Considering move from DC area to ATL. vol. The rent is too damb high

why would you want to move to atl?

I am a disable vet with federal government. There some jobs that are not vet preference (ie lawyers).

Like others have said you pretty much have to be a vet to get into the federal employment. The feds are hiring companies that use vet preference in their hiring.

It's easy for vets to get jobs, either. Like most (and me at one time) thick they deserve a cushy local 50k government gig, so most get passed up in hiring cause they simply don't qualify or they didn't fill out the forms right.

Vets go to the top of the list.

A disabled vet gets an extra 5 points in hiring.

A disabled vet thats 30% or more disabled gets an extra 10 points in hiring.

The odds are stacked against regular folks.

Everybody I work with is a vet or still in uniform.
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You have to literally apply to every position to land a government job. I landed 2 positions this way but had applied to maybe 50+ total :lol:
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The whole crew visiting our friend in DC in 2 weeks, pretty excited. We gonna be 20 deep, other than the sight seeing, excited for the turn up. My group is staying at the Virginian Suites, not the best hotel, but it's only like 5 min from the national mall and close to the metro. I need to go through this thread again and jot down all the bars/places listed for partying/eating.

Can't wait to hit up Georgetown, heard good things.
Same here.

I had to move from Houston.
I am a disable vet with federal government. There some jobs that are not vet preference (ie lawyers).

Like others have said you pretty much have to be a vet to get into the federal employment. The feds are hiring companies that use vet preference in their hiring.

It's easy for vets to get jobs, either. Like most (and me at one time) thick they deserve a cushy local 50k government gig, so most get passed up in hiring cause they simply don't qualify or they didn't fill out the forms right.

Vets go to the top of the list.

A disabled vet gets an extra 5 points in hiring.

A disabled vet thats 30% or more disabled gets an extra 10 points in hiring.

The odds are stacked against regular folks.

Everybody I work with is a vet or still in uniform.
Super false
The whole crew visiting our friend in DC in 2 weeks, pretty excited. We gonna be 20 deep, other than the sight seeing, excited for the turn up. My group is staying at the Virginian Suites, not the best hotel, but it's only like 5 min from the national mall and close to the metro. I need to go through this thread again and jot down all the bars/places listed for partying/eating.

Can't wait to hit up Georgetown, heard good things.

Same here.

I had to move from Houston.

I am a disable vet with federal government. There some jobs that are not vet preference (ie lawyers).

Like others have said you pretty much have to be a vet to get into the federal employment. The feds are hiring companies that use vet preference in their hiring.

It's easy for vets to get jobs, either. Like most (and me at one time) thick they deserve a cushy local 50k government gig, so most get passed up in hiring cause they simply don't qualify or they didn't fill out the forms right.

Vets go to the top of the list.

A disabled vet gets an extra 5 points in hiring.

A disabled vet thats 30% or more disabled gets an extra 10 points in hiring.

The odds are stacked against regular folks.

Everybody I work with is a vet or still in uniform.
Super false

by law the feds have to hire the vet. If a vet and a none none have the same qualifications by law the vet has be hired.

Read through the forums on It's full of none vets crying about vet pref.

Vet preference is the law. if a hiring official does hire a none vet, they have document why a vet wasn't hired and show what attempts were made to hire a vet. 99% of the time a vet will challenge the hire of a none vet.
Majority of cops and sheriffs these days are former marine and army guys. Which is why police look more like a military than a police force in the US today. They got them vet's jobs already lined up as being cops and sheriffs soon as they get done with duty. IMO tho if I was a vet and just got back home I wouldn't wanna continue to literally put my life on the line for work daily. But that's just me.
Majority of cops and sheriffs these days are former marine and army guys. Which is why police look more like a military than a police force in the US today. They got them vet's jobs already lined up as being cops and sheriffs soon as they get done with duty. IMO tho if I was a vet and just got back home I wouldn't wanna continue to literally put my life on the line for work daily. But that's just me.

Actually the first they tell vets in the law enforcement academies, forget what you learned in the military, because they will be taught a whole different way of thinking and rules of engagement. Your individual actions as an officer on the streets are more likely to be on tv, than if you were in war in another country. law enforcement agencies like the very basic training vets recieve in boot camp, most agencies could careless about the other training cause it generally only applies to war time.
Is D.C. Transforming From A Government Town Into A Tech Hub?

In 2013, Forbes declared the nation’s capital the No. 1 New Tech Hot Spot in the country. Over the past 10 years, jobs in Washington’s technology sector have grown by 50 percent, and the District government hopes to grow them 100 percent over the next five years. It also plans to double the amount of capital invested in D.C., tech companies.

Part of the mayor’s five-year economic plan (launched two years ago) was to create the largest tech hub on the East Coast, and McKinney thinks “we're definitely poised to be that,” for a number of reasons.

