Cop Gets Owned By A Law Student

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart
I swear the responses on page one alone are ridiculous. At least Frosty gets it.

Maybe dude wanted to prove a point about police corruption. Nah, I'm just a lunatic racist what do I know.
If the police stopping people walking down the boulevard with guns is corruption, then it is corruption that is welcomed in my book.

I realize that there is a LOT wrong with the American justice system and the subsidiary police departments across the nation, but this isn't corruption in my opinion. Corruption are the officers on street patrol shaking down local hustlers for their rent money. Corruption is senior officers breaking bread with certain families to keep the department off their back. Corruption are the "rehabilitation" complexes that gross more money keeping people in prison than any other private sector entities in the world.

This isn't corruption. This is a police officer trying to assess a potentially dangerous situation, and a law student trying to get some attention by citing supreme court verdicts.
Originally Posted by XxxxMT23xxxX

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by XxxxMT23xxxX

cmon! kid was walking around with a gun in plain sight. CMON! licensed or not, CMON!

Whats wrong with that?
nothing illegal about it.  but u dont see anything wrong with it?

If it is in plain sight, I believe it is illegal regardless if you have a CHL or not. CHL states you can carry a gun on you as long it is hidden from view.
" It is a criminal offense for a license holder to carry a handgun in plain view, or to intentionally fail to conceal the weapon."

The kid didn't prove anything other than he is a douchbag.
Do I believe citizens have the right to bear arms yes,should they be allowed to carry them?Yes Is it something I'm okay with and comfortable with absolutely not. walking into an establishment gun openly displayed like that puts unnecessary fear in the other patrons and store owners.Why put fear and cause problems for no apparent reason .If people are enjoying their meal or they are shopping why would u purposely attempt to inspire fear and attention that way .
At pig love he proves no point about police corruption we live in a society where people get shot and killed constantly and guns are taken seriously .This isn't the wild west cops did their job by approaching him after being asked by folks to investigate .I honestly would like to know how they would have reacted if a black or Hispanic person did the same thing .
Originally Posted by XxxxMT23xxxX

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by XxxxMT23xxxX

cmon! kid was walking around with a gun in plain sight. CMON! licensed or not, CMON!
Whats wrong with that?
nothing illegal about it.  but u dont see anything wrong with it?
Please man aint nothing wrong. From that everyday carry thread all yall %%#!!* carry knives on you consistently.
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Originally Posted by XxxxMT23xxxX

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Whats wrong with that?
nothing illegal about it.  but u dont see anything wrong with it?
If it is in plain sight, I believe it is illegal regardless if you have a CHL or not. CHL states you can carry a gun on you as long it is hidden from view.
" It is a criminal offense for a license holder to carry a handgun in plain view, or to intentionally fail to conceal the weapon."

The kid didn't prove anything other than he is a douchbag.
You don't have any evidence of that since the vid started when he was stopped.
This happened ion my city.
But I don't care. You walkin around with a pistol I'm calling the cops. I don't need that stuff around.
Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart
I swear the responses on page one alone are ridiculous. At least Frosty gets it.

Maybe dude wanted to prove a point about police corruption. Nah, I'm just a lunatic racist what do I know.
If the police stopping people walking down the boulevard with guns is corruption, then it is corruption that is welcomed in my book.

I realize that there is a LOT wrong with the American justice system and the subsidiary police departments across the nation, but this isn't corruption in my opinion. Corruption are the officers on street patrol shaking down local hustlers for their rent money. Corruption is senior officers breaking bread with certain families to keep the department off their back. Corruption are the "rehabilitation" complexes that gross more money keeping people in prison than any other private sector entities in the world.

This isn't corruption. This is a police officer trying to assess a potentially dangerous situation, and a law student trying to get some attention by citing supreme court verdicts.
You know Hitler took all the guns away from the Jews too.

Just saying

Read up on your history kiddies.
Open carry is legal is several states. There was nothing illegal or wrong about what he did.

