Conversations heard in public...

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I was on a plane on thursday and I hear the lady behind me say " I wish they would hurry the he'll up so we can take off" I'm thinking its some loud black lady. Then she goes "my kids call me the white Madea". Me and the lady next to me were so weak.

I was on the bus once in SF an heard some chicks having a conversation on pubic hair designs where one of them insisted that a zebra design was what she reallywanted down there. Mind you these girls were not attractive what so ever so the whole time i was just like
Two classics that i will remember always

First convo between my two cousins after we were driving home from a party.
Darryl: Who was at the party?
Cris: Everybody, but I was chillin with Darcel most of the time
Darryl: Darcel!!! Man dat girl does suck wood by crew
Cris: @#% is wrong with you, she only did dat 1and a 1/2 times
Darryl: Half ?


Second on the bus in DC
1st Kid: Son dis my first time round this way
(Long Pause)
2nd Kid: Man look, there is cemetery cross the street
1st Kid: (Looking out the window at the cemetery) Damn ain't nobody dead
2nd Kid: Yeah I know, wait till summer time
I kid you not, yesterday i was walking on campus, and this dude was walking in front of me with his girl, who i happen to know by face and she's
Anyway, this dude is talking about killing the lady bugs in his dorm, and she drops this gem " you're not supposed to kill ladybugs, they turn intobutterflies" Dude snapped his neck to the right so fast with the funniest look on his face. I was
In that order.
Me and my friend were standing on a busy sidewalk saturday when 2 middle aged people walk by

Woman:...what they do is they wax the cotton to make it water proof
Man: Interesting. I'll wax your cotton.
Woman: Yeah...

I like that guy, he's gonna seal the deal
o god i remember last time i was at work and there was a FETISH convention

well as i was cleaning a table (im a busboy for the weekends) and there was this table of like 5 people... i forgot exactly how the conversation went but all iknow is that they were talking about fisting each other

i left with the quickness with the
on my face
two clowns in the YMCA locker room were arguing about who is more skilled...a Mechanic, or doctor...

in eighth grade i was sitting behind this girl then says
Girl1: My $%#$* is tired of this !#+$..
Girl2: You have to calm yourself.

Me: Had the biggest $#+ moment ever.
1 day im at the bus stop and this chick is next to me on the phone
next thing i kno she like "baby baby u make me so mad but ima still suck yo ____ "
in my mind im like did u have to say it that loud
Waiting at Salt Lake City airport for my flight, and a father and his toddler son are about to check in for their flight.

Son who is on the father's back: *Groaning*
Father: "Oh, why don't you just cry a little more so that everyone can hear you?"
Son: "WAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

Everyone, I mean everyone in a 100 foot radius cracked up.
It was oneof those moments you had to be there to laugh at.
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