"Our tech incentives actually are the most competitive in the country,” she says. Not only does the District waive corporate income taxes for the first five years, it also provides new-hire wage reimbursements, and relocation credits.

“So if [companies] hire someone that is moving to the DMV, there’s a $5,000 tax credit. But if they move into the District, it’s $7,500,” she explains.

But it’s not just about enticements luring people in. It’s about what they find once they get here — like a thriving investment community. Price Waterhouse puts the District is in the top five for venture capitalists. Plus, there's D.C.'s highly-educated population, with ties to the federal government and countless nonprofits.

rest of the story here.
Not to beat a dead horse, but even though the DMV is fraught with gov't jobs (which isn't a bad thing at all) don't shortcut the tech industries that are quickly taking root here. 
OP, you leaving us champ?? I love DC. I still don't really care for folks referring to this area as the DMV. Lots of employment opportunities and the city is only going to grow and get bigger and stronger from this point.
Okay lemme put yall on game

LA is the best city put of all.

Has the best weather and opportunities

But if we talkin bout dc and atlanta

Im going with atlanta
Dc weather sucks
OP, you leaving us champ?? I love DC. I still don't really care for folks referring to this area as the DMV. Lots of employment opportunities and the city is only going to grow and get bigger and stronger from this point.

I just don't understand it man. When I was younger DC took that crap serious. Like it was offensive to lump Maryland and va cats with DC cats. Maryland cats hated to be lumped with NoVa dudes. Now it's just cool to say. Personally I hate it.
Only lames NOT from the area claiming DMV like its one state. Fools all the way in Richmond talking bout they from the DMV, its corny.

I just say DMV to describe the DC metropolitan area thats it, which it was intended to stand for.
Im from MD, and growing up, I knew it as the "National Capitol" or "Capitol Beltway Region"...

NT was actually the place I heard DMV first, and now ill hear on the occasions that i listen to 95.5 or still sounds so corny, but whatevs...

supposed origin story, i guess... 
[h1]The term “DMV,” brought to you by the hard work of local rappers. And phone cards.[/h1]
Posted by Sarah Godfrey  on Oct. 28, 2009 at 12:50 pm

Thanks to the hard work of both hip-hop pioneers and young upstarts throughout D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, the DMV is now officially on the map. It’s also in the dictionary. The Urban Dictionary—but still.

Most regions with thriving hip-hop scenes have catchy nicknames, but before the whole DMV acronym caught on in the mid-aughts, the greater nation’s capital lacked one. Chocolate City, popularized decades ago, was starting to get a little moldy, and it ignores both the all-important suburbs and the fact that D.C. is becoming more cream-filled by the day. There have been valiant efforts to make “The Middle East” (for middle East Coast, get it?) stick, but it didn’t happen. Ditto for “Tri-State,” which failed not only because it’s already taken but because, technically, only two states are involved.

So where’d the acronym come from? In an informal poll of area hip-hop luminaries—from Judah  to KokayiHead-Roc  to Overok—the same three names came up over and over: Wale, DJ Rob AKA Mista DMV, and 20Bello.

Actually, there was one other contender, too: MC-turntablist-producer DJ Eurokmaintains the first use of the DMV to mean D.C., Maryland, and Virginia (rather than a certain dysfunctional city agency), was on local corner store phone cards emblazoned with phrases such as “Excellent DMV local access.” He may be right, but in terms of making the term hot, credit definitely goes to the hip-hop community.

“Since I was a kid we always said ‘DC, Maryland, Virginia’ area in that order,” writes Tyrone Norris  of Rosetta Stoned in an e-mail. “I think I hear DMV used most when describing the hip-hop scene in the area. If anyone really pushed that phrase, it was the rappers.”

Wale certainly took “DMV” global—thanks to his major-label deal and increasingly high profile, he has been able to sprinkle the term in countless interviews and performances all over the country, but his manager says he didn’t coin the term and doesn’t claim to. “When I started managing him in 06 it was already becoming ubiquitous in the area,” Dan Weisman  writes in an e-mail.

DJ Rob has the distinction of being the first person to use the term on national TV: He was on MTV’s Sucka Free in 2006 and said he was representing “the DMV.” And when host DJ Cipha Sounds made a dumb joke about long lines, DJ Rob quickly checked him: “Naw, D.C., Maryland, and V-A—get it right,” he said.

Rich, the owner of the Target Squad empire, says his crew, and Rob in particular, are the originators of the DMV movement—he recalls that DJ Rob and Target Squad introduced the term to former WKYS radio jock II Face the Wild Boy, who in turn popularized it with on-air personalities. “After II Face started saying it on the radio hard, then [WPGC] 95 started jumping on it,” he says. “And then it was like domino effect, it started jumping, jumping—everybody started saying it."

