
I don't fall in love with women, I fall in love with the idea of them. And that is why I think ill never be in a successful relationship.
I got offered a managerial position in a new job last week. It would require me to move from Los Angeles to Boston. It's considerable money and responsibility. However it's not in the industry I'd like to be in. I can stay with my current position in Los Angles no problem.

I'm having an extremely hard time deciding what to do. If I leave the video game industry I don't know if I will be able to break back in. I'm more of a technical person than a manager. Not to say I'd be a bad manager because i feel like i would be able to do the job without issue.

I'd like to do project management or be a producer but the position title is US manager of information technology.

I'm only 28 and not married, no kids. I don't have a significant other But I love Southern California and don't really dig Boston. My relatives do not concern me so the move wouldn't be a problem from a family perspective. It's just I wouldn't be doing what I want to do. I would be selling out for corporate life for at least the next 3-5 years.

I feel like I should stay but I'm enticed by the money and title at my age.

I need to make a decision by Friday and I have no idea what I'm going to do...
if your cool with cali stay and if the video game industry is something you have passion in dont go chasing the money . how much we talking in difference btw 

The position is a 15-20k bump and relocation fees paid depending on how negotiations go. Money isn't a problem for me right now but I always look at what's a sure thing right now vs. what could be in the future. Maybe I'm just over thinking it and I need to do what I'm passionate about while I'm still young.
The position is a 15-20k bump and relocation fees paid depending on how negotiations go. Money isn't a problem for me right now but I always look at what's a sure thing right now vs. what could be in the future. Maybe I'm just over thinking it and I need to do what I'm passionate about while I'm still young.
those what if's or a bish 
. i left atl for l.a. on a what if venture  and im regretting it i cant wait to leave. it was for more money in a different profession than i was working. money can never replace happiness. sometimes you are staring happiness right in the nose but its those damn what if's that need to be answer for you to appreciate what you had 
I don't think "crazy and fun" exist in college when you're a black student outside an HBCU.

Uh... I know plenty of black people that didn't go to HBCUs and yes, there was plenty of crazy and fun. Find your crowd. Put yourself out there. It's easier said than done, trust me I know, but what you get out of college is completely up to you. College is not when you turn into a responsible adult.

Word...I went to a hbcu but I had plenty of friends who went to pwi and had a best party nights in college was when I visited pwi...they know how to party without the drama....all about a good time and not who looks the freshest :lol:

Fam be easy, but embrace the fact that you think she may be the one. Only time will tell. Don't know how old you are but if your're established (accomplished enuff of your goals to think about settling down) enuff to wife her then stick with it. God will never give you anything you cant handle, but then again what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, and in the case of her doing you like your ex, it could damage you form trusting another female, but that is life at the end of the day. My suggestion would be stay with it but always have some doubt just incase the unthinkable happens, with that said it may not hurt as much if you kinda knew she was capable of it.
I feel you but this chick supersedes my ex in every way and that is what scares the living ish out of me, so sometimes I want to scream retreat( shout out to megaton and starscream) but I am older then that relationship I had when I got burned and I truly been single since then and as corny as it sounds I asked god to just send me someone I can chill with and be myself around and he did... All I am saying is I have smashed chicks and gone celibate as well and with her it's just a feeling I have never had before but at the end of the day if it ends then this relationship has at least made me see there are truly amazing women out there you just have to take a chance on getting hurt.
I cant stop betting......Im not a big gambler 50-100 bets a game, but I win and when im up, I want more, and lose it all, I know i can stop because i have done it before...........
It's evident that me and a friend have feelings for each other but she's in the military and she goes back to Japan next week |I we're enjoying each others time while she is here but it sucks for the both of us knowing that it won't last long. Bouta enjoy this last week and kick it hard especially since I graduate from college this weekend 8).
-I can't sleep at night cuz I have too much damn time on my hands.
-I'm trying to lose weight but I get mad hungry at night lol
-This post makes me realize that I need stronger self discipline
i want to grab his butt so bad. :smh: :lol:

on a serious note though, he hasn't texted me in a few days and i'm just really concerned. he said that he's just been stressed about things lately, and i hope that he's telling the truth (curse my trust issues). i don't want to be selfish and demand so much of his time especially he's going through a rough patch right now. so no matter how hard it is to resist texting him, i'm gonna give him space. plus, i don't wanna seem clingy.