Law enforcement studies have show that criminals go through extreme lengths to conceal their weapons and citizens who open carry are highly unlikely to commit gun crimes.

Too many Americans think assbackwards, thats why our nation is falling into disrepair....uninformed citizens.
Originally Posted by babylonzion

I like to see this. cops in my area wouldnt be so passive..
Yeah, it's always good to know the law and your rights but some cops are going to do what they want to do.  If questioned about it, it'll be your word versus theirs.
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by Pig Love

You know Hitler took all the guns away from the Jews too.

Just saying

And Reagan wouldn't let the panthers have guns either just saying
Wow dude, are you always right behind me? Is that you Deuce King?

The Black Panthers weren't killed in dutch ovens you ******.
The where slaughtered in US cities.

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Open carry is legal is several states. There was nothing illegal or wrong about what he did.

Law enforcement studies have show that criminals go through extreme lengths to conceal their weapons and citizens who open carry are highly unlikely to commit gun crimes.

Too many Americans think assbackwards, thats why our nation is falling into disrepair....uninformed citizens.
Say it again!
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by Pig Love

You know Hitler took all the guns away from the Jews too.

Just saying

And Reagan wouldn't let the panthers have guns either just saying

Reagan was a pig and is the prime example that republicans don't give a !%*@ about small government. What's your point? Asserting your rights against a hostile police force is not wrong.
Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by Midnight Hype

wow impressive knowledge is power. I wonder if the Law student was of diffrent ethnicity, how would have this situation turned out?
"Sir, the 1982 case Brown vs Texas states that-" *zzzzzzzzz zzzzzz*


straight sleeeeep...

o wamt tp see a black law studen pull this, though...
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by XxxxMT23xxxX

cmon! kid was walking around with a gun in plain sight. CMON! licensed or not, CMON!
Whats wrong with that?
You seriously don't see the problem with that?

I don't know the guy, I'm not sure what he's gonna do with it, but what is the point of even having it out for everyone to see?
Originally Posted by CJ863

Saw this earlier today. I'm not even gonna open the blatant can of worms here

It's true though. And it'll probably end up another topic of discussion in this thread eventually.

Spoiler [+]
In all honesty, could a black or latino person have done what this guy did? Even if they were well spoken, law school educated, well dressed, mild mannered, law abiding citizens who did exactly what this guy did? They probably wouldn't of even got the chance to talk. Not saying anyone should of done what the guy in the video did, but they were mighty calm with this guy who had a gun on him out in public in clear view during the middle of the day.

What if im in a highly congested area and the clubs are just letting out. And cops telling us to move. Any past case the boy can refernce so me and the homies can post up and keep hollering at these females???????

Please respond...The Taste and Black Expo coming up!
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by Pig Love

You know Hitler took all the guns away from the Jews too.

Just saying

And Reagan wouldn't let the panthers have guns either just saying

Reagan was a pig and is the prime example that republicans don't give a !%*@ about small government. What's your point? Asserting your rights against a hostile police force is not wrong.

My point is pig lover loves to gloss over any thing that happens in American history as either irrelevant or pretends that it never truly happened or isn't a valid source of comparison .He will go snatch an example from across the seas but he knowlingly will pass over ones that happened in America .
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by Pig Love

You know Hitler took all the guns away from the Jews too.

Just saying

And Reagan wouldn't let the panthers have guns either just saying
Wow dude, are you always right behind me? Is that you Deuce King?

The Black Panthers weren't killed in dutch ovens you ******.

Edit: I'm sorry, this is one of the most ignorant things I have ever read in my life. You actually think that is a relevant comparison? You are a sad, disgusting individual. I wish you the best of luck.

This is the first time NT has really pissed me off.
The sad irony of you telling ppl to read up on something and not being aware of how the original Black Panthers came to their demise. For someone constantly pointing out what the current president and government are doing you'd think you'd be aware of what they've done in the past.

I mean look at you man, you basically over here trying to have a pissing contest.
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