But Rich stops just short of saying Target Squad actually made up the acronym: “DMV is Department of Motor Vehicles, so of course we didn’t invent it. We wanted to copyright it, but our lawyers said, ‘No, are you crazy? That’s the Department of Motor Vehicles.’”

Rapper 20Bello, on the other hand, says he was the first to call this area the DMV and has been using the term since 2003. He offers compelling evidence. 20 possesses a flier from that year, and although a date isn’t listed, he can convincingly authenticate it.

“At the end of ’03, I started letting hair grow,” he says. “That’s when me and [fellow rapper] Hevewae did the promo flier. In ’04, ’05 I had cornrows—that was before I started growing my ’locks in ’06, when I was on the cover of City Paper. Before ’04, ’05, my hair wasn’t long, and that’s my picture on the DMV fliers.”

In fact, 20 says his former partner Katt Galloway coined the abbreviation during a recording session for a song they did back in ’03, and from then on, 20 decided to put it on everything he did: T-shirts, Web sites such as DMV Undaground, open mic nights. He also recorded a track called “DMV” back in ’05. “I never wanted nothing out of it—I did it because I loved the music, the whole scene. If I didn’t do it, I wouldn’t waste my time saying I did—I don’t get no royalty check every time somebody says ‘DMV’—I get no benefit.”

Both the Target Squad camp and 20Bello and crew have people to back up their claims; both also agree that while there are certain bragging rights that come with christening this area the “DMV,” the most important thing is that it has brought some unity to a formerly fragmented region and music scene.

“Now you can’t rep D.C. without repping V-A or MD,” says Rich. “This area will be like the bext ATL, the next MIA—we can go platinum in this area,” says Rich.

“The main reason I did it was because of unity,” says 20.  “Nobody was supporting nobody, people weren’t coming out to the open mics…D.C. wouldn’t support V-A, Baltimore wouldn’t support D.C.…we had to get it under one banner. Now, if you’re rappin’, you’re part of the DMV.”
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Im from MD, and growing up, I knew it as the "National Capitol" or "Capitol Beltway Region"...

NT was actually the place I heard DMV first, and now ill hear on the occasions that i listen to 95.5 or still sounds so corny, but whatevs...

supposed origin story, i guess... 
Lol that orgin story is wild corny. That is not how we viewed the term DMV when it started to be used back in 09. Growing up to me Nation's Capitol meant DC only, and I've never heard Capitol Beltway Region used on a wide scale. I'm 22 , so not sure if that matters.
I joke with my cousins for pg all the time bc Maryland and NoVa stay living off DC. Fools quick to claim the city unless they around somebody from the city. They no not to bc the city folks will pull their cards on it.
In my book anything other than sunshine aint acceptable

Thas my book tho
I feel you, you talkin to a caribbean blooded nt'r i FEEL you. But is sucks tho? like the worst of the worst? Nahhh man. It's moderate--4 seasons. Non of em are too long/short. It ain't perfect, but its ok.
I joke with my cousins for pg all the time bc Maryland and NoVa stay living off DC. Fools quick to claim the city unless they around somebody from the city. They no not to bc the city folks will pull their cards on it.
I honestly have found that only people not from the dmv care about "what part" you from *kanye shrug*
Lol that orgin story is wild corny. That is not how we viewed the term DMV when it started to be used back in 09. Growing up to me Nation's Capitol meant DC only, and I've never heard Capitol Beltway Region used on a wide scale. I'm 22 , so not sure if that matters.

Actually, I have folks down in the DMV and they actually told me that the term was coined by a NY cat who moved down there to lay low in the late 80s.

According to him, compared to NYC, the DC area was entirely slow, and everything moved sluggishly (similar to the line and service at the New York Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) )

From there on, he started referring to the DC area as "The DMV" because it reminded him of how slow the Department of Motor Vehicles in NY was run. After a couple years, the word spread, and it became widespread.

Not Srs Lmao
I joke with my cousins for pg all the time bc Maryland and NoVa stay living off DC. Fools quick to claim the city unless they around somebody from the city. They no not to bc the city folks will pull their cards on it.

Yup, I'm sure the people I meet at the Veranda on a Saturday night will "pull my card" if I were to say I'm from DC and they find out I'm from NoVa.

Elevate who you hang with,that might be the most childish thing I've read in this whole thread. Can we get back to the professional advice and such now?

Thank you.
Yup, I'm sure the people I meet at the Veranda on a Saturday night will "pull my card" if I were to say I'm from DC and they find out I'm from NoVa.

Elevate who you hang with,that might be the most childish thing I've read in this whole thread. Can we get back to the professional advice and such now?

Thank you.

I'm just speaking facts. Talking about evaluate my people? trust me my folks are very well in life. Cats stay false claiming and catching feelings when a nerve is touched. All topics has been touched about this thread. Now people are just venting. So sit down.
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