i offered my support to him and i hope that he sees that i genuinely care about him. i'll wait for him to come to me, especially since he knows how down i am for him.

on another aspect, the overthinking side of me is going haywire. my biggest fear is creeping him out. i thought my feelings for him were pretty well-hidden, but my friend noticed that i look really smitten when i'm with him. she noticed that my eyes "twinkle" when i talk to him.... i hope that he didn't notice that "twinkle" in my eyes; if he did, i hope i didn't scare him off. if he found another girl, i'd understand. if i'm not pretty enough for him, i'd understand. if the differences of our ethnicities (he's salvadorean, i'm filipino) is a problem to him, i'd understand. if he lost interest in me but just doesn't wanna say it, i'd understand. i'm used to being hurt from my last relationship. i mean, he can't hurt me like my ex did. :frown: sometimes i mentally slap myself since i'm comparing him to my ex boyfriend. i don't know if it's because i'm used to being mistreated, or because i still have some feelings for him. :smh: :smh:

i just really like this current guy, but i'm keeping my distance so i won't look stupid/desperate to him, and also so that i won't get hurt. :frown: at this point, i'm just thinking of the worst possible scenarios possible so i won't be hurt that much if they're indeed true.

i just wish i knew what he's thinking in regards to him and i.
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i want to grab his butt so bad. :smh: :lol:

on a serious note though, he hasn't texted me in a few days and i'm just really concerned. he said that he's just been stressed about things lately, and i hope that he's telling the truth (curse my trust issues). i don't want to be selfish and demand so much of his time especially he's going through a rough patch right now. so no matter how hard it is to resist texting him, i'm gonna give him space. plus, i don't wanna seem clingy.

i offered my support to him and i hope that he sees that i genuinely care about him. i'll wait for him to come to me, especially since he knows how down i am for him.

on another aspect, the overthinking side of me is going haywire. my biggest fear is creeping him out. i thought my feelings for him were pretty well-hidden, but my friend noticed that i look really smitten when i'm with him. she noticed that my eyes "twinkle" when i talk to him.... i hope that he didn't notice that "twinkle" in my eyes; if he did, i hope i didn't scare him off. if he found another girl, i'd understand. if i'm not pretty enough for him, i'd understand. if the differences of our ethnicities (he's salvadorean, i'm filipino) is a problem to him, i'd understand. if he lost interest in me but just doesn't wanna say it, i'd understand. i'm used to being hurt from my last relationship. i mean, he can't hurt me like my ex did. :frown:

i just really like him, but i'm keeping my distance so i won't look stupid to him, and also so that i won't get hurt. :frown: at this point, i'm just thinking of the worst possible scenarios possible so i won't be hurt that much if they're indeed true.

i just wish i knew what he's thinking in regards to him and i.
damn wheres the confidence? you need to get that thinking out your head brah
Im not quite sure what to do with my life. I have a lot of options and money is no issue but i can't seem to choose which path to take.
i will never drop weed. I stopped for a few months to see how my body performs. I gained hella weight. I have mood swings, and stress easily under pressure (all things my job provides). If i dont have a j in my system, its going to be a long day for everybody.
Been with my girl for 5 yrs, married for 1. But for some reason I have been insanely attracted to white girls lately(probably cuz of da pronos). I'm trying to fight the urge but I got snow bunny fever.
i will never drop weed. I stopped for a few months to see how my body performs. I gained hella weight. I have mood swings, and stress easily under pressure (all things my job provides). If i dont have a j in my system, its going to be a long day for everybody.

Repped for truth
i will never drop weed. I stopped for a few months to see how my body performs. I gained hella weight. I have mood swings, and stress easily under pressure (all things my job provides). If i dont have a j in my system, its going to be a long day for everybody.
You're already too far gone my brother :smh:
I hit a female today. And the only thing im mad about was that I didnt hit her harder and/or get her arrested.
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