industry is something you have passion in dont go chasing the money . how much we talking in difference btw 
All them A's in college won't get you a job. Better make sure your doing more than just school.
Yep. You need to be actively internships through your college career center. That'll help you get that job 1000000x easier.

That high GPA will help you land the interviews for the internships.

Do your research though, make sure that the company actually hires their interns.
Maybe that was the problem, you waited instead of expressing. You're guarded right now too, that could come off as disinterest, then he goes into auto-reject, then there's that guarded auto-reject circle that both get into because they're afraid of being vulnerable and getting hurt, averting something that could be amazing. Love/relationships some weird ****. That's why I need to check out for a bit, only a bit.

"If you're wondering where you stand with someone, maybe it's time to start walking."

I might be paraphrasing that quote a little here but it's still applicable, and at the very least you'll have clarity. You may not get the answer or be in the position you wanted, but at least you'll have gotten rid of the ambiguity in the process... and that's important.

update: we're okay. :smile: he's just been really stressed from school and other obligations so he hasn't really been himself lately. plus, he really messed up his leg the other week so we weren't really able to spend one-on-one quality time together outside of class. other than that, when we're together, it's great. sigh, what a guy.
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It would only make things worse

Honestly giving your body a few months drug free DOES change the way your brain works... But quitting is a roller coaster, it may suck, then feel better, than suck again, stick w it, and u will realize it was helpful. Just be great full u wanna quit weed and not heroin
Honestly giving your body a few months drug free DOES change the way your brain works... But quitting is a roller coaster, it may suck, then feel better, than suck again, stick w it, and u will realize it was helpful. Just be great full u wanna quit weed and not heroin
I dont want to quit weed. I'll be a 90 year old stoner.
Weed isn't something people really need to quit. Unless you are showing up to business meeting asking if they have some poptarts, you're fine. 
Totally in love with my girl but scared as uck of her turning out like my ex and doing me dirty.. I have only trusted two girls(outside my mother) with my life and she has exceeded all expectations...scared this is a dream and the nightmare is right around the corner.... Sometimes I treat her mean just to see her reaction but she doesn't back down and when she smiles I just know she is the one....just don't want to get hurt again, not like the last one
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Fam be easy, but embrace the fact that you think she may be the one. Only time will tell. Don't know how old you are but if your're established (accomplished enuff of your goals to think about settling down) enuff to wife her then stick with it. God will never give you anything you cant handle, but then again what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, and in the case of her doing you like your ex, it could damage you form trusting another female, but that is life at the end of the day. My suggestion would be stay with it but always have some doubt just incase the unthinkable happens, with that said it may not hurt as much if you kinda knew she was capable of it.
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