Cool Websites vol. no obvious ones

i typed so fast they had to give me a test to make sure I wasn't cheating.. which I passed, and got "certified" as able to type 109WPM's officially.

I've always been rape at typing.. i'm even on a crappy typing computer, give me a nice keyboard and watch out.
damn ryan, that's impressive.

here's a cool website: maybe it's "obvious"... i don't know what you kids look at these days.
typeracer my average is 100wpm. I can't help but always get typos.

Bookmarked this thread as well for those future lulz.
crafsty whoa, 120wpm. thats skill.

im hovering around 97/98wpm but theres always that one time when i make a mistake and backspacing just puts me out of my groove. do that twice and ur wpm takea big hit.
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