Continuous Bomb threats at my school vol: Can't even go to class

Oct 1, 2011
Anybody here from Pittsburgh or attend University of Pittsburgh or CMU?? For the past 3 weeks we have been getting repeated bomb threats by some nutjob at my school causing evacuations all over campus.....they brought in the FBI, and experts to try and get a handle on it but this is really starting to freak me not wanna go to class at all. The school put up a $50,000 reward for info leading to catching whoever is responsible, but ever since then we've gone from one threat every couple of days to several every single day....they started moving on to dorms now too (bomb threats at 3am, etc.) smh....I was just wondering if this has been in the news anywhere else, I'm just praying nothing actually goes down, and these are just sick pranks by some a-hole. We have the Cathedral of Learning which is 30+floors and its had to be evacuated almost 10 times in the past couple weeks....and just an hour ago we got 3 buildings receiving threats at the same damn time.....I'm just trying to graduate, can't even do that in peace....I'm snitching on anybody who seems suspect  for that cash reward though cuz this needs to stop...worried people are gonna get desensitized to this pretty soon unfortunately 

-Total of 17 bomb threats in the past couple weeks

-I get more alerts about bombs on campus than calls from my parents

-FBI agents have been brought in to patrol campus 

-50,000 reward and its only going to increase

-They seem like they have no idea at all

-Threats started in one academic building, now dorms are being evacuated at 3am and we're getting at least 3 alerts every day now w/o shame


And that's just the past couple of days
I'd be on full investigation mode trying to find out who it is for that reward money
/\ what he said... shoot i might frame someone for 50k

either way i wouldnt be in class and id be up Pitts *** about a partial reembursiment... how u supposed to learn while not in class and also fearing for your life
Change schools/transfer. This aint cool at all.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

/\ what he said... shoot i might frame someone for 50k

either way i wouldnt be in class and id be up Pitts *** about a partial reembursiment... how u supposed to learn while not in class and also fearing for your life
 it went from 10k to 50, its probably gonna jump sooner rather than later too, me and some of my boys are snitching on anybody suspicious....and I'm definitely gonna look into that, already have had 2 midterms cancelled and moved to inconvenient dates though smh, I'm just hoping they catch this person/persons before finals week and graduation because that would be all types of crazy and the university is gonna be in a deep hole if anything causes evacuation during those times smh...this is really scaring me because when the reward went up, the threats started going to dorms with 1000's of kids in them...I'm shook 
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Change schools/transfer. This aint cool at all.

I really would consider that but it's too late for me now, I'm about to graduate 
....I know quite a few of underclassmen probably aren't gonna be back next year, people's parents paying tuition money are gonna be livid about this...worst part is it's the spring so there's a lot or prospective student tours going on, people are sick
well yeah, who voluntarily lives in Pittsburgh?

or anywhere in Pennsylvania for that matter

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

well yeah, who volunatarily lives in Pittsburgh?

or anywhere in Pennsylvania for that matter

 u need your alter ego to come in and hit yourself with that "blatant disrespect"

Originally Posted by LyonBC1

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Change schools/transfer. This aint cool at all.

I really would consider that but it's too late for me now, I'm about to graduate 
....I know quite a few of underclassmen probably aren't gonna be back next year, people's parents paying tuition money are gonna be livid about this...worst part is it's the spring so there's a lot or prospective student tours going on, people are sick

Contemplated going to Law School at Univ. of between this and the shooting a little while back, I think I made the right call.
Bruh, I'm really getting scared though.....we just had ANOTHER 3 threats for 3 more campus buildings a couple minutes how the hell do you have SEVEN bomb threats in one day, I really might not go to class for a few days this keeps getting worse, now people are bringing up the VA-Tech tragedy and how that was around this time.....
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